Blue Royalty | General Chat


Will go cry now

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At least the next time I post on that thread, it won’t be sad stuff…

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Next stuff for that thread, which will be for the real timeline, will be for Raph and Eve.

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Cute, adorable, sweetness for them. No sadness.

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The fact that he cared more about finding her than taking care of himself :sob:


I can just imagine Jess seeing that and trying to get to him and getting out of all the machines connected to her and Dan holding her back :sob:

No words



I’m sorry baby :sneezing_face:

At this point with how depressed she’ll be with his death, I don’t even know if the baby will survive.

I think for Jess’ sake, in this universe the baby needs to survive or she wouldn’t be able to go on.


And that’s not even something that was changed for the alternate. :sob: because that would have been in the real timeline too… because he was not supposed to even be out of bed when Anna stopped him from seeing Jess, he just didn’t get to talk to her in the real timeline…

He felt terrible, and knew it was clear that he wasn’t really fine, but he thought he was doing better than he really was…

:sob: :sob: :sob:
I was imagining the same thing… :sob:


Why do I feel like Dan may have been the person to see Akielah break down… Maybe even before the news got to Jess…

I knew that the only way it wouldn’t be too much for Jess, was if the baby survived… even if she had lost the baby when she was stabbed and never knew about it, there probably wouldn’t be enough of anything to keep her from going beyond what she could recover from… I think even if she were to somehow end up alright and then she ever found out she had been pregnant with Kai’s baby and lost it, it would completely break her.
The baby surviving (truly having Jess’s power of escaping death) would be the only way for her to make it through…

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In this second alternate… all the differences were basically caused by Elettra’s positioning of the knife being slightly different (probably from a reason as minor as the way she held the knife being different) when she stabbed Jess and Kai…

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The amount that Kai cared about Jess always makes me sad

I’m so sad

They would legit have to restrain her on the bed to keep her still

… I can see that happening

Oh my… Val… :sob:

Yeah… if the baby hadn’t I can’t say she would have survived.

Jess just… she’s lost so much. And she’s always felt like those around her get hurt because of her. Simon died when Jess should have and now Kai. She already felt like she didn’t have a right to live and Kai dying would have emphasized that feeling

She’d live for the baby

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can Elettra just go die okay? thank.

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In jess’ alternate with Kai it was the position they were having sex so…

positioning is important

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When he fell for Jess, he fell for her hard…


I bet…

Dan would have to deal with them all breaking at once… Jess completely broken, Val breaking too, and even Akielah who would normally be the one staying level headed…

Just what I thought…

And Kai would want her to keep on living more than anything…

She’d have to… Live for the baby, and be there for the baby even if Kai couldn’t…

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Very very important.

Jess’s alternate with Kai: chain of differences caused by different sex position
Stabbing Alt 1: chain of differences caused by different position of where Kai stood, being in front of Jess
Stabbing Alt 2: chain of differences caused by different position of knife

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And sedate :confused:

Dan won’t ever admit it but he is glad Kai was okay that day… to prevent… all of that

Can’t do anything when you go and die on her :sob:

Exactly :sob:

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Yep :frowning:

I wonder what would have happened to Kai if Jess had died that day

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Well Jess and his baby

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:pleading_face: Dan can hate Kai, but if Kai had died, especially like that, it would’ve been a lot for Dan to deal with having basically the people closest to him all breaking… (especially since at the same time, there was Jez dealing with the high likelihood of Laurel not surviving too)

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It would’ve broken him… especially if he knew about the baby. There’s a couple ways it could go probably, but with the guilt and everything, he’d probably be a shell of the Kai Jess knew…

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I want to write alternate posts but idk what