Blue Royalty | General Chat

That is sad

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I mean he’s not biologically related and Yara will be more of a mom to him than Dom will be a dad

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So dom will really not mean anything unless they make an effort and I doubt that because why raise a kid in a broken home?

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He still gets to see Dom and his sisters, so they wouldn’t be complete strangers


But here’s the thing

he’s a baby and he grew up with Mav and Yara

Dom and his “sisters” aren’t related to him at all (not even by blood)

so really they, on a general sense, are strangers to him.

He didn’t grow up with them and seen them every now and again would make them more friends. He will never be as close to his "sisters’ ans the sisters are to each other.

@astxrism Jess better get the same “I love mommy” when she yeets out to do a news report and leaves for a month like Dori did :triumph:

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oh no Dori alone with kids

She will :triumph: :pleading_face:

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when you have time one day

request for dori alone with the kids misc okay? okay

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Yes yes yes

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Poor guy

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learn how to breast feed

gonna need it for aidan

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No :triumph:

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Good luck with that

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Jess had to deal with hundreds of “I miss dad” talks


He’ll have to deal with cow milk sorry


Dori’s turn now :sob:

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or you know, formula

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It do be

Plus whenever Jess is she probably has less phone usability than he does

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She’s gotten better at using her phone though!

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Dori doesn’t know about that
He’ll buy coconut milk

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