victoria is gonna have a hard time with her tasks
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Are they hard?
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ahhhh nervous
me tooo
(also excited)
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for her, yes
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Who wants to talk to my chars y’all
I have Hartley and Sienna I think
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Wait maybe not Hartley I don’t remember if she was talking to AJ after the three talk ugh
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she will be, but she can talk to someone while pheobe and aj and elio are talking?
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I don’t know who would but if anyone wants to talk to my characters do claim them ahah except Cami; at least in the beginning
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Having that many characters is easy, except for when writing intro posts…
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You were going to take one of mine for a conversation, but I don’t know which of mine or which of yours
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omg wait it started today?
Yes right
I have everyone except for jp
Vc and Kaya are the priority
Not yettt
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it will
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jp and lenora