A Chat for Everybody!

TINA HI SO I was just procrastinating as one does yknow and then I realized that I like never responded to this of your question thread which gaaasp especially because you really went off with the book plots and obviously I’d like to be immersed in that so here we are :sparkles:


in a post-apocalyptic world:
there’s no one else alive but… a cactusblossomlotion… gasp no, it can’t be-

There’s more to the sign tho! Probably! :grinning: never claimed to be an astrology master :woman_cartwheeling:t5:

Well that’s tough
I cross narnia off hypothetical popular books to read list


Those names are so opposite though :sob::sob: that is so amusing to me

HA I THOUGHT YOU MEANT LIKE HAZMAT SUIT AND I WAS LIKE :face_with_hand_over_mouth: that went from 0 to 100 real quiKKKK



did she drown or like :woman_standing:

Of course it’s Brandon :roll_eyes::raised_hand:t5:

Ooooh that is SO SWEET
It seems like a rad book though I might check it out and then we can bookplot indefinitely~~~~

SILENCE (read in french okay thank)

OOH I HAVE NOT READ A GOOD COMEDY SINCE MY iFunny days and those other books by the same author whiches names I have forgotten


Well there look Maxyboy, you’re not a total nobody—they know you!

oh wow of course it was
how embarrazzing

OOOOH LA LAA cool cool

Welllll we do love plot twists
but you expected le plot twist-? Was it good at least :')

merci Tina thank you for indulging me :pray:t5::sparkles: