A Chat for Everybody!

Happy birthday!! :tada:


Happy birthday!



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Birthday noms.


Oooh looks good :eyes::sparkles:

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Even betterŁ« all of it was free. I was amazed.

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The Starbucks tastes like a pumpkin spice latte. If you like thoseŁ« try this.


Okay, so I have this idea that I want to run by with others. Iā€™m planning on making a fanfic about the characters from SWTOR that Iā€™ve made plus with canon characters from the game. This is going to be a giant connected family in a sense plus other characters I can make into family members later on. Also, Iā€™m going to make a fanfic based on an OC for the Skywalker Saga as well. Iā€™m planning to start with the SWTOR fanfic first. Iā€™m just debating on how I should place the characters though. Should the main character be with the dark side, light side, or neutral? I didnā€™t feel like making a big thread asking about this.

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I think you should mix it up. Have him or her either be neutral or dark and change for the better. Have your OC find something worth fighting for and change sides for that reason.

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I was thinking basing the first fanfic off of Jezebel my Sith Warrior who actually a light side force user. She is one my main characters that I like. It just depends on where I can connect the stories together.

Oh yeah! Iā€™ve seen her, sheā€™s pretty cool. Can you make her a Skywalker though? It might be a bit tricky. We can plot back and forth if you want? Give you some ideas for your fic.

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Yep,Iā€™m not sure if I can make into a Skywalker. Her story is 3,000 years before the Skywalker Saga.

Damnā€¦okay I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good idea then :laughing: well if youā€™re wanting a Skywalker fanfic I donā€™t think using her as your main OC would work. You could always have two OCs and have one as a Skywalker and then her.

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Add an extra 0 by accident. Yeah, I could say like she character is a descendant but it would a very long stretch since the Sith Pureblood race was pretty much extinct by the time of the Skywalker Saga.

Ahh okay that makes more sense to me now. I need to brush up on my Star Wars knowledge lol

Hi. Be motivated.

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No is not an option.

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The power of procrastination has overpowered me