A Chat for Everybody!

Once upon a kingdom thwre was an Atalesta named rime

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does this translate to ā€œlaterā€

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3 years ago

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and a boy whose name is naem. HELP WHY IS MY PHONE SO LAGGY am i supposed to carry a laptop everywhere now

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Are you reliving tmfpw

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There was a friend named Florisā€¦

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did we improve

okay but im up for that anytime but i should rise up from sleep (i forgot the term HELP) because

its3 am and i havent washed the dishes yet

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trauma flashbacks

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Wash them before rhe uprising


Hello forums how are you

a hmmm named uhhh

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im gonna leave you now grandpa. on your own. i may or may not come back. but be ready for whatā€™s to comeā€¦

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Thsnk you for teh blessing Linda, bave a merry year and a happy new christmas :new:

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See you on discordā€¦ You canā€™t escape meā€¦



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Good Morning GIF

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Yes I am therefore I think

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But to be is to be think to be ?