Are You The One? - Signups & Announcements (reserves now closed, no exceptions)

reality is not real


Sorry, I can change mine

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I think youā€™re good with Amariā€™s actually.

Thatā€™s always a smart way to do it just in case.

And I guess my first post stating the current day either wasnā€™t clear enough or not everyone paid attention to it either. :sweat:

Iā€™d say edit it a little, just to mention that the flight there wouldā€™ve been the day before then that he came from a hotel that morning

I think Mars is good.

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Also yā€™all, Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™m being particular about this. I just want everybody to start from a consistent spot.


Diiiid you share who your chars would like?? Just by looks


I did not share mine. But I can probably share the top few for my boys though

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Ok thank u!!

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@sunflowerjm @raviola @Madilfill @DandelionKate @Caticorn @Jass @solitaire @Kristi @astxrism @CerealKiller @ChayChay05 @Kate

Alright yā€™all itā€™s time for me to ask, when do you guys want to start the next RP day?

The next RP day will be the official Day 1. Which will include the very first date and truth booth of the season.

Also, how do we want to decide the couple/s for the first date? We have a few options.

  • We can do a challenge of some kind (either a quote/fact matching challenge, or some other challenge where Iā€™d have everyone send me a number and the one/s closest to the number I pick get to go on the date)
  • It could be first come first serve, where whoever volunteers in chat first gets to have their character on the date
  • I could randomly select characters myself
  • We (or the characters) could do a vote to pick who goes on the date.

I like this one honestly

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I would be curious to see how this would play out

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  • This weekend
  • Monday/Tuesday
  • Earlier
  • Later
0 voters

Pick from the options I mentioned above

  • option 1
  • option 2
  • option 3
  • option 4
  • Some other method
0 voters

@sunflowerjm @raviola @Madilfill @DandelionKate @Caticorn @Jass @solitaire @Kristi @astxrism @CerealKiller @ChayChay05 @Kate

The first poll doesnā€™t seem to workā€¦


I donā€™t know why itā€™s not. :thinking: Iā€™ll fix it in just a few minutes though. Once I finish putting groceries away

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Okā€¦ that 1st poll still doesnā€™t want to workā€¦

Let me just try a new post for it

  • This weekend
  • Monday/Tuesday
  • Earlier
  • Later
0 voters

Also, minor announcement everybody!

Weā€™ve got a group tag now! So for any future announcements and new days, Iā€™ll be using the @AYTO tag




yes indeed. We just made it together and it was a lot faster and easier than I thought


Alright yā€™all, looks like according to the poll, Iā€™ll randomly select characters for the date.

So now thereā€™s a couple ways I can do this.

  • I can either select 1 guy and 1 girl and they go on a date together.
  • I can randomly select 2 guys and 2 girls for the date. (Which would be a double date situation but itā€™d be their choice who they spent their time with)
  • Or I can randomly select 2 characters, and then they/their owners can each pick who they want to go on the date with. (Which technically if itā€™s a guy and a girl, they could pick each other and it be just them on the date)



This one 100%