Are Details Important In Your Story?

I like centering in on specific details… like describing a scene. Too much details are bad but I like writing details! They are kinda essential to stories. But I’m kinda bad at writing them lol.



I think it’s important to write details, but also make sure you’re aware: people will assume that whatever you draw attention to is important or that it will come up later. When it doesn’t, you get the set-up without the pay-off!

This can be really frustrating for readers. They can’t trust you to fire that loaded gun that’s been sitting at the back of the room. So, they’ll lose the significance of when you choose to hone in on a few details and think you’re just being random for the sake of being random. Not many people like pointless randomness!

Remember that the stories that stand the test of time are the ones with many layers. Using those subtle details to hint and foreshadow is one way to achieve some great layers in your story.

Check out my post one Chekhov’s Gun for more information on that!


Chekhov’s Gun: Keeping Everything Relevant

^ I forgot to link it :joy:


I think details are important, but you have to do them correctly to make them set the scene without pulling focus from the plot

Yes, they are important but they have to be important. Useless details only add to the word count and boredom.

In my story, I try to add a few details which are really important for the story, but I don’t want to focus too much on them. I really don’t like it when there are too many details because it makes me feel like everything is too important :joy: So I keep the details to a minimum, at least I try to.

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