Blue Royalty | General Chat


If @Littlefeets is on board, I think we could probably come up with something

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Yeah I’m good with doing a Mav and Dom scene. I just have no idea for how it should start.

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Me neither lol

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We could do an alternate where Marie and Zion end up together.


The whole post was so cute though.

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It do be :pleading_face:

Anyways do you want me to go first with Jordan’s post (shower scene) or you?

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You can post first.

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Sounds good! I’ll work on that now

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You know, even for being so early on in the RP, at a point when I don’t think really any of us quite had fully figured out how to really write our characters, Dan and Jez’s first conversation in the RP was still a great representation of their friendship.

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Definition of Daniel right there

It was adorable

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So true.


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@Littlefeets what color is dana?

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Or was it Jez’ grandma that came in?

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I think it was Dana

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This color. Coral

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what’s Jez’ exact color?

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Okieee I change

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