A Chat for Everybody!

Iā€™d have picked ethics.

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Lol nah, you actually have to study for that, in religion you can just answer every question with some form of ā€œbelieve in god!!ā€ Lol


Wanna help me clean the forum games section? Iā€™m currently sorting through the open threads before march :eyes::green_heart:

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Of course! Well, later. I have class, but should be back inā€¦two hours? Is that ok?

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Sure, Iā€™ll be sorting through stuff meanwhile, have fun =)

I think u meant @//Meekepeek :sweat_smile:

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HAHAHAHAHA! Damn it. This was me copying and posting in a rush. Sorry.

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religion quizzes/tests are the easiest lmao

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Iā€™m honestly fine with learning about religions different from my own. There are actually people who donā€™t let their kids learn about any other religions, but I have no problem with that. Just because a person is learning about it doesnā€™t mean that theyā€™re going to change religions or believe in something different than what is taught at home.

This isnā€™t directed at anyone on the forumsā€¦ itā€™s just that I remembered when we had a unit on world religions in high school, some parents didnā€™t want their kids learning about different religions.

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I actually do and donā€™t. I want to climb trees but Iā€™m scared to do so. When I was 7 I fell down a tree and cut open my leg. I ended up with 11 stitches and a scar thatā€™s 1cm thick and 10cm long. itā€™s big and ugly and I have days I donā€™t like it, but ah well. but since then when I try to climb a tree Iā€™m always scared it will happen again.


Ah, that sucks. Ha, thatā€™d probably put me off too

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Iā€™ve done it as a kid when I was around 12, but now that my brain understands risks and consequences, itā€™s a no go. :joy:

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Iā€™m working on Deadly Nightshade. Iā€™m up to episode 7 and things are getting goooood

My story made it onto the October Editorā€™s Picks shelf!!! :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

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Canadian mansions are fire. They look gorgeous, and so do New York townhouses

So as a writer, I like to search up actual houses/places for my stories for settings. I also love looking at houses (I make sure theyā€™re on sale.) Some of the houses Iā€™ve seen make me wanna buy them, honestlyā€¦ like- give me that mansion NOW lmao

Then I remember Iā€™m broke

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Some mansions in California are awesome too

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