Are ducks friends or food?

I’ve never had them and don’t intend to…
My neighbours eat them and I think someone in my fam ate them already

Curry duck that is

my family likes to eat duck, but i personally don’t like the taste of duck meat. so friends for me :sunglasses:

Frood :eyes:

I don’t think I ever had duck meat before. I only eat duck eggs.

Both food and friends :eyes::sweat_smile: (I don’t eat them tho yikes)


depends on the situation. if you are on a stranded island and ducks is the only option of food (which would be a last resort) then you go nom nom.

they are friends unless they attack you otherwise =)

bro we bengalis eat duck meat all the time
BUT I DON’T bcz i dont like it that much

ew not food
me vegetarian

FRIENDS :duck::pleading_face:

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Agreed. Ducks are definitely friends and not food!

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Added the discussion & opinion tags :maple_leaf:

But who said you can’t eat your friends?

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I tried it once before my veggie days. It was nice

Friends and food

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