Beverly Shores | Official Thread



゚。 Beck x Ly

“Why don’t you go fck yourself, since you do that with everyone else right? Yeah, I’ve heard the rumors. …Even as a fake boyfriend, Lysander is more of a man than you’ll ever be.” Click.

Shaun stood frozen, the phone still pressed to his ear, as the line went dead. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut, and his breath caught in his throat. He took a deep, shaky breath, trying to process the hurtful words that Beck had just hurled at him.

For a moment, he stood there in stunned silence, the only sound his own ragged breathing. Mariya popped around the corner—obviously eavesdropping, and looked up at him concern etched on her face. Shaun slowly nodded, trying to shake off the numbness that was settling over him, as he stepped away from his mother’s door and Mariya went in.

”Wow,” Shaun muttered, feeling like he’d been blindsided by a sledgehammer. He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the growing headache. His phone pinged with—a bowl of ice? He didn’t wait as he saw the little three dots danced while Lysander typed.

He looked away from the phone, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for an escape from the emotions that were churning inside him. How could Beck say those things? How could she be so cruel and hurtful? So… true? He realized that maybe, just maybe, she was right. All the mixed signals, the confusing messages—maybe he had been playing games with her, too.

[center] After a few moments of hesitation, he opened a new message—on Instagram, of all places, tapping Beatrice’s name. He needed her input—someone who could provide insight without the emotional baggage of the situation. Hopefully. Ugh, he didn’t want to drag another person into this mess but he had no one else to turn to. Worse came to worse she’d say no…

Hey Beatrice, I know this is a bit out of the blue, but I could really use your advice about something. It’s about Beck, and things have gotten… complicated between us. Either way let me know please. I just want to understand things better, both for myself and for her.

As soon as he hit send a new message from his favorite, officially confirmed fake boyfriend, Lysander. He’d honestly just thought Josie was insulting them by saying Lysander was a fake boyfriend but apparently she had been right all along… maybe he should take pointers from Josie? They used to be friends…. Anyways, Shaun swiped to open the message, but the moment he glanced at the first few lines, a heaviness settled over him. It was everything he expected from Lysander—a defensive rant masked as protection. He didn’t even need to read the entire message to know it wasn’t worth his time.[/center]

All the confusion, hurt, and anger towards Beck swirled into a singular pulse of irritation directed at Lysander. He felt his pulse quicken with each word he read, even if he hadn’t gotten through the entirety of it. In one swift motion, Shaun made a decision. Without a second thought, he pressed the block button, severing any line of communication with Beck’s “boyfriend”

Shaun was honestly ready to power off his phone when—ding. His phone echoed, and he thought it must be Beatrice. Shaun’s eyes rolled slightly as he glanced at the screen again, this time noticing the name “Ashley” flash at the top. A pang of annoyance shot through him, but he couldn’t deny the fact that he had just mentally prepared himself to shut off his phone in an attempt to process his own thoughts without distraction.

He rubbed his temples, trying to ward off a headache. “Not again,” he muttered to himself. Ashley, the woman who had been a part of an online beef with Beck, had somehow gotten wind of the situation and decided to reach out to him. Shaun hadn’t even met Ashley in person, yet their past digital interactions had somehow woven themselves into the complex relationship… or lack of? He wasn’t entirely sure.

Maybe he was being childish now, but in that moment, he felt a surge of rebellious energy. If Beck wanted to dismiss him so easily, let her see what she was missing. There was a temptation to retaliate—to show her that he could move on, too, or at least find some semblance of happiness outside their chaotic relationship. Before he could talk himself out of it, Shaun opened the message, his fingers dancing hesitantly over the screen as he prepared to compose a message back to Ashley. He couldn’t deny the small thrill that accompanied the thought of defiance.


Ashley, I do appreciate the kind words
I can’t lie, I don’t think I’d be good company tonight but I’d love you take you out another evening if that works with you?

He hit send before his brain could register the hesitation that fluttered in his stomach. There it was—a small act of rebellion against the hurt he felt, and almost a way of saying to Beck, ‘Flirting with Ashley? I’ll show you flirting with Ashley.’

A rush of adrenaline coursed through him, quickly followed by a wave of guilt. Was he being fair to Ashley? Did she really deserve to be a pawn in this emotional game? He knew he should have just respected the chaos and kept a safe distance, but the allure of Ashley as a means to distract him from the pain was too appealing to resist.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he tried to shake off the guilt. Did it even matter now? Beck had thrown him aside, and maybe this was just a way to reclaim some agency in the situation.

──── @Kbail@LunaticLeviTheSecond ────

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Time Skip to the next day at 5pm

The air crackled with anticipation. A small crowd, mostly residents of Beverly Shores, had gathered in the town’s community hall, their faces a mixture of curiosity and civic duty. The two mayoral candidates, Shaun Cohen and Isabella Lopez, stood poised behind their respective podiums, the weight of the upcoming speeches palpable.The moment had arrived; the mayoral race was about to enter its final, and perhaps most crucial, stage. Let the speeches begin

@eunoia @ChayChay05 @LunaticLeviTheSecond @Kate @SotaForgotten @Caticorn @Ouijaloveletters

disclaimer: just doing timeskips to wrap storylines up :blush: not trying to be the new owner. k bye



“She’s indisposed? What happened?” Beatrice asked, which angered him. “I think you know what happened.” Beatrice no doubt saw how her comment on Instagram negatively impacted her, the comments people made, and theres a high chance she saw the argument online. There is no way she doesn’t know what happened. Beatrice pushed her way into the house and Lysander would’ve thrown her out immediately, but it wasn’t his choice. Beck didn’t even know Beatrice was here and she might want to talk to her, he has no idea how Beck would react, so it’s not his place to act on her behalf.
Beatrice was in the house all but 10 seconds when Lysander realized she didn’t know where to go, where Beck’s bedroom is or any of the rooms. That spoke volumes about their own relationship.
Lysander figured he’d let Beatrice go to Beck and only throw Beatrice out if Beck decides so or if she has a bad reaction to seeing Beatrice. That is why he decided to show her where to go. “She’s in her bedroom, follow me.” as he slowly made his way up the stairs to her bedroom.
He let her enter first and he said. “Beck there’s somebody here to see you.”
“Beck what happened?” Once again, she acted as if she didn’t know what she did. Even if her intentions were pure, she still would’ve realized how it bacfired and not asked something so triggering to both of them.
"What are you doing here? Beck asked as soon as she reaiized who it was, and Lysander stood closer behind Beatrice, waiting, just in case she needs to be escorted out. The tone of Beck’s voice when she asked that question gave Lysander the impression (which he thought before but didn’t want to judge a book by it’s cover) that Beck didn’t want to see Beatrice, so he was prepared to take action when and if she says she doesn’t want to see Beatrice.
“Then why were you crying, and who is this?” She turned around and pointed to him and Lysander turned serious and arched his brow. “I am her bodyguard. If you really want Beck to do okay after what just happened, then you’ll correct the impression you gave the public online. You are also the reason she’s crying tonight. It’s distressing enough for Beck to go through the fiasco that went on over Instagram, but when you made that comment that made everybody assume she was a liar and a manipulator … That set the nail in the coffin. If you really cared about Beck you’d make what you wrote right, and by that I don’t mean deleting it because it’s already spread like wildfire. I mean making posts correcting people and saying that Beck didn’t do anything wrong.” He said, angered by how she didn’t realize how much she added to the hurt caused to Beck tonight. He … started considering her a friend and didn’t want anything to happen to her. He turned to Beck. “Beck, if you want me to escort your sister out, just let me know, I’ll be around.” He started picking up the empty bottles and snack wrappers from their hangout together to both keep busy while around Beck and Beatrice, but to also not let Beck cry in a trashed room. He wanted to make her comfortable. He threw a lot of the garbage away when he got a notification on his phone.
Then he stopped in his tracks because two shocking things appeared on his phone. First was the fact Shaun blocked him. Fine, block me, but know that if you ignore my warning and decide to hurt her once more, you’ll no longer be able to see her. I’ll make sure nothing harmful ever comes across her, especially not a slimy jerk, who can’t commit, like you. Being blocked didn’t hurt him at all, in fact that was going to be his last message to Shaun anyways, and he would’ve removed him from the people able to see his posts.
The other shocking thing was a message from that man he met in Brazil … Beck’s friend’s ex husband. At first he didn’t want to listen to Lysander’s advice, but by the end of the night he listened. They exchanged numbers when they both got drunk and only realized it was stupid to do when they both got sober, because who would want to keep the number of person they don’t plan on contacting ever again. However, not it seemed as if served Ezra well since he was in a tight spot and didn’t know what to do.
He returned upstairs and informed Beck that he has to go. “Hey Beck, sorry to interrupt your talk with your sister, but Ezra, you know Ravneet’s ex husband, just told me his apartment flooded and even showed me an image. He’s freaking out and says he needs my help. If you need me at all, call me, but I’m going to go help him out if that’s okay with you.” When she said it was fine and that she has everything under control, Lysander left.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Lysander reached Ezra’s house and immediately cut the power so none of them were shocked by any electrical device that was submerged in the water. Then he cut off the water to stop it from flooding anymore. He calmed Ezra down and made sure he realized the flooding wasn’t his fault or something he did, but that it was the result of a negligent landlord. He determined the flooding was caused by a burt pipe. He told Ezra to take out his phone and document the damage to show to the landlord later, of the old pipes and how they should’ve been better mantained, of the water, of the destroyed items. He also told him to take out any valuables he wants to save out of the apartment and into some sort of a lockbox to keep them from being damaged by water. While Ezra doing that Lysander was cleaning the water and making sure there was no mold in the walls. The night ended with Lysander convincing Ezra that he can’t use his own money on a room while this problem was being fixed because who knows if the landlord would make a huge problem out of this dragging it throug court, which would result in him losing more money than he should have. Lysander told Ezra to crash at his place until suitable temporary housing is offered by the landlord, which won’t happen for at least one night.

By the time they reached Lysanders’ flat they were both exhausted and both crashed out. Lysander on the couch, and Ezra in Lysanders’ bed. Lysander insisted on Ezra taking the bed, saying how he shouldn’t sleep in discomfort since his night was already pretty stressful and uncomfortable.

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Since they both fell asleep pretty late in the night, so late that it was almost morning, Lysander woke up at 3pm. He woke before Ezra, probably because the couch was less comfortable than a bed, but Lysander didn’t mind since he used to sleep in far less comfortable settings in the war. Although he loved his job before, he was thankful the lest comfortable place he has to sleep now in a couch, and no longer would he sleep on the ground or in his plane. Wanting to help Ezra feel comfortable and at home, he decided to dress and start making pancakes for the two of them. It has been a while since Lysander had homemade pancakes, at least 15 years had passed since. The smell of the pancakes must’ve reached the bed and woke Ezra up, becuase Lysander could hear the springs on the bed moving much faster than if Ezra was tossing and turning. As if he was just getting up.

@Kbail - Beck/Beatrice mentioned
@eunoia - Ezra; Suan mentioned
@Jass - Ravi mentioned


Isabella stood there confused and worried he would leave her again. Like not in just going back to his farm, but like not talk to her anymore… type of leave her. That is what she feared the most. She didn’t fear him going to the farm and taking care of his horses and other animals. She knew what she wanted to do for him though. Since he loved farming so much… She wanted to buy the old farm they used to go to as kids. She figured she would buy it for them or well him. She could keep her house in Beverly Shores as well. They could either go back and forth everyday, or sleep at both places. However, she didn’t even know if he wanted this or not. She hoped he would though. As her mind raced with thoughts he started to speak snapping her attention back to current events. He said “Pixie…No… Isabella…” Then he went silent for what felt like ten minutes. However, it was only maybe a minute or two. “I would be the happiest man on this planet if you would allow me to be yours…I swear I’ll never disappear on you… I’ll do everything in my power to support you in everything you do.” Then he eased up his grip on her and looked her in the eyes. This made her nervous… However, she knew she wanted him to be hers. Right as she was about to say that he started talking again “Isabella Lopez. Will you allow me the honor to have you as my fiance, the honor to dream of being your husband in your future? Will you allow me to continue loving you, from close distance?” Isabella was in shock that he had literally just proposed to her. It was something she waited for and dreamed of since he left all those years ago. She didn’t even notice that she started crying tears of joy. She leaned in and kissed him. “YES… I would love to be your fiancée and your future wife. The only thing is… You know my parents baby… While I have already said yes even though there isn’t a ring yet… Well, just don’t forget you will have to ask me again with a ring after you ask my dad for his permission.” She knew her parents would love the idea of her and Davit being together and eventually being married.

Election Day

The day was finally here. Isabella woke up all excited. It was Election Day. She wasn’t sure if she would win or lose… However, she was ready and excited about it. She got up and showered. She then got dressed and ready for the day. It was gonna be a busy one that’s for sure. Once she, Rowan and Davit were all ready they left the house and went to the community hall. She walked in greeting people along the way. Smiling and waving at them and saying hello and hi to people. She was a little nervous as well, but she didn’t let that stop her. She and Rowan had been working on her speeches for days. She had her pre vote speech. Then she had a post vote speech for both outcomes of the voting. They ushered her onto the stage and told her to get behind a podium. She smiled and did exactly what they asked of her. Shaun then got there too. They shook hands and went back to their respected podiums. Shaun being a gentleman said Isabella could go first with her speech. This made her nervous as hell. However, she stood there smiling. She took a deep breath before starting her speech.

“Thank you all for being here today. It means the world to me to see so many of you invested in making our city a safer, brighter place.
We all want to feel safe, don’t we? To walk home at night without glancing over our shoulders, to know our kids are secure whether they’re at school or playing outside, to trust that if something does go wrong, we have the resources to handle it. But the truth is, safety isn’t guaranteed—it’s something we have to build together.
I’ve seen what happens when we don’t prioritize safety. I know what it’s like to have it ripped away. When I say we need better street lighting and smarter surveillance, I’m not just talking about statistics—I’m talking about the reality that shadows and blind spots give cover to those who thrive in the dark. We deserve well-lit neighborhoods, technology that protects us without violating our privacy, and law enforcement that actually listens to the communities they serve. Because safety should never come at the cost of our dignity or our rights.
But safety isn’t just about preventing crime in the moment—it’s about stopping it before it even begins. That’s why I believe in giving young people better options. More mentorship, more after-school programs, more opportunities to keep them engaged, inspired, and away from the influence of crime. When we invest in them, we’re investing in a safer future for all of us.
And speaking of being prepared—too often, we don’t realize how vulnerable we are until it’s too late. We need to change that. Imagine if everyone in this city had access to free self-defense workshops, if we all felt confident in protecting ourselves and each other. If I’d had training like that, well… let’s just say my kidnapper would’ve had a very bad day.
This campaign isn’t about me. It’s about us. It’s about making sure no one else has to feel the kind of fear that I have, that so many of us have. I know if I win, it’s just for a day—but change doesn’t have to take years. Change starts the moment we decide to make it happen.
So, I’m asking you to make that decision with me. Let’s choose safety. Let’s choose accountability. Let’s choose a city where we don’t just hope for safety—we create it.
Thank you.”

She smiled and looked over at Shaun like saying The floor is yours.

@Kate @SotaForgotten | Davit mentioned @Ouijaloveletters @Kbail @eunoia | Shaun mentioned
Speech written by @LunaticLeviTheSecond | Rowan mentioned




After hanging out with Avon, Edwards, James and Ryker for a little bit and talking Savannah decided it was time to go back to Josie’s house for the sleepover part of it and she knows most of the girl’s left she just was not sure if they ended up going all back to Josie’s house or not, but she went. As she got there it seemed like Josie was talking to Helen and she saw Zeke here and he looked kinda bored and lonely so she decided to go talk to him. She went to him and introduced herself and then they talked a little just general stuff. After a few minutes of them talking Josie went up to them and started to yell at Savannah and call her names and telling her that she flirts or needs all the boys attention. Savannah argued back with her a little trying to explain she did nothing wrong just asked him how he is and if he is having a fun night, bit even flirting with him. They went back and forth a little and then Savannah just had enough of this whole night. Getting yelled at by everyone then fining out that information about Morgan she was just done and needed space so she decided that she was not going to sleep over. She just grabbed her keys and said bye to everyone and left and drove home. She was going to text Cole and see if he wanted to come over or her go to his place if he was home but she needed time by herself so she ended up shutting off her phone completely.

Present Day: Election Day

Savanah woke up the next morning feeling tired still from the drinking and just all the events that happened the night before. She turned on her side to her nightstand and grabbed her phone and turned it on to see what time it was and to see if she got any messages. Once she saw the time she took a few minutes and debated if she wanted to go to the election today. She just dd not want to deal with Josie today and the other girls. She had fun the night before and has nothing against Josie or the other girls she liked them all but she just felt like she had enough drama and does not want to bring anymore today or bring it all back. She decided though her best friend was running and she needed to be there to support her, and maybe just maybe she can say hi to her best friend Isabella since they have not talked in a few weeks. Savannah got in the shower then got out and changed. She was not sure what to wear and if this was a nice attire thing or not. I mean it was not the presidential election but it was still an election, so she decided to wear a nice dress but not too too dressy but enough for an election type day thig. The dress was not too long but it was not a cocktail dress either. Once she got dressed and did her hair and makeup she grabbed her pone and purse and went out to her car and drop to where they are having the elections. She parked and walked to the area and a lot of people are there. As she was waiting she did feel a little weird and awkward being there she was not sure why, maybe because she was there alone and if someone from last night came up she would have felt weird so she decided to text Cole and see if he was coming or could come

Hey love you awake? If you are you should come to the elections, I am by myself and feel odd being here alone in a way.

Then Isabella and Shaun came on the stage and Isabella gave her speech first and Savannah listened. She was proud of her friend and how much courage she had running for Mayor. She looked at Shaun ready to listen to what he had to say as well.

@Kbail - Josie mentioned
@SotaForgotten - Rayla in a way mentioned
@eunoia - Shaun mentioned, Helen in a way mentioned
@ChayChay05 - Cole- Lucy mentioned in a way as well, Isabella mentioned

Savannah's Election Dya even Dress

I think I tagged everyone. If not just let me know



Traditions, traditions and traditions, everybody likes traditions especially Beverly Shores where all their traditions are far from what the average normal person considers ‘traditional’ and leans more into extravagance and profligate. All Beverly Shores traditions are mostly a show of money a time to prove to the less fortunate that they’re truly the less fortunate… damn no wonder people say eat the rich, right? Oh well, today, this tradition is like any other tradition but different for see, whoever wins this voting gets to be mayor of Beverly shores for a whole day and make some rules and cause some drama or not, but who doesn’t like watching rich people get into some terrible drama? I know I do.

First let’s reveal our mayor candidates

Vote Safe! Vote Isabella!

who: Isabella Lopez

key policies: Community Safety Partnerships:
Build collaborations between law enforcement, local businesses, and residents to ensure a more transparent and responsive approach to community safety.
Lights, Cameras, Action Against Crime:
Invest in improved street lighting and discreet, state-of-the-art surveillance systems to deter crime without invading privacy. Safety is important, but the right to privacy is just as important, and I aim to have the maximum amount of safety measures withouth imposing on people’s privacy.
Empowerment Through Preparedness:
Launch free workshops on self-defense and personal safety, tailored for all ages, to help residents feel more confident and secure. If I had a workshop like that, I would’ve sent my kidnapper to the hospital.
Youth Engagement for Safer Cities:
Expand after-school programs and mentorship initiatives to keep young people engaged, inspired, and away from the influence of crime.

why they want to run: My own experiences have opened my eyes to what really matters. “I mean, I was literally kidnapped, and I’m trying to make sure something like that gets prevented in the future". I know if I win I’ll lead for only a day, but when you’re as serious as I am, one day is all you need.

how much they spent:Honestly, the real question is: how much haven’t I spent? Between the designer campaign posters, the glitter-infused flyers, and the charity gala I threw (with a safety theme, of course), it’s probably enough to buy a small island. But hey, you can’t put a price on safety, and ensuring it is my goal. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make this city a safer, brighter place for everyone.

Make sh*t right with Silas

Name: Silas Murray

key policies: Health: Lowkey as a celebrity and all, I feel like our health doesn’t get taken seriously enough especially our mental heallth and like that shxt is sad, you get me? like we people too and people need people, you feel me? Like we need people who Gon care about us and our feelings. We need doctors and therapists who actually care about us and our feelings. Not just ‘Oh, you’re rich, you’ll be fine.’ Nah. Real support. Real healing. We need that real shxt and once I’m elected we Gon get that real shxt cause I think we all deserve a mental health day, like a all spa day, whose with me?

Community & Safety:
*“Look, we all love Beverly Shores—big mansions, fast cars, it’s a vibe. But if we’re being honest, security could be better. Like, I’m tired of random people popping up outside my gate for ‘pics.’ We gotta protect our peace, you feel me? And at the same time, I’m all about bringing people together. Cookouts, block parties, luxury farmer’s markets—I want Beverly Shores to feel like a community, not just a gated neighborhood.”

The Arts & Culture:
“I’m a creative, so this one’s personal. I want Beverly Shores to be the hub for artists and dreamers. Imagine a monthly open mic or an art walk with rooftop performances. Maybe I’ll hop on the mic if the vibe’s right. We gotta nurture creativity—not just for clout but because art is life, you feel me?”

Youth Empowerment:
“The kids? They’re everything. I wanna build a mentorship program for the young ones out here. Whether they wanna rap, act, model, or start their own business—whatever it is—I want them to have access to real mentors. Not just textbook stuff. I’m talking real-world advice from people who’ve been through it and we all know i’ve been through it and dealt with it.”

“Keep Beverly Shores Hot” Initiative:
"Beverly Shores is already a vibe, but we can take it up a notch, you know? We need more dope spots—late-night lounges, rooftop bars, high-end restaurants. Somewhere you can pull up in your G-Wagon at 2 a.m. for some truffle fries and not feel judged. And don’t get me started on shopping—luxury boutiques on every corner. We gotta keep Beverly Shores sexy, upscale, and ahead of the game. This ain’t the bronx, it’s Beverly Shores, ain’t nobody tryna to live in a boring neighborhood when you got money and we all know nothing about me is boring.

Why Do You Want to Run?
"Look, I’ve been living in Beverly Shores for a year, and it’s cute—don’t get me wrong—but it could be better. We need someone who not only gets what it’s like to live here but knows how to keep it fresh. Plus, idk after all i’ve been through, living that ghetto life to living the bougie life, someone like me becoming mayor of freaking Beverly shores will just be mind blowing. Like no i’d literally praise God 24/7 because it really shows how much people like me can really make it big even with the odds against me

How Much Money Did/Will You Spend on Campaign?
"I spent $5000K to buy a single chain for my nephew, so let say in its the Milly’s. Gotta keep it fly and get the best catering for the victory party.”





After Savannah texted Cole, she noticed the candidates were done speaking. Savannah did really like Silas ideas and views on the subjects, security is very important and even though she does have a kid and Tommy has TJ, she still wants him to grow up safely as well. But she did end up voting for Isabella since she was best friends but honestly liked both candidates and did not mind either of them being mayor. Then he candidates got off the stage and Savannah was closer than she thought to the stage so she decided to say something to Silas. “Hey Silas I loved your ideas and what you stand for. Everything you said does need to change and be better especially for the celebrities and kids. I’m Savannah by the way.”

@Kristi- Silas
@ChayChay05 - Isabella, Tommy & Cole mentioned




Well, well, well! The moment we have all been waiting for, Beverly Shores is going to announce its mayor for a day, drum roll please the crowd goes wild . Now both candidates were obviously amazing and the best of the best but who doesn’t want to vote safe? And who doesn’t love Isabella Lopez and want the stability that she will give us? So in other words, I’m proud to announce Isabella Lopez (@ChayChay05) is our new mayor!!


Why did Silas want to run for mayor? Well, because it has always been her lifelong dream, there was nothing she wanted more than to be the mayor of Beverly shores ever since she wa-- Nah, she was bullshtting, Silas had simply wanted to be mayor because why not. It seemed fun to be mayor for one day and though she’s never been big on responsibilities, it was for one day and its not like she would actually have to do shxt, so that was why whoever won or lost, Silas wouldn’t really care. But she had to try to give a speech, and one thing about speeches, Silas would never try and be someone who isn’t her, she was always going to be her real self and not an uptight fake formal person–that just wasn’t her, you know? That’s not how she grew up and that’s not how she would ever want to represent herself. So, once she was finish giving her speech, she went down and they had to wait hours for the results to come out, but that was fine. As soon as she got off though, someone she had never really seen, but at the same time she has(that was how she felt about most Beverly shores resident. She had definitely seen them in shows, movies or heard about them on songs etc but never really met them or remembered them, she supposed that was the joys of living in a gated community for celebrities) stopped her to greet her. “Savannah” Silas sounded out the name, “Now where do I remember you from?” She asked with a grin, before she added, “And thank you, I just really think we need a change here in Beverly”




Savannah hoped she did not spook the Silas when she got off the stage, and Savannah introduced herself which Silas repeated. It sounded like she was trying to figure out if she knows a Savannah or where she would know her from, then she asked Now where do I remember you from?” and then thanked her and said there needed to be a change in Beverly which Savannah did agree to. “I am an actress, have been since a teenager, so you may have seen me in a few shows or movies, or maybe not. I also go by the nae of Blair London, I agree there needs to be a change.” Savannah never looked greatly at Silas until now and saw all her tattoos which Savannah was in awe of. She always thought about getting a tattoo but never did it and probably never will, and she heard that she is a rapper. “Your a rapper right? If so that is amazing since there is not a lot of female rappers in that music genre.”

@Kristi - Silas (sorry not my best work I kinda just woke up and not fully fully awake yet)


As soon as she said Blair London, Silas had immediately recognized her. “Blair? That Blair London?? Shii, you played one of my favorite characters in that movie, what’s the movie again?” Silas asked as she snapped her fingers. “Sorry, my memories been a bit wonky, I’ve been working on my next album and I’m trying to get all that shxt set, you know, clear the samples, get the people I’m collabing with etc, but yeah I’m a rapper. My uncle liked to say, it was almost like I’ve been rapping since the womb.” Silas said given the pretty lady a smile,


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Isabella was shocked when she heard her name as the “WINNER” she walked up to the podium to start her speech. “Wow. I honestly can’t believe I’m standing here right now. Thank you. Thank you all so much. This moment is bigger than just me—it belongs to my friends, my family, my incredible supporters, my dedicated team, and, of course, my manager, Rowan Foley. Most importantly, it belongs to all of you—the voters—who believed in me and in what we could accomplish together, even if just for a day.”

“When I began this campaign, I told you all I wanted to make safety a priority. That no one should ever have to experience the fear of walking alone at night, of being in their own home, of simply existing in this world. I made this a priority because, as many of you know, I was kidnapped not long ago. That experience changed everything for me. It made me realize how fragile safety really is—how, in an instant, it can be ripped away.”

“But if I’m going to talk about crimes and safety, I first have to expose two people: myself… and my brother.”

“The truth is… I was never kidnapped.”

“I lied to you all. And I hate that I had to. But I did it because I was terrified. The real danger wasn’t some unknown criminal lurking in the shadows. It was my own brother, Jorge Lopez.”

“For years, I refused to ask questions. I refused to acknowledge that something darker might be hiding beneath the surface. But new evidence has come to light. Evidence that proves beyond any doubt that my brother is not just guilty—he’s a monster. And I faked my kidnapping because I needed time. Time to get away from him. Time to reevaluate everything. Time to uncover the truth and finally ensure that he faces justice.”

“But I am not the only one who suffered because of Jorge Lopez. There is someone else who lost even more than I did. Someone who deserves to be heard. And that person is Rowan Foley.”

“Rowan is a victim of my brother—not directly, but through the devastation Jorge left behind. And it’s time for him to tell his story.”

Isabella looked out at the crowd. She smiled as Rowan told his story. Isabella allowed Rowan to speak some too. His speech was:

“Twenty years ago, my sister, Aisling Huxley, accused Jorge Lopez and his gang of sexually assaulting her. But Jorge had power, influence, and money. He destroyed her credibility. He paid off witnesses, manipulated the media, made the world believe she was just some liar out for attention. And when the world turned against her, she took her own life.”

“I was devastated. My mother, Naomh, was devastated. And then, just months later, she died, too. The official cause was a heart attack. But I know what really killed her—a broken heart. And then there was me. The last one left—except for my father, Abe, who is still alive, though lost in his own world of grief and fading memories.”

“At the time, I truly believed Jorge had orchestrated everything. That he had made my sister’s death look like a suicide. That he was coming for me next. And so… I ran. I faked my death. I staged everything to make sure no one would ever find me. Because I was afraid. Because I thought I was next.”

“But I’m not afraid anymore. Isabella, you brought this story back into the light, and because of you, I finally have the courage to stand here and tell the truth. My name is Rowan Huxley. And I am done hiding.”

“This is why we fight for justice. This is why we demand safer streets. Because too many people have been silenced, too many lives destroyed, too many stories erased. But no more. The truth is here now. And justice is coming.”

She then stepped off the stage and smiled. She was available for anyone to speak with.


@LunaticLeviTheSecond | Rowan mentioned and his speech done



Once Savannah said her stage name it seemed like Silas recognized the name then it was somewhat confirmed when she said "Blair? That Blair London?? Shii, you played one of my favorite characters in that movie, what’s the movie again?” Silas then apologized since she could not remember, which Savannah did not mind or care, and she explained that she is working on her next album and confirmed that she is a rapper. Savannah smiled at her a little, “ummm well not sure which movie is your favorite but i’ve been in Prom, F The Prom, Ghost Light, Being Frank, Velocity Unleashed, Blitz On The Boulevard. I was also in the tv show when I was younger called Blended Beats. Oh my god yes! I have heard of your music, your one of the newer hottest artist right now.”

Savannah then remembered that she also is in the music industry now as well, but she hasn’t released any music in a bit which she should try to get back into the studio. “Aww that is cute what your uncle said, and that is hilarious but I could see it that. I’m also in the music industry, but definitely not a rapper, which I can’t do for the life of me. But it would be a good laugh. Who would you say is your favorite artist?”

@Kristi - Silas


Sunny sat at a table in her favourite coffee shop, sipping an iced vanilla latte as she looked over the track names she had been brainstorming for her new album. She scribbled in ‘Feat. Koemi & Park Inna’ beside one of the tracks, having received confirmation from Inna’s company a few days ago and Koemi’s last night. She had gone through the collection of songs on her laptop and found the best selection for this new album but one of the songs felt as though it was missing something, which is when she reached out to her old groupmates, thinking their voices would be the perfect finishing touches.

She sat back, looking at the list and wondering which of the songs should be her lead single. She was expecting this album to get a lot of attention, given how long it had been since her last release and she needed to pick the perfect song to be her title track. As she was narrowing down her options, a familiar man walked into the shop. “Emi!” She called out to him, waving him over.

While her conversation with him after thanksgiving made her less angry with him, she still didn’t understand why her brother had left in the first place. Then there was the whole coughing thing, which still wasn’t sitting right with her. Maybe if they had coffee together, they could clear some of it up. Even if they didn’t, spending more time with him wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, right?


@Kristi - Emi

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