Well, he said she can come in and she didn’t want to wait, especially if her sister is “indisposed”
Last Shaun post of the interaction
Definitely most petty… and toxic…
not that I’m rping with a lot of people but is there anyone I missed?
The answers I’ll never hear hehe
actually I was about to respond. haha we were already on the next day. So it changes nothing for us. haha, except it’s later. So yeah
Bruh when he’s not protecting Beck… Aaahahahah
I’ll be posting for Isla and Beck after Shaun and Isabella make their speeches
I’ll prob make a post tomorrow
Also @Kbail when Isabella makes her speech, could Isla’s reaction start with a flashback of Rowan telling her the secret so her reaction wouldn’t be that shocked?
She wasn’t answering her calls from him though since she was trying to avoid talking about Isabella, having just got back from vacation
In that case he wouldnt get to tell her, but would check up on her
Or catch her at the event and telll her immediately before
Wow it’s so dead in here
@Caticorn do I need to respond to you here?
nah im pretty sure it’s my turn
no its all good I was just working on responses and I honestly wasn’t sure whos turn it was
I don’t think I have anyone to respond to do I?
Wrong RP lol
hey guys anyone have free chars