Blue Royalty: New Blood

Play La Vie On Rose - Emily Watts

Life. They say it’s a series of choices - decisions after decisions that dictate one’s entire personhood. But here’s the question that Amelia could never truly fathom. How did she know she was making the right ones? How exactly was someone supposed to fully understand if they were making the right choices? Phoebe, her twin, was always so confident - taking a leap of faith every opportunity the girl had. Amie on the other hand… had always been more reserved. Drifting within the shadows of her sister’s leaps - following after making a calculated decision. Sometimes she wished she had her sister’s sheer confidence in how she looked at the world. Through rose-colored lenses - La Vie En Rose, as they say - ironically, also the song playing in her room at the moment as she sat on her bed. Though the simple fact was she didn’t - her viewpoint was always filled with questions… with hesitation. Though she didn’t resent that - honestly; Amelia Grace did like who she was. Phoebe and her balanced each other out - two pieces of one heart. Perhaps she was a little on the shy-er side but she always understood who she was… well… fine Amie thought she knew. Though her world did come crashing down a few months prior with her mother’s… business trip. Though… that was a story… an issue for another time.

Currently, the girl was casually laying on her bed in her robe - highlighters sprawled around her bed as she made notes in the book that they were supposed to read for the semester. Was Amie early in reading the entire reading list for the year… mayyyyybbeee. What could she say? Though she found herself distracted hearing her sister storm into the room, screaming first her name soon followed by the fact that she was unbelievable for not going to the party. A soft smile met Amie’s lips with her sister’s wine, "Love you too idiot. DON’T GET TOO DRUNK " Amie yelled as her sister exited the room soon after entering. The girl had attempted VARIOUS times to get Amie to agree and go to said party. And maybe… just maybe if she had made different choices…Amie would have said yes. After all - life is a series of decisions. Here’s the thing though… she couldn’t go. For… there was a sheer fear that she’d see someone there. A decision made in the past - and now she found herself unable to go with her sister. Not that she was a big party girl anyways. He was just…someone she had been avoiding for the last three months. Though it was easy when she was out of town and in Greece - thousands of miles from said person. Well… she could at least avoid him as long as humanly possible, which included avoiding this party.

Amelia waited until she heard the door close - indicating her sister had left before getting up and going towards her own vanity. Opening up her robe that she had tied specifically to make it seem as if she would be having a quiet night home, Amie opened it up to reveal that the girl was already in a dress - one that likely made her look older than she was. Letting down her hair from the previous bun, the girl added some gloss and slight powder to finish the look. Honestly… lying wasn’t something Amie liked doing… nor was it something she was good at. Rather… she was god awful at it. But… she just couldn’t stay in. Walking downstairs, Amie smiled sadly at her dad who she found rocking Lexie to sleep - a sad smile on his face though he’d never tell his daughters the truth behind that smile.

“Hey dad - I’m going to go to the par…party too,”

Damn a fumble. God, she hated lying. Her father briefly looked up with a smile and nodded. “Make sure Phebes doesn’t get into jail alright? Bailing her out right before school starts is not on my to-do list for this year… maybe next semester but let’s start the year off right huh?” he added with a wink - a joking tone within his voice. Perhaps he was too distracted to notice the fumble in her voice. The way Phoebe had left before her. Either way, her father didn’t question it as Amie kissed her little sister on the forehead before making her exit as Phebes had done earlier. Though instead of heading towards the party, Amie went in the opposite direction - taking an uber of her own to a location she had found the night her mom left.

There was a dark serenity as she exited the uber, making her way towards the darkened corner of the street - towards a door that most people would miss. Though like Phoebe would be at the party until the late hours of the night, Amelia Grace - the girl many considered innocent beyond compare - would do the same. Simply - in a different place.

@astxrism - Mentioned
@Megan - Mentioned



“It’s okay.” Reuben told the girl on the ground casually. He was a little bit bothered that his conversation with Athena got interrupted just before it began, but then he remembered that the girl wasn’t trying to bother him. It was the nice thing to do to help her out anyway. “Here, let me help you.” He extended his hand for her to get up. She didn’t seem like she was having a good time, she looked down at the floor instead of eye level and her gestures seemed held back. Her outfit looked like she was a nice girl. Quiet, and sensitive as if the music over the speakers could rattle her. “Are you okay, love?” He said, trying to sound fruity so she knew she was safe. Reuben didn’t seem to notice when she forgot to let go of his hand, smiling softly.

@Ouijaloveletters @Caticorn


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She had barely started, and already Nari was already considering leaving.

Her mother had warned her about this- that the amount of competition here would be too overwhelming for Nari. She had tried to convince her over the phone to leave and go back to what her mother wanted her to do- cook, clean, and wash dishes. And Nari was tired of that- she needed to live a little, and she never got to. Not until she decided to join Blue Royalty. Though she want the best at social interaction, she felt as if a friend was a requirement to get though this game. Nari remembered cussing her out angrily and slamming down the payphone in anger when her mother said that.

Though her mother tried to discourage her, Nari was determined- a trait that didn’t always have good results, and now she had stuck herself in a place where stakes where high and there was no mercy. However, she wanted to prove that she wasn’t some coward who ran away from people and isolates herself- something she was infamously known for. But here, surrounded by all the people talking and chatting with each other, Nari’s head hurt. They were all so annoying and she barely even knew them. It was already getting hard resisting the urge to just retreat into a corner and stay quiet. The only thing that made up for the lights and amount of people was the amount of refreshing, nicely displayed drinks that made her throat go dry with thirst. Nari made her way to the table and took a sip of one of the drinks, thinking of how lucky she was to end up here on time because of the major inconveniences she had to encounter.

“Y’know, if you don’t know how to drive, I can teach you. I have my permit,” Kim Moon waved her permit in front of Nari, who was trying to get her car out of a large mud puddle and was having little success. Nari scowled. “Shut up, idiot. You can’t even drive yet without an adult- and it’s not because I can’t drive, it’s because this bloody old car won’t move!” And with that, Nari walked out of the car and kicked it. Kim rolled her eyes.

“Abusing the poor car won’t make it work any better,” Kim said curtly.“We should really get it towed.” Nari shook her head frantically. “No!” She yelled, making Kim jump. She cleared her throat and said, “No way am I going to waste more time getting this thing towed. You may want to stretch, because we are going to push this goddamned car.”

Kim groaned loudly. “Are you serious? That is going to take forever! Do you want to miss the party?”

Nari shook her head- though that was a lie. Parties meat loud people, and loud people meant pounding headaches and nausea. But she couldn’t miss it- that wouldn’t be good for her place in the social hierarchy. “We have to push it. Or you can leave and I’ll do it myself.”

That was how Nari had arrived- pushing a broken down car all the way to the parking lot. She was sure people had noticed- and most likely had a good laugh. Nari couldn’t dwell on that for long though- that was not why she was here. Nari noticed a girl who looked as uncomfortable as she was, but she disappeared into the crowd shortly after Nari arrived at the drinks table. That was when Nari noticed that she knew no one here. It wasn’t going to be easy finding someone to talk to. Besides, the drinks tasted like heaven and who in their right mind would miss out on perfectly good, (hopefully not spiked) drinks? Friends could wait, Nari thought as she turned to pour herself another glass.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Approachable- @Ouijaloveletters mentioned

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Senior year. This was going to be a fresh start for Aj — all things in his past considered. The past. I mean, he practically hated the thought of it. He wasn’t the type to dwell on anything regarding previous issues, but last year was rough, man. He did, however, owe it to his bestie, Phoebe, for being a real one after Julie and everything with his mom. And among his other friends, Hera was a big help on getting him in sh*tty situations. Hera was his bank robbing alternative. If he wanted to be wild and judgy, it was them. @raviola Aj arrived back home a couple weeks before this party from his summer trip, hoping this year would be the best respectable fun of his life. After all, who better to have fun with than Aj himself. He was destined to have fun. Dancing in the rain, climbing on top of buildings, jumping off of waterfalls — Aj was more than ready to be happy again.

He woke up rather late — which was normal to him. Adlai could sleep through an earthquake if he wanted to. The sounds of car horns and birds echoed through his open window. He could smell the familiar scent of Belgian waffles wafting through the air like a snake, straight into his nose; causing his stomach to grumble. Aj closed his eyes tightly with a light groan, despite being minutes away to arriving late to his first senior party.

That is, until Logan ran in screaming: “I MADE WAFFLES! Come eat, bro,” Aj instantly opened his eyes, heart racing as the kid nearly scared him to death.

“Mmh, waffles? no way, bud…” He muttered, slowly closing his eyes again.

Logan was simply appalled that his dearest brother would sleep through such a victory of his (with the help of their nanny, of course) and walked away for a second. Though, quickly came back with his secret weapon. A nerf gun. “I said, I made waffles!” Logan insisted, giving this as a warning to his big brother. Logan instantly fired shots straight towards his brother’s head and torso with the famous soft blue and bright orange bullets. Aj started laughing, holding his hands up to cover his face. “I surrender, I surrender!” He said, sitting up and scooping up his brother over his shoulder as he stood up. “You will pay for that, big man!” He teased, carrying his brother and tickling his sides. Logan’s giggles carried all the way from Aj’s room to the living room. “Put me down! Put me down!” He said, trying to tickle his brother in return. Aj chuckled and lowered him onto the ground, ruffling his hair as he ran away towards the kitchen.

Adlai walked towards his mother who was sat on her black recliner while she watched the television. He placed a tender kiss on her head and gave her a sip of her drink. “You alright, ma? I’m heading to the party soon. Logan is good. Friends are good.” He said, continuing to tell her about the rest of his day. His mom was usually laid in the east wing of their home, so it was unusual for her to be in the living room. It was a good sign. He smiled to the nurse next to them, and went off into the kitchen. Aj plopped a waffle into his mouth and went to his room to get changed. He then walked out of the door and grabbed his skateboard, considering he didn’t live far from the event.

Aj settled by a wall once he got there, noticing a very dim pool, waiters, and a DJ. This was very normal to him and basically anyone attending. In fact, this was a casual party in Blue Royalty descriptions. He placed his board against the wall as he felt a familiar hand grasp his upper arm. ”MY EYES… Aj… I just saw…” He raised a brow and turned towards the girl. Phoebe was his best friend. The only girl it he never had unruly intentions with, which was the best part of their little duo. “Look who finally arrived… Are you okay?” He started off with a smile, and it slowly faltered into a worried expression. With the mention of a drink, Aj smirked lightly with a shrug. “Sounds good to me, but you look like you’ve just seen satan in a bikini… Can’t say I’m not worried about your news,” He cracked as he familiarly grasped her hand while she practically dragged him to the open bar.

He grabbed a drink and they turned in unison as she spoke. ”I just saw someone…” Adlai’s face quickly formed into a sheepish grin as she started to do the hand motions of something he knew all to well. “Phoebs, you look insane,” He said falling into laughter as he hid her little charade behind his obviously bigger hands – covering it from the people around them. “Already? D*mn… Who was it??” He asked. “Where was it?” Aj needed more information. This was an great way to start off the year in his book, in fact, why hadn’t he thought of it?

”I’m scarred for life but hey, at least you look nice,”

He smiled lightly and took a sip of his drink. “You know, with that as our kickoff, it just shows that this year is going to be… wild,” He said, exaggerating the last word. It was good and bad. Aj just didn’t want death and betrayal to be the theme of this year. “But thank you, thank you. I tried so very hard if you couldn’t tell,” He said, gesturing to his outfit that he knew that she was probably thinking was so effortless that he probably wore it yesterday, knowing him. Throw on a few chains, a couple rings and call it a fit. But that was all apart of the Aj charm: Be indelicately humble. “And you look great as well. Why don’t you give the audience a little spin, P?” He suggested with a light laugh, giving her an approving look as he spun his finger in a small circle in the air.

@astxrism pheobe x


Where has Ezekiel been all day? Well, anywhere but his own home. It’s almost a habit of his not to be at home, to just spend his time outside or with people he is friends with and… there are many people he is friends with. So where was he now? He was supposed to be on his way to the first senior party, a party he was looking forward to since parties are his comfort places and he was… Zek was sitting in the passenger seat of Mariana’s car, staring at his phone and the message he received about the Blue Royalty. Not even close to what he was expecting… not fun in the slightest. Vicious and absolutely ridiculous, but also very intriguing? Was he going to do everything? Yes, there is nothing better he can do with his life anyways but did he hate the idea of doing it? Absolutely.

A mix of feelings he didn’t show as he kept a relaxed expression and locked his phone, just seconds before he noticed the car slowing down… or just stopping. Immediately looking over at the girl he just stayed quiet, waiting to see what she would do and yelling? It was on top of his to expect list. Hitting the steering wheel being on it as well but not in this way. “You sure you’re doing it correctly? Want me to look it up for you again or? Because I’m sure you forgot about a part where he says how many times you have to do it just like you forgot to fill her up.” Zek stated with a grin on his face, entertained with this whole situation as he turned to fully face her. Not being afraid to criticise her for something she obviously hasn’t done. But it wasn’t that bad - they were just stuck on a road with no one around them and a car that was failing to start while the party he was so excited about started a long time ago. Sounds bad but it really wasn’t. There were worse things that could’ve happened and what was the point of complaining about a situation you can’t really change? What are they going to do now though? He had absolutely no idea since there really was no one around them but luckily he didn’t have to think hard about it after hearing her next words.

“Welll…Both very tempting and it seems like we’ll be here for a long time so…” A soft chuckle escaped his lips, keeping his gaze on her for a couple of second before reaching for his bag and taking out already rolled up jo!nts. A stack he had knowing it wasn’t the smartest idea to just carry around. “You know, if that didn’t happen then we wouldn’t be here… and this,” he spoke up, a sweet smile on his lips as he handed it to her and tried to make the best out of the situation, something he often did. And let’s be real, if it wasn’t this he’d be somewhere else doing the same exact thing before heading to the party. “And I’ll ignore the fact that you so emotionlessly insulted confetti cannons because I do have one… But that first offer. How desperate are we?”

@/novella - Annie


Adolescence is a funny thing. One day, she was turning thirteen, getting pulled apart from another girl who was trying to bite her, blood running down from her nose, and nothing but anger in her eyes. One day, she was convincing herself that she remembered what love felt like, and the next, they knew. They spent an entire childhood suffering and getting better again and again and now it’s about to be over. She has no idea what life has been like for a majority of her peers. Some of them look so happy. But they know the seemingly ideal childhood has it’s flaws too. Most of the class’s parents are vain monsters. Hers are angels though. And they feel like they clip their wings.

Every time I reach a milestone like this
I think of how little I have accomplished
People say it’s alot
But when I add it all up
I just feel more insignificant.
I get better with every therapy session
But I’m starting to lose hope that they’ll ever be normal.
It just feels like eating the same generic cereal everyday.
I can see the sunlight overhead
But only through the gridded spaces of my cage.
Every day is simulated and the same.

Truly, today was not the day for them to be partying. All of their friends knew they were going to get absolutely wasted tonight, seeing the mood they’re in right now. The only thing that can make them feel better is dr^gs. They’re what makes her feel alive in a way that she has never been sober. And it’s not that she doesn’t value her friends and family now, but with dr^gs, the only person they could possibly hurt is themselves. It rewires their brain for a few hours and then she goes back to being sad. They don’t want to be sad, but their dear friend AJ inspires them to be sober again. He lost the love of his life and he was still able to start again. It inspires Hera so much.

Speaking of AJ, Hera needed to go see him. She spent an hour or so doing their flawless makeup on the floor in front of her full body mirror, and then pulled a stretchy red matching set contraption that looks really hot on them over their body. They not only wanted to party, but needed to. It’s been like a week since their last party but they are in need of another. She imagines that with the new school year she’ll meet more people who invite her to them. She smirked when thinking about it on her way out the door. “SAMMY!” Ah, yelling comes so natural to them. “Let’s go.”

Sammy stood on the threshold of her bedroom, leaning on the doorframe. “How we gonna get there? 'Cause you and I both drinking tonight.” She asked matter-of-factly. “I guess we can walk?” Hera said, that was how she got places since she was little and she still does it now because they couldn’t always drive but they could always walk. It’s one of their little quirks, you could say, they walk everywhere no matter how far it is.
“You are out of your damn mind, I’m asking Atticus.”
“He’s 14, I don’t think so.”
“Yeah but I taught him how to drive.”
“I didn’t tell him he was gonna drive well”
“That’s it I’m calling the uber”
“No you aren’t”

3 hours of sibling bickering later

Hera and Sammy arrived at the party via uber, the car dropped them off near the street and they divided to find people to mingle with



Elio’s summer consisted of football camps, working out and spending as much time with his family, Lenora and Mateo. He was happy with how the three months went, that is aside from the last two weeks. He wasn’t even really sure what caused his and Lenora’s fight that last night in Napa, but they haven’t talked since. Let it be known, he has tried many times to reach out to her. So back on a break was their status for now. Nevertheless, school was starting back up and that meant that football season was right around the corner too. Elio was most excited for that. He knew that was where his future lied. This year was the one that would set him up for college with scouts already talking to him and planning trips to Beryl to watch him play. Today though, college football was heavy on his mind thanks to his little adventure with Paige Pierce that took up most of his day and not was leading into the first party of the school year.

He had gotten a text earlier this morning being welcomed into Blue Royalty. Since his mom had attended school at Beryl, his sister and him have heard about this game many, many times. He had received tasks that would earn him points if he completed them tonight. They were things he could do, but were they smart to do. The competitive side in him screamed yes. He looked at those messages as Paige drove them to the Rockefeller Residence. He looked away from the screen when he could feel Paige looking over at him after putting the car in park. His eyebrow raised as she talked about a detour. “Didn’t we just-“ He started but was at a loss of words when she had traveled down to another region of his body. He didn’t make any movements to react in a way that told her to stop though. Why would he? He was on a break with Lenora and it was the first party of senior year so why not start it off right?

His head was rested against the back of the mustang’s passenger seat and his hands instinctively intertwined with her hair. His mind started to draw a blank until he saw Phoebe Taylor-Deloughrey waving to him and making direct eye contact with him. His jaw dropped slightly many it was the shock, or the actions being performed below the belt, but he knew his face gave it all away. Then to make matters worse, Paige sat up like she was being called to do so. He watched as Phoebe turned swiftly and got the h*ll out of there as fast as she could. He could stay and finish was started here but he knew that talking to Phoebe to make sure a special someone wouldn’t be hearing about this was more important.

Elio pulled his jeans up with one hand while using the other to push Paige away from him. A small “Sorry” coming from his lips as he grabbed his belongings and grabbed for the door handle. He stumbled as he got out of the car. Stumbling so bad that his hands hit the ground, but he pushed himself up quick to run across the street. Still buttoning his pants as he tracked down the brunette. Once inside the already loud atmosphere, his eyes roamed quickly until it landed on his target. As a waiter walked by with a tray of glasses that were full of Moet champagne. He noticed she stood with a guy, Aj, so he took two in one hand and a third in the other. His feet took him over to where he needed to be, without even having to think about it. “Hey guys, champagne?”He said and held them out for the two with a cheeky grin. He turned only to Phoebe, “a word?” He asked her with a pleading glisten in his eyes.
@aesthetic aj
@astxrism Phoebe
@benitz786 Paige

@novella mentioned Lenora




Agony is all Victoria felt as she woke up from her bed with a massive headache. Who knew finally watching a sports game after the many trials of conviction from Cami would get her hot girl wasted? She didn’t, that’s for sure. It was unlike her to get wasted randomly, but responsibly at home with a friend? Yeah, that’s all her. It was considered an adventure; and after all, she loved those. Thankfully, Vic was indeed a morning person — no matter her condition. She smiled lightly as she rubbed her eyes, opening them fully as the sunlight burned her vision. “So, it’s one of those days, eh?” She muttered — Hungarian accent shining through. Victoria noticed her bestie, Cami, Sprawled out on the corner of her bed, totally knocked out. Jesus, sports and cupcakes really turned into something wild, didn’t it? Not as wild as other things… But well enough.

Victoria got up, standing in front of the mirror in front of her bed. “Who’s shirt is this…?” She muttered, lifting up her arm to show an oversized dress shirt — most likely from a male. No she didn’t… She gasped, quickly checking if she was wearing anything underneath. Her fingertips hastily felt the lining of her shorts still intact. She let out a breath of relief. Phew. No messy hookups today, no-no. That wasn’t her style. But how in the h*ll was she wearing some random man’s shirt? She walked over to Camilina and shook her, trying to quickly wake her friend without hurting her head.

“Cami–“ She whispered. “Wake up, lady.”

She watched as her eyes fluttered open and quickly brought her finger to her own lips, making the shushing face. “I think we have an intruder,” She whispered, going towards one of the closest things she could find that resembled a weapon. A vase. Yes, this girl picked up a vase out of all of the things in her room. She leaned against the wall and slowly opened the door. The handle creaked lightly, but she was careful not to be too loud. God, where was her taser? The kitchen? Lord knew. She tip-toed, hoping Cami would follow with a weapon in pursuit and made her way slowly to the scene of the crime. The living room, which was next to the kitchen.

She then stumbled into the living room, noticing a half-naked man laying down on her sofa. She looked to Cami and instantly said. “Why is there a half-naked man on my sofa?” She muttered, trying to recall last nights events.

She heard a grumble and quickly went towards the couch with her weapon — well vase, raised and ready to attack. The man shot up yelling, causing the girls to scream as well. Victoria closing her eyes as she held the vase in front of her. “Woah woah woah! Why are you trying to attack me, girls?!” He said, worried and probably scared sh*tless just as the other girls were.

Vic raised her brow. “Who the h*ell are you?!”

“I’m- I’m jack!! Don’t hit me,”

“Who?” She looked to Cami for any clue whatsoever to whom this was. Jack? Who in the world was Jack? “I’m Jack, your neighbor Jack? I just moved in last week and you invited me over for… cupcakes, alcohol, and sports…” He recalled, listing the three contents of yesterday night on his fingers. The girls were as confused as he was. Victoria looked around, seeing everything was pretty clean, surprisingly.

“Okay, jack… Get the h*ll out, please,” She said, adding the please with a bright smile. Almost as if she were the sweetest thing on the planet, even though she was commanding him to leave. She had that kind of power. Use a command and add a cute little manner and they just listened. No one in the male department has let her down to this day. She just hoped he wasn’t some paparazzi guy trying to get her tricked into some washed up fake news. Not the time for that, thank youu.

She watched as he left and looked to Cami with a fit of laughter. “What the h*ll?” She said, shaking her head lightly as she cleaned up a few things from the coffee table.

@Nil Camilina x


Senior year. After five years of living in Beryl Heights, going to school with the rest of the class of 2040, it was finally the beginning of senior year. In a matter of months, high school would be over and everyone would go on to make their lives their own. Though, life after high school wasn’t the focus on the mind of many of Logan’s classmates. For Cerulean High, senior year was all about this game called Blue Royalty. It was a game that seemed to thrive in secrets and lies to bring a mere few seniors an easy ticket to success and a well known reputation. For Logan, the lies and deceit of the game certainly weren’t her cup of tea to begin with, and the idea of using a stupid game to win a future of success and luxury certainly did not make the idea any more appealing. Logan was competitive, but that type of a competition wasn’t for her. She’d rather keep football as the major competition for her senior year, then forge her own success, and not have it handed to her on a silver platter like her classmates. Now with first day of classes fast approaching, the vast majority of the senior class would be attending a party. Logan, she wasn’t normally one to attend these events, but she had the night free, so she figured she would go for it and start off the year with everyone else. At that, she left Enrique’s place and made her way to the Rockefeller place. When she got out of her car at, she walked inside with her hands in her pockets, looking at the extravagance of the party, not exactly to her taste, but who knew what was waiting in store, not just for the party, but the entirety of senior year to come.


@benitz786 - Enrique slightly mentioned


Laurel stood at her bathroom mirror, following her typical routine after a shower, carefully replacing her contacts and making sure her hearing aid was actually working. With quickly blow drying her hair and getting ready for the party that she would be heading to in just a short while. She glanced at her phone, seeing that she still had extra time, turned up the volume on the music she had playing then glanced at the most recent art project she had been working on earlier before turning to her computer. After a short while, Laurel’s attention was finally pulled from the computer to a notification on her phone. There they were, the first tasks from Blue Royalty for her senior year of high school. As she was reading them, she didn’t even notice someone step just inside her doorway. “What’s that smirk all about?” At the sound of her voice, Laurel turned down the music volume and looked to the doorway. “Oh, mom, I didn’t see you there.” Laurel said as she closed the computer and turned in her chair to fully face her. “Its my first tasks, so senior year has officially started.” Laurel could see a soft smile on her mom’s face as she stepped closer. “Laurel, remember you don’t have to do those if you don’t want to. Winning isn’t everything.” Laurel simply gave a slight shrug in response. “Yeah mom, I know. You thought you had to win your senior year, but you and uncle Dan didn’t need to. If I don’t win its not the end of the world.” It was at that point, that Laurel felt her mother’s arms around her. “You’re a senior now… It feels like just yesterday that you were just a little girl. You’re growing up too fast on me. I love you.” Laurel returned the hug with an “I love you too, mom.” Her relationship with her mom certainly had its ups and downs, and in certain ways her mom was a complete mess, but in others, Jezebel did things right, so Laurel never had to question if her mom loved her. Laurel paused for just a second to check the time again, before bringing her gaze back to meet Jezebel’s somewhat tear filled eyes. “I know you want me to just stay here and be your little girl, but I better get going now so I can make it to the party.”

After a few more minutes, Laurel was off to the Rockefeller house, a place that held more meaning for her than most of her classmates. It had been 20 years, give or take a couple of days, since the class of 2020 had entered that same house for the party to begin their senior year. It was the place where Jezebel Sloane first spoke to Mikel Lucas, the place where they first kissed. Because of that day 20 years earlier, her parents started talking to each other, and months later Jezebel was pregnant with Laurel. That house was where her parents’ story, however short lived and problematic it was, began nearly 20 years to the day earlier, which meant in a way, it was where her story began as well. Now at 19 years old, it was Laurel’s turn.


@Madilnel - Mikel mentioned
@benitz786 - Dan mentioned


Luck is a woman in gold; beautiful and fair, with a smile like stars seeping through the cracks of corruption. Many watch as she gambles away her breaths in the form of currency, breaching the jackpot.
Luck is mankind’s alibi, but she does not play in Charlotte Bekker’s favour on the 10th of September, as the black car with tinted windows pulls up at the Rockefeller Residence.

Charlie had always adapted well to new surroundings, making friends and talking to strangers was an average pass-time and now, Charlotte was surrounded by people who she didn’t even know. No more sh*tty Dad, no more annoying sister, only freedom.

Exiting the car, she slammed the door behind her, not thanking the driver on her way out. He worked for her Dad anyway and was probably going to just relay her every action back to the snobby man. She had only one rule for the night: to not leave without making a friend. This would be the perfect time for social interaction and putting her best skill to use.

Charlotte entered the party, pushing through the many people in order to reach the drinks table but she was not alone. Their arms are covered with tattoos which make her few look inferior. She looked about 5’6, making Charlie maybe an inch taller too. Charlotte had met many strangers, and this one was HOT. Secretly, she thanked the universe for wearing her short, black, sequin dress that barely covered her bum.

“Hi.” A simple introduction. “I really like your tattoos. They’re really radiating ‘bad boy mafia leader’ on wattpad, and I live for it.”

@raviola - Hera


Satan in a bikini. Trust me, Phoebe would much rather prefer seeing that than what she actually did. Just anything other than that. Don’t get me wrong, she was no stranger to such things and it wasn’t that big of a deal it was just the people participating. Pierce. Her aunties sister. How… no, why are Paige and Jessica related? And shouldn’t she like her because of that? Short answer - no. She was giving Phoebe no reasons to like her and this… only made Phoebe more annoyed. ”I can’t believe you’re asking me for details. Can’t you see I’m in pain just thinking about it?” Playfully pushing away his hands as he tried to hide her little charade, what a good friend should probably do in this situation, she giggled and shook her head, not revealing anything else. Just how scarred she was.

Was there a reason for her not to say anything? Well, yes and no. There were many things she shared with Adlai, one maybe being a little confession of how cute she thought Elio was so maybe she didn’t want to say it aloud and remind herself she was being stupid. Stupid because in a way she was chasing something, someone who didn’t want anything to do with her? Or she was just being a decent person for once and wanted to think about it first before she ruined Elio’s relationship with Lenora… but wasn’t that the whole point? She despised Lenora. It was a perfect opportunity… Hard decision to make. But even if she did tell him it wouldn’t make much difference, who knows what Aj might do with that information she just knew he wouldn’t do anything to put her in a bad situation. So at first Phoebe ignored his curiosity and slightly smirked at him mentioning this year was going to be wild. It was going to be wild. She’ll make it wild for herself at least. ”I can see you trying so hard. I’ve never seen you in black, you should wear it more often,” matching his energy, she sweetly smiled at him bringing her hand up to fix his chains before chuckling at him telling her to do a little spin. ”I don’t want to… but if you insist…” She jokingly started, spinning slowly in between her words, really trying to show off.

”Okay, listen,” resting her elbows on the bar, Phoebe leaned in closer to Aj as if she was going to tell him the biggest secret. ”Right outside. Literally right outside there was a car and I casually looked at it. Just, you know… casually. That’s when I noticed a guy… Now who was this guy? Oh boy…” A loud sigh leaving her lips, making the story unnecessarily long which might’ve been mistake because she soon heard a voice coming from the side. She soon saw the guy standing right next to them with drinks in his hands a stupid smile. Sh!t. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to be expecting him not to follow her. ”Oh Eliooo, buddy, it’s been a while. Nice to see you again and how nice of you to bring us this, wow…” A big forced smile on her face, Phoebe for a second placed her hand on his shoulder before taking a glass from him and getting just a tiny bit serious, still joking around and avoiding what she knew was coming. ”You know I’m a minor, right? We can both get in trouble for this but I guess you have other things on your mind…” Which didn’t stop her from subtly mentioning what she’d seen… ok, she wasn’t trying at all to avoid that conversation with him. ”Excuse me while I just…” Smiling shortly at him, she brought a glass to her lips and downed yet another drink, placing down that empty glass. “Wash down the disgust I’m feeling.” With that she glanced at Aj as a little sign that the guy she was talking about was the guy that approached them - Elio. “You were saying? Oh yes, a word with me. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind Aj being here, we were kind of talking about something very important… And you two know each other, don’t you? So I see no problem with that… go on.” Putting on a sweet smile, she looked between the two, before letting her gaze set on Elio and see what he was going to do.

@Aesthetic - Aj
@Madilnel - Elio




Cami did not know how to process what just happened. She watched silent and confused as a boy hurried out of a house that’s not hers, hand holding her phone, which recorded the whole thing. Yes; apparently, her first instinct when she got up with the false alarm of having an intruder was to get her phone and click on the camera. Well, what do you expect of her? In her defense, if they ended up dead, at least people could look through her phone and easily find out the suspect. Though, she did grab a second thing to use as “weapon,” which was used to give Jack a not-so-nice souvenir on this forehead. Don’t worry though, it was just a slipper.

Rubbing her eyes, she started laughing along with Victoria. This crazy start was the fruit, though it’s more of a continuation, of yesterday. “What was that?” she said, laughing in between words as she turned off the recording of the phone. She was about to shut it off to help Victoria clean up around the house, but decided she shouldn’t when she saw a number in red popping above the messages icon.

She had completely forgotten about a really important event on this day. Her eyes widened in realization, looking up at Victoria. “Hey, oh my God, I almost forgot!” she said, swiping and clicking on her phone through the messages. “The senior party is later!” She couldn’t contain the excitement; it was more than obvious in her voice, and she didn’t plan on hiding it either. She is finally a senior, and though that itself and alone is exciting, she was more thrilled about the famous Blue Royalty game that her family used to play and win… except for France, who, until today, is still salty that she did not win. Even though she doesn’t make it obvious, Cami could see through it whenever the woman tried to talk to her into not joining the game because “it’s useless. Look at me, I’m more successful than those who won. Like, name all of them. I’m sure you don’t know.” If Cami was to be honest, though, she feels like France only did that so that she wouldn’t surpass her.

“What to wear, what to wear…” she muttered, trying to bring her choices in. Cami being Cami, of course she’d bring clothes more than necessary to a sleepover. A month’s worth of clothes for lesser than a day’s worth of not being home. Pocketing her phone, she walked to Vic and helped with what she carried. “You’re gonna come, right?” she asked as she walked to the kitchen.

@aesthetic - Victoria

You can fastforward to the party if you wanttt :eyes:


After almost being killed by arriving at the party with Xavier, Athena walked through the crowd of people they went to school with, trying to find someone they actually knew. They hadn’t planned on coming, but their dad and Chris were adamant that they make an effort to socialize. They ran their hand through their hair as they heard a text come through their phone. A few seconds later, they saw Reuben come up to them.

Athena!! Don’t you look nice.

“Thanks.” They responded, shifting their weight so that they were sitting on their hip and putting their hands in their pockets. “You’re not so bad yourself.” They said to him, smiling. Reuben was someone who they knew they could count on for a good time, so him finding them was actually kind of perfect. It meant that they wouldn’t spend the entire party getting drunk on their own. Before they could say anything else, a girl tripped in front of them.

”Woah, are you okay?” They asked her, speaking at the same time as Reuben. They covered their mouth with their hand and stifled a laugh as they heard the tone he used. “Reuben, what the hell was that?” They whispered to him, trying to keep themself from laughing. Turning their attention back to the girl, they said “I’m Athena, by the way.”



xavier pestana

“Okay, we’re going to a party, you could at least pretend to be excited.” He said to his cousin as he drove them to the party, practically against their will. He didn’t need to look at them to know that they were rolling their eyes at him. Parties were never Athena’s scene, nor were they his, but he figured that he didn’t have a choice in attending, judging by the text he’d received earlier. When his parents found out he was going, his dama instead that he not go alone and managed to talk Athena’s dads into making them go with him. “Athena, watch the road for me for a sec.” He said before taking his hands off the wheel. “Xavier!” His cousin exclaimed, grabbing the wheel as he wrestled himself out of his jean jacket. After throwing the jacket into the back seat, he placed his hands back on the wheel.

Xavier. Pestana. What the f-ck was that?” They demanded, staring him down. “What? The jacket was cute, but not ideal for driving.” He told them in an attempt to justify his actions. He could feel their stare intestify as he finished speaking. “And that’s a valid reason for you to get us killed?” They countered and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Relax, Athens. I promised your dads that I’d get you home in one piece and I intend to keep that promise.” He reassured them, even though he knew they wouldn’t believe him. When they arrived, he parked his car and got out, retrieving his jacket from the back seat and putting it on. Once Athena got out, he locked the car and the two of them walked towards the house.

As they entered the party, Athena looked at him with a rare gaze of compassion, placing their hand on his shoulder. “Text me if you need me, okay?” They said to him, waiting for him to nod in response before leaving, probably to find a corner to hang around in. He made his way to the bar, trying to keep his nervousness at bay. He walked up to the bar and cleared his throat, willing his voice to work. “Um, excuse me, can I have a club soda with lime in it?” He asked the bartender, before stepping to the side and playing with the cuff of his shirt while he waited for his drink.




”I can’t believe you’re asking me for details. Can’t you see I’m in pain just thinking about it?”

Aj laughed as she pushed his hands away, holding his own up in surrender. “Okay, traumatizing moment – i’ll let it slide.” He played it off as if he wasn’t interested, but Aj? Well, let’s just say that hearing drama usually stopped him from creating his own. What could he say? He loved hearing the ridiculous things that went on in their class. Even if he would never admit it. And surprisingly? He’s probably one of the best people to tell anything personal to. He has some type of… boyish honor inside of him that would rather him be dead than spill someones secrets that they trusted him with. Aj was big on trust. You could never let this man down, but if you were to hurt him… Let’s just say bye bye to whatever was between you and him.

”I can see you trying so hard. I’ve never seen you in black, you should wear it more often,”

He waved her off and grinned goofily as she started to fix his necklaces. “Thanks, mom.” He teased, placing his hand over hers whilst they were placed over his heart — feigning a humorous heartfelt look. ”I don’t want to… but if you insist…” She said before spinning, showing off exactly how great she looked. Adlai gave a nod and clapped his hands in approval. “Now see? Beautiful as a daisy. This will get you… around five boyfriends by the end of this, hm?” He teased, shrugging as he took a sip of his drink. Honestly if you want to be hyped up? Aj and Phoebe should be your go to. They were simply amazing at making everyone around them feel good and Aj personally wouldn’t trade this energy for anything in the world.

To Aj’s surprise, Phoebe started to explain what happened before she had gotten here. He raised his brow in anticipation, waiting for her to finish the very long introduction for as to whom it was. However – their conversation was quickly intervened by Elio.

“Hey guys, champagne?”

Aj looked to the glass in his own hand and then to Phoebe who started to ramble, still as classy as she usually was. “How could I refuse?” Aj complied to his suggestion and reached for the glass, downing his first one faster than he would’ve wanted and taking this one in return.

”You know I’m a minor, right? We can both get in trouble for this but I guess you have other things on your mind…”

He chuckled lightly and took a sip of his drink, watching as Elio asked to have a word with P. He watched as she looked into his eyes, giving him a sign that this was the culprit – though, he knew as soon as she spoke to him with subtle hints in every sentence and action that she displayed. He paid attention to everything. So, Elio was getting special attention to someone other than Lenora? Not his business, but it sure wasn’t a pretty look for Elio. Aj was sure that he came over to discuss the events with Phoebe, most likely trying to get her to shut up. Which — let’s face it, everyone probably saw the scene when they entered the building, so his pursuit was in no use.

“You were saying? Oh yes, a word with me. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind Aj being here, we were kind of talking about something very important… And you two know each other, don’t you? So I see no problem with that… go on.”

Aj practically saw the tension of the group, Elio probably walking on a wire in his brain. Did he want to tell them both about his situation? Probably not. But Phoebe could be rather persuasive when she wanted to — almost making it feel like you would have no other option than to do exactly what she says. Besides, what in this convo would Phoebe not just tell Aj later? Aj smiled sweetly, just as Phoebe did and tilted his head at Elio. “Yeah, I’m curious, Elio… You’re looking a little pale.” He said. Elio and Aj were friends for sure, but this was a little insane… Especially when he had a girlfriend and it was only the first day back.

@astxrism phoebe
@Madilnel elio


Hyun-Ae wouldn’t usually accept help, but her babies thought her to be kind, so she took the boy’s hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. When asked if she was ok, she nodded. “Yes, thank you.” She said softly but politely, bowing to the boy. She turned to address the person sitting next to the boy, giving a smile that looked more like a grimace, as a particularly loud song came on. “Yes, I am arright.” The person whispered to the boy, laughing about something, and Hyun-Ae waited patiently for them to address her again, which they did. “Nice to meet you, Athena. My name is Hyun-Ae.” She said, holding her hand out. After shaking Athena’s hand, she then turned to the boy, holding her hand out as well.
@raviola - Reuben
@Caticorn - Athena



Victoria was just taken aback by what had just happened – and for her not to remember the fact? Was even more unbearable than seeing a naked man on he couch. “That’s getting deep-cleaned…” She muttered, pointing her finger towards the sofa. Vic was most definably a neat-freak – her OCD killing her at times like these. Two phone dings went off in the room, directing Vic’s eyes towards her phone – which was placed on the kitchen counter. She picked it up and noticed who it was just as her friend Cami did.

“Hey, oh my God, I almost forgot! The senior party is later!”

She groaned lightly at the thought. A party. Victoria would rather spend her time getting ready for this semester academically. “That also means tasks,” She added, holding a finger in the air and sighing. “You know, the only reason I’d even consider doing these is for the college points.” Victoria wasn’t interested in the drama of Blue Royalty, but she was interested in winning in this competition in order to achieve absolute greatness — which was promised once receiving the title. Though, she couldn’t say the events didn’t seem appealing… She just had a lot on her plate, and wouldn’t have all this time to party and get her life ruined. Too much was at stake. She left most of junior year to endure the toll of her modeling career – which didn’t take to well on her studies. So, she has to cram in her last two years of Blue Royalty into one. What a challenge, right?

“You’re gonna come, right?”

Victoria watched Cami as she started to figure her outfit out for the party whilst Vic misted her indoor plants. “I mean, I don’t know…” She muttered. Should she even go? She has so much planned and needs to graduate this year with perfection. However, Cami was usually amazing at convincing her to go to things like these – among a lot of her other friends. Nothing like peer-pressure, right? With a bit of persuasion, Victoria decided ‘what’s the harm in a little fun?’ and they both got ready accordingly.

They arrived at the party and began entering the building. Victoria’s ears were practically ringing at how loud it was, but seeing all of the familiar faces definitely brightened her up a bit. A small grin was displayed among her lips as she walked towards one of the servers. “Champagne?” She offered with a goofy tone, grabbing two glasses and handing one over to Camilina. “How do you think the game will go?” She asked. “I mean, are you even participating?” Victoria added, unsure if she even was interested.

@Nil - camilina



Hera stood silently by now, her natural seriousness preventing them from attracting many people over, however, there was one girl who seemed old enough to approach them. She wore a very short black dress, which Hera… didn’t hate. They thought as she stared the girl down as she approached them, taking a sip from their red cup. She had a delicate figure, feminine, like she was meant to be preserved. Her face though, it was so naturally beautiful, usually she didn’t like white looking, or at least passing people, but this one was different. She was tall, and slim, and her face looked so beautifully human. Just like, when you think of what an alternative life would be like, living along a river in a vast forest, bathing in water bare bodied and getting dry by the small fire place in your cottage, she was the figure that you pictured.

The “hi” seemed fairly casual but then she called them a “bad boy mafia leader,” causing Hera to let out a small chuckle. They liked her, she seemed like there’d never be a dull moment as long as she was around. The honesty sounded humbled, which Hera respects in people. Well, now they had to give an adequate response, taking a sip from their cup, “I like your dress, it has female lead who shoots bad guys energy.” They smiled, showcasing their pearly white teeth, and then turned their body to face her. *Oh god, was that too pretentious? I’ve got to make it cute now. “So, partner in crime, may I offer you a drink?” They suggested, since she didn’t have one already.




Reuben elbowed his friend before the girl could notice and then put on a smile as she got up. F*cking Athena. Reuben loves them but like shut up for two seconds child, I’m trying to let this deer in traffic know I’m not straight so she feels safer. Would he rather I randomly mention talking to 30 year olds on grindr? He thought so, hmph. Anyway, she bowed, which by now Reuben understood was probably just a custom, the same way he greets people in brazil with a hug and a kiss on the cheek if they are women. He shook her hand, good grip, he thought. Reuben could not lie, he was a little impressed by her handshake quality. “I’m Reuben.” He said, at this point he could imagine that his slight accent was registering in her mind. Sometimes he was insecure about it because it made him sound straighter, but then he remembers that americans find it sexy, so he shrugs it off. Actually, she didn’t sound perfectly american either. “That’s pretty, where’s it from?” He asked curiously in regards to her name, making direct eye contact. He assumed she was some sort of asian, judging by her features, and she hasn’t been here all of her life because of her english, but what brought her here?

@Ouijaloveletters @Caticorn