Bad Days at work/school Stories!

Just as the title says place your story of a bad day at work that really pissed you off or at school for those that don’t have a job yet.

My Bad Day Story:

This happened yesterday, this woman I work with who is the baker likes to order people around even though she isn’t the manager. She has been harping at me for over three months now on the smallest of things now. Such as; getting the dishes done and dried out before I leave but one thing she seems to have forgotten is we don’t have a machine to dry the pans so I have to let them dry naturally. Another one, is if the trash is a quarter of the way full I leave it because it can be still used what is the point of wasting the bag with so little in it. There are other things too but those are the big ones she likes to nitpick at. Back to the story at hand, I come today knowing I had not gotten the donuts done. I was going to apologize for that but instead the baker decides to start yelling at me saying she does all this work and I left the dishes in the sink (first big complaint from above) that I had cleaned before. I then proceed to explain that I didn’t have a way to dry them off since they were still heavily drenched the night before. Note, she thinks I do nothing at night when I’m the one who cleans up the dang mess she leaves after she leaves. Well, let’s just say that part where she said she does some much in the day struck a nerve for me and I snapped. Now, we were both yelling at each other I had to run out of the bakery to start scanning stuff to stop the fight from escalating any further but she kept following me! She then threatened to go to a manager I told go head lets see what they say. They said exactly what I thought they would say. She needed to stop badgering me and to go to either Kim or one the store managers if there is a problem. I already do that when I have problems. I came so close to smacking her. I’m apprehensive of tomorrow since I have to deal with her again. Oh, another thing is, she waste time doing the breakout just to wait until I come in to snap at me and make me do things for her. The part that pissed me off the most today is that she acted like nothing happened literally 15 minutes later! I’m not going into major details because a few choice words were exchanged between the two of us.

So post your bad day stories down below. It can be from anything that put you in a sour mood.


I didn’t feel so good at school one day, but couldn’t leave earlier, so I told the teacher that I didn’t feel so good and asked her to just ignore me for the lesson. Instead she licked me to repeat what we did last lesson and graded it while I just felt like dying because I felt sick… And two hours later we wrote a surprise test in physics where I only realised that I used km/h instead of m/s a minute before our time was over…
And I didn’t bring enough food with me that day, so I just felt hungry for half of the day…


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That is definitely a bad day. I know how you feel though I worked until from 1:40pm-9pm without a break so I didn’t eat until near 10pm.

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Omg, we do the same sh*t in physics. Oh dang, i feel so sorry for you.

To stay on topic, i gotta say this teacher is just-


Damn, that is a bad day

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Yep, now I’m getting ready to go in to deal with her again. Let’s see if she listened to the GM of our store.

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Yeah, I was pissed the rest of the day. Still a little peeved by it today.


Oh my god, that really sounds horrible…

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Yep, I just want this shif to go by without any problems.

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I have one from last year.

Bad day:

It the Thursday before the last day of school before going on Easter break, and I was teaching second grade. The kids were extremely disobedient and hyper that day. We had to do a listening quiz right before they had to leave the classroom to go to technology class, and this one girl thought it would be so funny to scream her head off during the quiz. For no reason. After that class ended, they came back to the room and hardly anyone paid attention while I was trying to explain the assignment they were going to do. They were out of their seats, playing, talking, and laughing. We had surveillance cameras in every classroom at that school, and all of a sudden, the principal who is very short-tempered and strict came in the room to scold the class. So I started saying ‘shhh’ so that the kids would calm down and pay attention, but I accidentally continued saying it even though she was scolding the kids. Well, she got really mad at me and yelled, “And YOU! STOP with your SHHH!” right in front of the kids. It really made me feel awful. I’m a teacher, not a kid that needs to be scolded. It was one of the worst days of the entire school year.


Dang, that is a really bad day for everyone. Kid’s are still learning to not be loud during that time. She shouldn’t have snapped at the kids or you for that matter.

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So update to my bad day. This is something I had not heard correctly when the coworker and I were fighting. She apparently was going to the manager to get me fired. I have been at this store longer than her. She also failed at getting me fired. She speaks really fast because she is from Turkey. Though she also has not learned as much english as she said she would. I understand what she says most of the time. It’s only when we get into fights like this that I didn’t realize she had said that. Thank you to my other coworker who got the store manager involved or the fight would have escalated even more.


:pouting_cat: that is so rude! I bet you are fenomenal at your job :pouting_cat:

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Thank you! I’m the only one who closes the bakery every night I work.

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Closed due to inactivity :zombie: