Accusations 😱

@SkyWalker is a liar

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@fraud loves me not :cry:

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@SkyWalker I’m accusing you of being the best :smiley_cat:

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@fraud is the best of the best.


@SkyWalker is actually a Ground Sleeper :scream:

@Eccentric is snores loudly at night!

@Secretz doesn’t have any secrets

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@Eccentric stole @Kiwi’s kiwis :scream::rose::two_hearts:

@Rose stole my pasta :eyes::eyes:

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@Duckling is a cult leader

@idiot.exe burned Pasta. :eyes:

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@glxwingAngel is a traitor

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@idiot.exe is lying

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@glxwingAngel is speaking untruthfully

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@idiot.exe is being unreasonable.

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@glxwingAngel is composing sentences in a manner that makes me, idiot.exe, believe that she is not, in fact, speaking the truth about the topic, therefore lying.

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@idiot.exe is writing a whole paragraph for simply no reason. What I accuse her of is the truth and nothing but the truth.

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@glxwingAngel is questioning my sentences

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@idiot.exe is completely correct.

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@glxwingAngel is suspiciously siding with me

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