This was an assignment for school to ask this question to adults that I know, I am probably only gonna record the answers of my family IRL, but I thought that this is an interesting topic for everyone to discuss.
And by younger, I mean in your teens, but you can go younger if you want.
This might sound cliche but that its okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to mess up, don’t hate yourself for it. What seems like your problem now for school or whatever, is not going to be a problem for you years down the line. Accept your mistakes, forgive yourself, and move on and do better next time.
I would tell my teenager self that not everyone is looking at you: no matter how much your paranoid and self cautious side assures you that everyone is.
I have a savings account and I never take out that money, it isn’t much though, all the rest of the money I get I usually spend or just keep, but I don’t spend my money on much soo.
I wish I knew that just following some steps (get great grades, go to a good college) wouldn’t actually automatically set you up for life. You’ve got to figure out what you’re passionate about and not be afraid to go for it. Talk to teachers and professors, it doesn’t matter if your questions seems stupid or obvious, you’re worth their time. I feel like I wasted a lot of time in college (uni) making up for like not being cool in HS and that was silly late bloomer and discovered that guys were attracted back to me haha. It led to good things, eventually, met my husband through a friend from college but I wish I tried harder instead of giving up when I first encountered hardship in my studies (HS was too easy for me, so when uni wasn’t the same I thought I was just too stupid for my school). I graduated but am not proud of my grades or my time there, I should have tried more things outside my comfort zone, like internships and other classes/majors. It’s hard to decide and in the US where it costs SOOOO much money, you don’t feel like you have time to take an extra year because you switched your major to something you’re more passionate about.
Also, it may seem like it’s too late, but really it’s not. Even now, I’m figuring out my career. It doesn’t have to be all decided. Many people go into professions that had nothing to do with their major…
Don’t be scared to branch out with friends and relationships. It’s your learning curb. Don’t turn down once and lifetime opportunities that are given to you.
1)Probably, to fully know who God is. So that I wouldn’t believe in the lies of Satan.
2)That I’m not a witch and that Satan is behind it.
I wouldn’t believe in aliens or ghost either. 3)Probably don’t watched horror film cuz I was damaging my soul.
4)Don’t believe a guy that says he likes or thinks I’m pretty just so that…
Wait until I was married. I realized that if he truly loves me he wouldn’t try to force/ or make me feel guilty of not doing something. Cuz if I had a child doesn’t mean I have a child with him especially if I’m not ready for a second child.
5)Don’t stay in abusive relationship even if he keeps saying he’s sorry. I realized that it might be better for both of us to be separated.
6)To know what kind of man/ husband I need. Not knowing would be not good. Cuz any guy can say things that makes me think he’s the one when really he’s not.
There’s probably a lot more but I can’t think of anymore.