A Weekly Photography Challenge


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Maybe you should make a photography tag specific for this. Compared to the other things artists get tagged in, this pushes the definition of ‘art’


Which will have even fewer people in the tag and so even less interest. I mean, photography is a form of art, it’s digital art.

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photography is a form of art tho.
you can get really artsy with photography


PLEASE?! Guys, @Artists, only 7 voters and a three-way tie. Could you just help to vote even if you’re not going to participate.


Challenge seventeen theme: Rain

Submit your entries below, @Artists! (wink)

Remember to check the rules first.


heeey happy forumversary!!!

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I don’t necessarily think that the interest will wain if there is a separate tag for this challenge if there aren’t many users currently interested. If anything, it will make sure that everyone in the specific tag will actually participate in submissions for this thread.

And you can get artsy with photography, but you can also get artsy with everything


The problem is that it’s already waining and I’d rather reach a larger audience. If people don’t want to see it then they can mute the thread. I’m not going to make yet another tag with very few people to join (we already have so many like that), when I’m not sure whether I’ll be keeping this open or not.

As for the “get artsy with photography” comment, this is where I will strongly disagree. You don’t have to get artsy with it, as EVERY form of photography (film and digital) is a form of art. Photography is just a different media in which to use to create a visual product. As with films too, filmmaking is also another form of art. (shy smile) Sorry, I feel strongly about this 'cause this is what I studied in.

Thanks. (wink)

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Good. Incentive to take a shower. I haven’t taken one in three days. I don’t smell, but I need to take one. I’m sorry, you didn’t need to know that.

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Yup same here.

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Here’s one entery, turns out we need more rain themes because its been non rainy since then.

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It’s been hot here for a long time but found this that might fit?


Oooh I like that as in interpretation, it’s really cool!


Any more rain entries, @Artists, we only have two?

That’s all I got



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RIP me.

Lmaooooo why am I laughinggg… I love thiss

bruh it’s only sun here, no rain
and I’m lazy to take pics so yes


It is pretty funny.

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