Blue Royalty: New Blood

niko tanaka

Niko shook their head as Cleo made her comment. “It’s really not that bad. If anything, there’s a comfort in knowing that I have a plan for my future.” They told her with a shrug. They wanted to show her that they didn’t feel bad about it because the last thing they wanted was her feeling bad for them for something they’d already come to terms with.

They laughed as Cleo insisted that she was using her normal tone with their brother. “Uh huh. Sure you were.” He responded, skeptically crossing his arms. When she asked him what his passion was, Niko perked up, curious as well. Their sister had always been very vocal about her ambitions to become an actor and Niko had always been more inclined towards business, but Sato had never really given any clear indication as to what he wanted to become after high school. “I want to be a pilot.” He answered and Niko found themself pleasantly surprised.

“Well, I kind of have to think ahead.” They responded, jokingly rubbing their arm after she punched them. In reality, Niko had begun thinking about their future long before their daughter was born. When they were younger, they loved daydreaming about all the possibilities for their future. “My choices don’t just affect me so I have to have a concrete plan.” They reminded her.

@Kristi - Cleo

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“He did look like he woke up at the wrong side of bed” “Yeah, I guess his mom didn’t fix him his morning cereal. It was kind of fun, you know, pretending we were dating and making up a story.” It was also fun making the annoying brat jealous. He obviously was because he walked away with an attitude. Luna looked nervous about something because her body language changed to nervous shuffling and deep breaths, but it was only for a split second before she asked something he didn’t know how to answer and was thrown off by. “Would you go to prom with me?” Is what he heard her say. She explained that she wanted to go as just friends but he still couldn’t help but think that it was more than that. When he heard the word prom that’s what he automatically thinks of. Romance. Prom wasnt on his mind at all but there was only one person he thought of going with and that was Kaya. But realistically he didn’t have an idea of who he was going with. “Uhh.” He rested his elbow on the table and scratched his head. He really didn’t want to say no to her. “I…actually don’t know who I’m going with yet. So maybe? But that’s if you know I don’t find a romantic date.” He avoided looking in her eyes because he felt bad that she might be alone at prom. “There’s no one that you see…romantically for prom that could possibly ask you?” Why did he just ask that? Now she’s going to be self conscious. “Never mind you don’t…have to answer that.”

@Kristi - Luna

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Embry laughed as Daiane protested. She paused for a moment as if she were deeply conflicted as to whether or not she should tell her. “Well, I guess I could let something slip to please the audience,” She teased once she was done keeping her in suspense. “Let’s just say that we wanted to prove to our teachers that we were smarter than they gave us credit for and we didn’t really care what means we used.” She admitted.

Embry nodded in response to Daiane echoing her words, placing her hands on top of Dai’s arms. “I will be waiting patiently for your thinking to be complete.” She responded, playfully smiling back at her. Her smile widened as Daiane agreed to show her the dress she had been working on. “Yay! I can’t wait!” She said as they walked. She didn’t say anything more as Daiane squeezed her hand back but couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her lips as Daiane laid her head on her shoulder. Seeing as Daiane was several inches taller than her and they were walking, it was a bit of a physically awkward position, but she still thought it was nice.

Embry listened as Daiane spoke, watching how the girl shifted her attention down to the cup in her hand. She began to talk about the winter carnival and started going on about her friend Xavier. Figuring that this wasn’t what she actually wanted to tell her, she considered interrupting her and telling her to cut to the chase, but she decided that in this case, it was better to just let Daiane’s rambling run its course. However, her rambling combined with her averted gaze and fidgeting gave off an air of anxiousness that began to rub off on Embry and by the time Daiane reached what sounded like the end of her story, Embry was on-edge, waiting for her to reveal what exactly was bothering her. “They did what?” She exclaimed as Daiane finally got to the end. “Did you…” She trailed off, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Did you tell her she could?” She asked, trying so very hard to not jump to conclusions.

@unsungcheerio - Daiane


“Forty Fiveee,” Shay said with a confident smile, even though her cousin told her that she didn’t have to answer. After all, why wouldn’t she answer? She KNEW the answer. Unlike her fellow students which is WHY her teacher kept repeating the sammmme things in the first place. CATCH UP KIDS. “I also know allll my times 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and… 15 and… well I haven’t started looking at 16 yet but I think I can figure it out later…” with that, Shay started physically counting on her fingers to see what 16 times 2 was, but stopped when she heard what Kaya asked next. “Umm… well I told Daddy one time that my teacher was… Ann…annoying …and he said that I shouldn’t say that because it’s mean…” she revealed with a frown. Her mommy always said she was the sweetest little girl and she wanted to be sweet. She liked being nice to everyyyyone. “I don’t want to be mean.” she finished in a small voice, hugging her cousin and holding her hand tightly when they got out of the car and walked into the McDonalds near her school.

Shay got the happy meal sadly without an ice cream because the machine was broken hmph butt GUESS WHAT, in her kids meal there was an Andy toy guitar. It was the ONNLly toy from the Andy happy meal collection she didn’t have yet. It was a lil plastic toy but it had little strings that played sounds almost like a real guitar. Sitting next to Kaya, Shay had bright eyes as she muched on her nuggets, singing a happy little tune and bouncing up in between every bite and having a very stimulating conversation with her cousin Kaya about what superhero was the bessstest super hero. Shay thought it was 100% black widow. HAVE YOU SEEN HER FIGHT? She’s soooo cool. Just like her cousin Kaya. After a few minutes, Kaya EVEN made her an Instagram like the one she had. Usually Shay had to look at her cousins pictures with her mommy’s phone, but now she could do it herself. Well… Shay didn’t technically have her own phone but that was okay. Her username was littlenuggetshay and her password was nugget1 :stuck_out_tongue: And Kaya even took photos of her and posted it and used other photos she had on her phone of her to add and theennn Shay took a moment to tell her daddy that she had an instagrammy.

“Mmmm mm mmmm” Shay hummed her godfather’s We Don’t Have to Dance as she finished her burger, but her eyes widened as her cousin had a GREEEAAT idea that she could go to Andy nugget and have a party. “YES” Shay stated excitedly, moving to Kaya’s lap and hugging her.

So that’s what theyyy did. Kaya took Shay to the airport and like her mommy and daddy did, they went on a plane and watched movies allllllll the way there. Shay chose the new Barbie movie that had just come out and then after that movie, they had time for Kaya to choose the new Marvel movie. When they landed, the two took a car to the local ice cream shop to surpriseeee Andy with later. “CAN WE GET ROCKY ROAD ANNNDD PEPPERMENT?” Shay squealed as they made their way inside. Jumping off Kaya’s back, Shay went to run to the display case but in her excitement, accidentally got in the way of a boy who, due to her hurry, dropped his ice cream with a plop on the floor. :frowning: OH NO, HIS ICE CREAM IS BROKEN.

With a sad smile, she looked up at him. “I’m…I’m so sorry… mister… I… I didn’t… I didn’t mean to.”

@CerealKiller - Mister = Kaspian. I’ll let you reply to him first and then reply with him.

Flashback - End of Junior Year

Fck, fck, fckity fck. Enrique Montoya was supposed to be at Airport with his brothers for their trip to Greece but GUESS who forgot their passport like a fcking idiot? Yes, that person was Enrique Montoya. With a laugh and pat on the back, his brothers simply sent him back and told him they’d see him in Greece. Well, Raph said that and Diego offered to go back with him but with a sigh, Ricky shook his head and told those two to go on ahead. That’s exactly why he was back - first to get a new ticket to Greece, and two, to make sure he packed his passport this time.

Unlocking the door, Ricky dropped his suitcase off at the front - casually walking to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Was he meant to hear a conversation from his mother’s study? Probably not.

“I think we might need to sit him down soon and talk to him. He is turning 18 soon, Roberto, I don’t think we can keep it from him.”

His mother’s voice was clear as day, and while part of Ricky wanted to walk in - after all, he hadn’t seen his mother in a few weeks with her always being away in DC - something about the conversation he had overheard had stopped him.

“Lina… I don’t know about that. It would only tear him away from his brothers… you know how Enrique can get sometimes,”

“Enrique has a right to know he’s not our son biologically. One day he’ll need something like his birth certificate or god forbid a blood transfusion, and maybe it’s better to tell him now than wait until he’s 25 sweetie. I mean it was a fluke that we got him but…”

Enrique Montoya was stuck in place, and instantly his heart sank. Fluke? He wasn’t… even part of this family? For the first time in 17 years, Enrique Monto… that wasn’t even his last name… Enrique whatever the fck his real last name was… he felt… alone. Being a triplet he had never felt this before… this utter hurt was followed by a feeling of not knowing who to go to. Enrique wasn’t even listening to what his parents were saying anymore, all he knew was he grabbed his passport from the living room where he’d left it, grabbed his keys, and drove away… though not where he was supposed to go. For a while, he simply drove without a destination.

End of Flashback

Enrique disappeared that day at the end of Junior year. While his parents thought he was in Greece, Ricky ended up in Mexico alone. No words were exchanged to his brothers who were waiting for him and for 3 months, no one heard from him. That was something he kept to himself… until of course Blue Royalty decided to reveal it to the world and finally, his brothers knew exactly why he was avoiding them. That sh!tty wedding where he had to pretend to like VC ended just like he thought it would - with him storming off alone.

Once again, for the past few weeks, he had avoided his brothers again. Well now they knew - they could finally cut him off. It’s fine. Ricky went ahead and blocked them on everything just to make the process easier. Honestly, he didn’t care about the bullsht his roommate tried to say about the situation. Thank you Logan, but Ricky has it from here. So that’s what he’s been doing - sulking and ignoring… a great combination if you asked him.

Currently, however, Ricky found himself sitting in a hospital waiting room - laying on the chairs as he threw up a ball and caught it. Why was he here? Well 1. It was a great way to get out of his apartment and avoid Logan who had started giving him speeches - and avoid Diego and Raph who made the occasional appearance to talk to him. 2. Well, Annie was in the hospital and as much as he’d hate to admit it, he actually was starting to care about her. NO, no don’t do the aww sht. He just didn’t hate her presence, and he wasn’t a shtty dude so he decided to kill time here while waiting to hear if she was okay. Fine… Arlight maybe number 3 was that he was actually worried about her but the doctor basically said they all just had to wait and they’d find out hopefully in the next few days. It was simply a waiting game if she’d wake up. Paige was being… weird. Well, Ricky didn’t really know Paige well, but she was being weirder than usual. Maybe the car crash hit her head and made her more weird than usual? Oh well, at least she made for interesting company.

With a sigh, Ricky stood up to go get coffee from the little vending machine, though on his way there, he found a familiar girl walk up to him - and clearly she was okay since she skipped any Omg hey Ricky you went OUT OF YOUR WAY to come visit me at the hospital or other girly sht that people said when others were nice. Nope, this girl went straight for the calling him her cousin which… what the fck? He took a second before answering, letting his eyes drift down to her hospital gown. She clearly hadn’t decided to change before leaving her bed which was probably where she was supposed to be right now. “Hate to break it to you, Williams. but as much as you probably want to be related to me because I’m such an amazing guy and the best company - we’re not. Well, probably. Don’t exactly know who my birth parents are but I’m pretty sure they’re Mexican and you’re… well…” he started, bending forward and whispering “You kinda look black.” he mentioned. Not to say they couldn’t somehow be related but that was a… disgusting thought since he may have imagined less than family-friendly situations with her before in the past. What? Don’t blame him. He’s a man, she’s a fairly attractive girl. It happens.

He saw her eyes close… clearly something going on in her mind and he felt a soft frown meet his lips. Was she okay? Was it even his place to ask if she was? Or even recommend that she go back to the hospital bed she clearly should have been on? “Oh me? Just getting a cup of coffee - apparently, the hospital has the best cup in the area and I just thought, why the hell not drive 20 minutes out of the way to get som… no? Not buying that? Fine. May be hard to believe, Williams, but I came to see if you were doing okay because for some crazy reason, I may consider us somewhat friends. So are you… okay?”

@novella - Girl who’s ass is probably hanging out in that hospital gown

@Littlefeets - Fake Bro and Roomie
@CerealKiller - Other bro



Okay maybe Paige wasn’t processing this whole situation perfectly. I mean, how the fck would you process being related to a random fcking girl? How would you react to an old white man in a white coat coming to your hospital room to tell you that you were genetically related to a girl you had just met after two idiot medical students told her that her sister was in surgery? And no, not genetically related like cousins… genetically related like twins. How did that even work? HOW THE FCK DID IT WORK? Paige Pierce was the 5th child of Adelaide and Harry Pierce. She wasn’t a twin. Not like Jessica and Anna or Will and Emmy. She liked being alone… she… yes she liked it. So don’t blame Paige for acting like nothing had changed. Don’t fcking blame her for casually telling Annie that they were related and that she drove a car into her dad. Just. Don’t. It was all too much, so yes, she was processing at her own pace that a girl she disliked was her… sister.

“Well, long story short, apparently since we were admitted in the hospital together, they did some mumbo jumbo tests and it said we were related. One thing led to another, and then someone was coming into my hospital room to tell me the very information I’m telling you so sorry to break it to you, darling, but I didn’t know. I just had a fcking issue with you because you’ve been a pest.” The words streamed out of her mouth as she looked at her nails, uninterested. Though despite her appearance, trust her, she was very interested at what her twin had to say to that. Though, anything Paige wanted to hear wasn’t what came out of Annie’s mouth as the girl told her that she knew that Paige didn’t know. And with that, the girl pushed herself off of the bed and walked away. The moment Annie left, Paige let her hand drop, held the hospital bed with her eyes fluttering close simply wondering… what was going on.

So… yeah Paige needed to get away. Cousin Dan was woefully not FCKING answering her calls and she really didn’t want to talk to her mother, father, or siblings since they had likely been lying to her for the last fcking lifetime. I mean, did you see how Will has been bloody acting? Yeah. No thanks.

Somehow, she found herself sitting at a bench in the park - a mixture of emotions coursing through her veins. Anger… frustration… confusion… it was all too much. When she was little, Paige always felt alone. Like something was missing… probably just because her siblings had a person always there, another half and Paige? Well, she had no one. Not really… sure Anna and Jess were there but they had their own families and then Will and Emmy decided to do their own thing after they graduated high school. Will, the person she always was closest to left just like every fcking person in Paige’s life does: Eddie, Quinn, Will. No one cared about her, let’s be honest. So why should she care about herself?

It was with that thought in her mind that she found her eyes drifting to the empty space around her. Well… without a second thought… she found herself running. Running as fast as she could on her legs, Paige started doing things she shouldn’t do. Things her doctor told her she would never be able to do again unless she wanted to risk substantial injury to her body. Not after almost breaking her spine on her vault…

But honestly… Paige didn’t care. With her speed, she did a cartwheel and followed by a full twist and she did it. It wasn’t her cleanest work, but the rush of adrenaline it gave her was enough to bring a smile to her lips. The serotonin was like a drug to her body. Climbing on one of the handrails, she did a mark of her former routine before jumping off the top with a Double Layout. Hitting the ground with an impact, she felt a slight pain in her back, though she ignored it as she continued to run towards the pull-up bar on the playground. Nothing mattered as she pulled herself up and twisted on it, she did a simple jump this time, however, the pain in her back grew stronger as she hit the ground this time.

It should have mattered to her… but honestly… it didn’t. She was ready after a second of holding her back to run and do something else before she felt someone grab her hand tightly and pull her back, the words “What the fck do you think you’re doing” leaving his lips before she could try again with a riskier jump.

Letting her eyes move back, low and behold, a man with his body covered in every fcking type of tattoo stood in front of her. “Let go of my fcking hand, Quinn.”

@novella - Annie Mentioned
@Littlefeets - Quinn

Watch to Understand the Scene/Gymnastics She was Doing.

Make.It.or.Break.It.s01e07. почти фриран:) - YouTube


Though slightly related to Paige, Amelia Grace didn’t know the girl very well. She knew that she was uncle Dorian’s, wife’s sister. However, over the years they only had a few, brief encounters with most of them having her give both Phoebe and Amie a cold shoulder. Ironically, she was, however, always kind to uncle Dorian’s kids. How her aunt Jessica was related to Paige? Who knew - they truly seemed like polar opposites. That being said, Amie always tried to see the best in people and maybe she was lying to herself, but when Amelia saw Paige, she just saw a hurt… girl pushing her hurt on others.

That being said, the shock on Amie’s features were an understatement as she watched the video from Eddie’s childhood featuring… an honestly happy little girl with Eddie. Happy… excited… so what happened? And how come Eddie couldn’t remember it at… all? At the same time, although her best friend was saying that he was fine he didn’t look fine… and her heart immediately dropped. How does one console another about this situation? I’m sorry you don’t remember someone when you were a child doesn’t exactly cut it…

So she simply stayed quiet as he got up to grab an old box that Amie had never seen before. The softest of smiles met Amie’s lips seeing young Eddie with his sisters and dad. He looked similar to the little boy she met all those years ago at the movie theatre, only younger and almost… happier? Seeing her friend stop at a certain photo, however, Amie’s eyes drifted to one with Paige and Eddie. Putting her hand over Eddies, Amie twisted the photo over to the back noting “Paige Pierce and Eddie Flynn - Christmas Eve” with the date noting a year before Amie and him had met. “That’s… so strange…” Amie whispered, not knowing what else to say. Her hand went into the box, pulling out more loose photos; many of Eddie and his family, and a few more with Paige and him over the years. By over the years, Amie meant, Over the years - because there was a photo of the two of them playing when they were 2. “So you’ve known Paige from when you were 2 and you can’t remember at all? Maybe your sisters kno…” Amie was going to finish her sentiment when her phone buzzed to life. From the side, Amie could see an Urgent email from the Dean and immediately her heart started racing. Why was the Dean emailing her? Eddie’s phone hadn’t buzzed meaning it wasn’t a mass email. Did she do something wrong? She knew she was avoiding Quinn and she was supposed to be his “Welcome Buddy” aka watch over him for the Dean and make sure he didn’t get into trouble and she was pretty good at that before… well let’s just not talk about what happened in that hotel room. Maybe it was that. Oh please don’t be that… how was Amie supposed to tell the Dean the reason she couldn’t turn in an evaluation for the month on Quinn’s performance was that she had sex with him and couldn’t even look at him in the face without turning an unnatural shade of red? Amie really needed that letter of recommendation. At this point, all her primary applications were turned in for the schools she was interested in… Ivy Leagues and a few In Italy that she was previously looking at with Phoebe… and a few back ups too. But for any of them to be finalized, Dean Klein had to write that letter of recommendation… and a good one at that. These extra tasks he had given her were a way to prove to him that she deserved it and she couldn’t… mess that up.

Title: URGENT - Emergency Meeting at Cerulean High School at 2:00 PM
We need to have a discussion. Please come to my office at 2:00 PM
Dean Klein

Why was he calling her to school on a weekend? Oh who the fck cared… now her heart was racing. What did that email even mean? What time was it? 1:30 PM. Oh fck. Oh FCK. “Hey… Eddie I have to go it’s… I don’t even know what this is but Dean Klein told me he needs to meet with me. I’m sorry… I know you’re going through something right now and I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Amie started, rambling a little unsure about how to feel about this. It was only when he sent her a brisk nod that she started making her way to the door.

So she walked. Yes… walked. Eddie only lived 15 minutes away from the school and it wasn’t like she was the best driver in the world. Let’s just say - it was the worst 15 minutes of her life. Was she going to get detention? She had NEVER gotten detention before. Why? What did she do? Was it Fin? Was her reports not good enough? What was it? Oh my god…

These thoughts flooded her mind as she got to the Cerulean High grounds, walking towards the door immediately and pulling on the front doors expecting them to be unlocked. After all… if the Dean tells you to get there, you expect the front doors to be unlocked irregardless if it’s a weekend. Amie pulled again. Hell, she event tried pushing. Then she walked to the side doors and pulled. SHE EVEN WALKED TO THE BACK DOORS AND PULLED. And now, she was back at the front doors, putting her eyes to the window trying to find a janitor or someone to let her in. Oh my god… it was already 1:55 PM. She was going to be in so much trouble. Amie was the early one. Always the early one. She knocked again on the glass doors, before pulling up her phone and going to her email to send a message to Dean Klein that she was there and waiting when she heard laughing behind her.

Turning around, She found someone leaning against a car, his arms holding his head up as he looked towards her. A frown met Amie’s lips when she saw Fin there. “Honestly Fin, I don’t have time for you today. Your dad needs to meet with me. Do you have a key?” Amie asked, trying the doors for the hundredth time, a worried expression filling her entire features and body language as the anxiety set in about being late to this meeting.

More laughter met her attempts and she turned to face him. “Seriously, if you’re not going to help, can you just go awa… wait… you… please don’t tell me you sent that message…”

@astxrism - Fin
@Littlefeets - Eddie


Quinn wasn’t the picture of reliability, that much was certain, but whenever it came to people he considered himself actually close to, he was there when he was needed. Most of the time… Over the past couple of years, things had changed. On the surface, one would see him as the same, but deeper, he was just someone who didn’t have a hopeful outlook on much of anything. Whatever hope, whatever attempt at denial of the way things could be, it was long gone now. He lost that last fragment there was remaining from his childhood when his parents divorced, and it pushed him further along the dark path he had already chosen. He was away from his sister, the person who brought him back down to earth, out of his head, and made him do the right thing. That time changed a lot, and Finch… losing her just made it worse. But even then, there were still things that were reminiscent of the person his twin sister always tried to help him be. He had his morals, lines he wouldn’t cross, which included not wanting to see someone who was important to him at one time doing something that would get her hurt. Telling her to stop, that would have been no use. Its not like they had really been on speaking terms since she got hurt in the first place, but he knew that if she kept up she could get really hurt. All he could do was grab her by the hand and pull her back, asking what she thought she was doing. “I’ll let go of your hand whenever I know you’re not going to go do a flip off of the monkey bars or whatever the f^^k else you were about to do.” Quinn said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t care if she didn’t like it, he wasn’t going to just stand there and watch when he could do something. “If you do stupid s^^t like this you’re going to get yourself hurt, or worse.”



Birthdays were supposed to be fun. The best day of the year. Party, drinks, girls… everything good life has to offer. Not a family dinner party. Not even a family dinner party but relatives and dad’s stupid ex dinner party. Why was that so important now when he finally got his dad away from that stupid guy, moved into his new apartment and escaped the toxicity? It was quite nice to get a text so early in the morning saying how he needed to show up because people were already invited. How he needed to show up an hour earlier so he could spend time with his family. It was pretty obvious that was the last thing he ever wanted to do after he got sent away to a fcking military school. Isn’t life just wonderful? At least he got an excuse not to go on a little mission with Annie and… what was her name? Btch? Yeah, there we go. But if he knew what was about to happen he’d gladly agree. Being in a hospital sounded way better than family dinner. Anything sounded better than that. The only problem was… those two dumb girls would only make his birthday worse by ruining his precious car. Drive into a house, die, he doesn’t care, but his car? Did it haaaave to be his car? Enough about that, there will be plenty of time to btch about it, now he had other things to worry about. If he didn’t show up Holly would bother him and as much as he actually tolerated her, he wanted to avoid that. He wanted to avoid that whole situation but he couldn’t, the only thing he could do is… bring someone with him so his dad behaves? Yes… yes. Yes, that’s a good plan, and he already has a perfect person on his mind. She owes him.

Before hunting down the girl he had better things to do, like actually enjoy his birthday. Be with friends, little day party at his place, the usual… Fighting on Instagram with stupid people. Life really can be fun sometimes. It can also be fun when you recently got copies of your dad’s keys… Well, most of them, but the most important one was the one that lets him enter the school whenever he wants. Why would he spend his birthday at his apartment when he could do it here, in this lovely school? Mess a little, destroy a few things, you know… the usual. But keeping it on the low, for now. While he was there… he could use the power his dad had. Okay, okay, getting Amelia to meet him could be easier than he thought it would be. With a heavy heart he had to tell his friends to leave as he made his way towards his dad’s office… The one he doesn’t have… the prettiest memories of. I’m looking at you desk. With a disgusted look on his face, Finley took a seat in front of the computer he hoped he wouldn’t need a password for but was his father really that dumb? Oh, he wished. Maybe it wouldn’t be that easy… Fine, let’s try “finleyisthebestson”… Nope. “ilovefinley”. Wrong. “ilovedck”. No, again… Old people write things down, right? So Sam must have his password soooomewhere in his drawers. Please, let him be at least a bit dumb… Bingo.

Today was the day Fin discover it was great pretending to be his father. How many things he could just achieve this way, he should start doing it more often. But now, let’s focus on the girl he gave only half an hour to get here since he didn’t want to waste his time in this room or just waste his precious time in general and get down to business… Okay, he couldn’t be there anymore, it was suffocating him. Plus did Amelia really need to know he had the keys? That little ass kisser would tell Sam immediately, no thank you. So what else he could do but wait for the girl outside? Just make sure everything was back where it was in that office so his dad wouldn’t suspect anything. Who cares about the rest of the school? Not Fin.

For the past 15 minutes Finley was standing outside, leaning against his car, just scrolling through his phone when he finally noticed someone frantically walking around the school. The person he needs. He just stood there, his arms crossed, entertained as he let the girl struggle a little more before finally letting himself laugh. Wow, she really thought his dad would call her to school, now? And she really came? If he didn’t need her he might’ve made a little fun of her.

We need to have a discussion. That message you mean?” Shrugging his shoulders, he let out another chuckle before getting to what they were really there for. Wasting time on her sadness because couldn’t see his father on a Saturday was not needed. ”With your recent shenanigans, I’m sure you get many offers a day now and your life is so exciting, but that’s not what I’m here for. You owe me.” Saying it all so nonchalantly, he forced a little smile at that last part. ”What does that mean? I need you to come to supposedly my own birthday party and pretend you’re my… date or whatever. No questions allowed. Good? Wonderful. You’re going to love it just as much as I will.” Can we just take a moment to appreciate how this is the most Fin has said to Amelia. Usually it’s just a grunt and an annoyed look, but this? This is an improvement. Against his will in a way, but this an improvement.

@/benitz786 - Amie


A pilot? Cleo frowned, well she wasn’t expecting that. She didn’t know what she was expecting his answer was going to be, but definitely not a pilot… maybe something that had to do with that sport he liked, what was it again? Ahhhhh baseball or any sport-based jobs, an athlete. He was also tall enough to be a basketball player, disappointing that he wouldn’t put that height to a good use but Cleo smiled softly at him “pilot really?” She tucked a strand of her hair behind, “I didn’t expect that.” She let out a laugh, “But nice you figured out what you want to do, because let me tell you times goes out quicker than a flash.” And that was true, it was as if yesterday she was still a 5-year innocent child who didn’t know shiii about the world and now she’s 19? d@mn.

“My choices don’t just affect me so I have to have a concrete plan.” Cleo nodded at that, “Will Yua take your place after you retire?” or did Niko have any plans for future children?

@Caticorn - Niko

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“There’s no one that you see…romantically for prom that could possibly ask you?” Luna flinched, “Ummm my d-dad just called, I need to pick this phone call.” That was obviously a lie as there was no ringtone heard and Luna’s phone was on mute, so unless she had some superpower, which obviously she didn’t, there was no way she knew her dad was calling. Luna stood up and went to the non-fiction section, tripping, she accidentally hit the bookshelf and a book fell at her head. She winced as she picked it up, 'Ed and his love problems." Me and you both, ed This was way Luna didn’t do confidence, every time she ended up embarrassing herself and stuff like this happened.

“There’s no one that you see…romantically for prom that could possibly ask you?” oof, that had hurt. Like really hurt, Luna felt like falling down to her knees and sobbing, but there was a possibility he could hear and come check on her and Luna didn’t want that to happen. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough as for today Luna slid from the shelf and dropped to her knees, she sighed. Saturday January’s was something Luna hated now. She had a feeling that those Saturdays in January remind her of one of the most embarrassing moments for her. Maybe Luna should also stop coming to this very library on a January’s Saturday? or maybe stop coming her at all. If what Elijah said was true and this was his favorite library, she didn’t want to run into him for now, after this… it was better to avoid him.

Luna walked back to the spot Elijah was and gave him a soft smile, putting her hoodie on to cover her face. “Umm my dad wanted to check on me, yeah…” she sat at the furthest point away from Elijah and with a soft voice asked, “Do you want to continue our game?”

@Kbail - Elijah

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So why was Paige Pierce like this? In other words: Why was she a colossal btch to everyone she knew or met? Well, simply because people weren’t trustworthy. Look at Eddie Flynn, look at her fcking family who apparently had been lying to her, look at anyone who Paige had ever fcking trusted in her life. Quinn Castillo easily fell under this category of people Paige couldn’t trust, and if you asked her, he was the lowest of low scum she knew. Truly: the hatred for him that she felt was undeniably strong. Maybe once upon a time, she may have considered him a close friend. After all, the two always had similar personalities and ideas, however, that Paige was gone now and the girl who stood in front of the man today was just a hollow shell of who she used to be. So what if Paige flipped on the bloody monkey bars? What does it matter? She could do it, she could land it. In any case, if anyone had absolutely no right to tell her what the hell to do, it was one Quinn fcking Castillo.

Paige’s eyes drifted to his hand keeping her in place before looking back to his eyes with a quiet anger within her own. “If I wanted to ask your opinion on my flips, I would have asked for it. But ironically, I haven’t spoken one word to you since I got here and I thought that painted a pretty clear fcking picture, don’t you think?” she asked, truly curious at if he thought he had any value to this conversation.

He rolled his eyes at her. HE REALLY ROLLED HIS EYES AT HER. What the actual fck? “WHO CARES QUINN? Who really fcking cares if I break my neck? I certainly don’t. And clearly, history says you don’t either. So let me the fck go, and let me do what I want because I’m not really feeling like explaining my life’s actions to someone who means nothing to me. So unless you want me to slam my knee into your balls, I suggest you let me go in the next few seconds, darling.” Perhaps all the pent up anger over the last few hours… hell… last few years were finally bubbling up. Usually Paige was an expert at keeping a handle on her emotions but right now… well… she was a little more than her usual p!ssed.



Before Ricky even said anything to her, he looked her up and down, Annie’s eyes following to the hospital gown. Now this certainly was not the attire she was in before. “What? Not a good look?” She asked expectantly at his lack of words. Though when he did speak he did, thankfully, rule out the possibility of a blood-relation, exhibit A being the contrasting nationalities. “Nothing quite gets past you, does it?” She asked him, however no extent of sarcasm could disguise the drained sound in her voice. Annie walked past him to the seats in the waiting room as he gave a poor reasoning as to why he was here - not even waiting for her to question it to backtrack and give a ‘real’ reason.

“You- what?” Her defences were interrupted by Ricky dropping the word friends. Well obviously he didn’t know enough if he thought that about her. “Must be some crazy reason,” Annie lightly commented, though still unsure of if he was being serious or not. Probably not - he didn’t… seem like the type. “What about, you know, the fvcking wedding?” Annie asked him, which can only be translated to ‘how are you still here after that?’, while cringing at the thought of her actions. Well, what she could remember of them. “Sorry. About that, by the way.” She told him, staring at the wall. Hold on, what fvcking drugs had the hospital put her on? “Other than that, Montoya, I’m-- no it’s fine, it actually works because it seems like Williams isn’t right either,” Annie pointed out, to address how unfitting it seemed, considering the time, to reference her how he usually did.

Annie put her head in her hands as Ricky lightly asked what she meant by that. For fvcking fvcks sake. How could she ever face her father now? But she had to, she needed to, as soon as she could, even it it were for the last time. “Apparently Paige is, like, fvcking family to me, or whatever. And, if he’s anywhere close to being in his right mind, my father won’t ever want to be - fvck,” At her final exclaim of frustration, that emotion evolved into a sadder one. “I really messed things up,” Came barely audible from her choked up voice.

benitz786 Ricky Montoya, Jordan Williams


Stupid… that’s exactly how Amelia Grace felt when the realization of what exactly happened hit her. Dean Klein hadn’t requested her presence for an emergency meeting… no why would he? It was the weekend… of course, he wouldn’t ask a student to come to school on a weekend for a meeting about other students. You’re an idiot Amelia. Yep. An… Idiot. But could anyone blame her? She just didn’t want to make a bad impression on the dean and her recommendation was already on the line since she hadn’t been able to get Fin or Quinn to sit down and, well, go to class.

A clear frown was now plastered across her face as she looked at the man in front of her, asking a question she honestly already knew the answer to. Although his confirmation simply put it over the top… and then the laughter. Was he really laughing at her? Was that why he called her here? To make fun of her? Really. Great joke Fin, your humor simply get’s better every year. If you didn’t get that, it was 100% sarcasm because she was positive Fin didn’t have a personality trait besides rude. Maybe there was something deep within the rude exterior that could be “friend material” to someone, but Amelia Grace was not the individual for it. She knew her limits.

Her frown deepened with his next words, and the red in her cheeks deepened. He wasn’t wrong. After the… accidental nude posts which she removed IMMEDIATELY when she was sober… and then the thing with JP… people had been Dming her to get in on the offer which was disgusting by the way. “Where are you even going with th… I owe you? How do I owe you Fin? We’ve talked less than 4 words before today. Most of the time you ignore me. You skip every tutor session I’m required to set up with you, which usually just ends up with me alone in the library doing my own work for two hours every Tuesday and Thursday. So how in the world do I owe you?”

Okay… that was more confident than Amelia Grace usually was… but blame it on the confusion with his words. She owed him? As he explained further… which honestly was barely an explanation… she swore her mouth opened agape at his words. Did she know it was his birthday? Maybe she had seen it scrolling through Instagram, but it was the next part about her being his date that really caught her off guard. Of course there was more to the story - Fin hated her or disliked her or something so he wouldn’t be asking… telling her if he didn’t have a reason for it. Maybe Amie was naive, but she wasn’t a complete idiot. Then something else hit her - his dad would be there. No. Nope. She couldn’t go with Fin and risk getting on his father’s bad graces… or was that why he wanted her there? Was she a buffer? She knew he had a bad relationship with his dad. “N-…no. No Fin. What? No. You don’t even like being in the same room as me… I don’t even…”

For some reason, however, there was a look on Fin’s face almost as if he wasn’t worried about her saying no. What did he have over her? Why did she owe him? “You are absolutely crazy if you think I’m getting in that car with you.”

@astxrism - Feel free to bring up the kiss and the video Fin took of her that he would be more than happy to reveal to the world was her and not phoebe.


Elijah internally winced after asking that question, and his attempt to say never mind was definitely not going to work in this situation. The question was probably still lingering in her mind. There was a bit of silence before Luna explained that her dad was calling her and she got up to leave. Elijah watched as she left the table and disappeared within the library shelves. He wasn’t the type of person to overthink his interactions with others but he found it hard to read Luna and what she was thinking. While he waited for her to come back he grabbed one of the books he took from the shelves and started flipping through it. After a while, he saw her walking back to the table from the corner of his eye, and his head immediately snapped up. “Umm my dad wanted to check on me, yeah…Do you want to continue the game?” She asked. Her hoodie was now pulled over her face and he couldn’t help but feel guilty. “Sure but Is…everything okay? With your dad?” He asked. Elijah was glad that it seemed she wanted to move on from that horribly timed question he just asked but he still couldn’t be sure if she was okay.

@Kristi - Luna


Quinn really didn’t have the ground to talk on this one. It wasn’t some desire to play the role of the white knight savior, or a ploy to make her think he was worried about her in order to get in her pants, or even just trying to get under her skin. No, it was none of that this time. Quinn, the king of doing reckless things that he shouldn’t be doing, didn’t want to see Paige doing something stupid and reckless. Alright fine, most of the time he wouldn’t care, but what she was doing was too much of a risk, even Quinn could see that. He knew she didn’t want to talk to him, that much was clear, and he knew why, but that didn’t mean that he wanted to see her seriously hurt. “Not that it makes any difference to you, but I f^^^king care Paige.” They weren’t friends anymore, but she still someone he once called his friend, one of his closest friends. The days of their relationship itself mattering were long gone at this point, but she was still someone who had been important to him. “My sister is already f^^king dead and I can’t just stand here and let someone else I know get themselves killed over something f^^king stupid. Not when you know better and I can f^^king do something about it.” He knew her threat wasn’t just a threat, but he couldn’t, he just couldn’t step back and watch her do something that at the very least would get her hurt, if not dead.



Laurel’s life was a mess, changing all around her, and she hated it. She never had been a fan of big changes, but her mom getting married, her mom being pregnant, and everything else wasn’t even the end of it. She was about to drive home when she got a call, news she never would have dreamed of. There was an accident while her dad was taking some photographs, and he was dead. Fine, he wasn’t the most involved in her life, he wasn’t actively in her life, he never had been, but they just talked. She saw him at her mom’s wedding, and now, now he was just gone. She didn’t get a goodbye, just that was it, he was gone. Her father, the man who’s attention she wanted so bad, the person who was never around enough, she would never see again. She could never have more time with him. He would never be there to walk her down the aisle at her wedding, not that she necessarily even wanted to get married or have an actual wedding one day, but now she didn’t have that option to have a wedding someday with her dad there. She needed to go somewhere, do something, not think. She looked to her phone, saw the names of friends, and some who weren’t friends, but she focused on one name. However, there was a catch. That person, was Mateo, who was at that moment sitting in Saturday detention, where Laurel was technically supposed to be herself, but that’s beside the point. Mateo was in detention, which called for a jailbreak. She drove to the school, and when she got there it was a piece of cake. She didn’t have to give some excuse to talk her way in without getting stuck in detention and to get herself and Mateo out. All it took was remotely activating the car alarm for the teacher who was watching over the students, so she could slip in get Mateo and get out. Of course, it wouldn’t be simple for the teacher to turn off said car alarm, Laurel is a Parker after all, and her uncle Dan did teach her some skills. She may not actively be a hacker, but she is still a Parker who knows her way around code, so keeping the car alarm activated was easy. Once the teacher couldn’t see her, she walked into the school and up to the classroom where Mateo was. “Someone call for a rescue?” she said with a smirk. “Come on, let’s get out of here and go have some fun.”

@benitz786 - Mateo

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Trust him Amelia, he’d rather be spending this day with anyone but you or his family. Not only this day so don’t blame him for not showing up to you little tutoring sessions and leaving you all alone in the library. Isn’t that a good thing? Who in the world wants to spend two hours of their day tutoring someone in the library? You’re not living your life the right way, girly. Thinking about it… maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Maybe she’d make it all worse because she’s such a goodie two shoes, caring about his father and what he thinks of her. There are way better people to impress. He should’ve just said no to Sam, avoided this weird situation and another chance to get his car ruined because of this clumsy girl standing in front of him with her frown. Is it that bad? You’re wasting 4 hours of you life in the library every week because your friends never show up for you to make them into better students, why complain now? And does she really not know why she owes him? No… She… Doesn’t. Well this just got more interesting.

”You talk a lot,” was the first thing he could say listening to her, unamused. If she really thinks she can say no just like that, she’s wrong, so let’s skip this unnecessary conversation. ”I’ would’ve asked your sister since she’s actually the one you owe, but it seems like my dad really likes you and that’s what I need,” with a sigh, he completely ignored whatever she said previously, preparing to open the door for her as a gentleman he is. ”That doesn’t mean you also don’t owe me. It was really traumatizing having someone jump me in the hallway and start making out with me when all I wanted was to have a normal day.” Putting on a fake frown, Finley turned to see her reaction the moment that car door was open. ”Oh… but you don’t remember that? Wouldn’t it be nice to have everyone find out it was you and me on that video and not your sister, now when they’re all still entertained with your other business? So… shall we? Sam is going to be so happy to see you.” Isn’t this a perfect opportunity for you, Amie? Sure, you’ll have to get through his awful car ride and then be by Fin’s side most of the time, but the dean will be there. Don’t tell me he’s not doing you yet another favor?

@/benitz786 - Amelia


“You talk a lot”

Thanks for that, Fin. Thanks for your words of wisdom… truly it was the highlight of Amie’s day to hear that she talked a lot. She wrapped her arms around her chest as she looked at him, rolling her eyes at that sentiment. “I don’t talk al…” and of course he talked over her. Finley Klein, the gentleman everyone. No wonder girls were fawning over him. That last sentiment was a joke - something Fin clearly wouldn’t understand since he didn’t seem to have a sense of humor. Unless this whole thing was a joke… then maybe she could give him the benefit of the doubt. However, her features dropped with what he said over her words - asking her sister? What did this have to do with Phoebe? What did Phoebe get her into this time? Well, Fin, Amie will have you know that for the past month, she stopped fixing Phoebe’s mistakes so…

But he continued, telling him that she kissed him. Excuse her? Um. She kissed him? She did not kiss him. She would NEVER kiss him. Her? Amelia Grace? She wasn’t even attracted to the man standing in front of her. Don’t get her wrong - she knew what other girls saw in Fin, but that was strongly clouded by his rude personality from day one. Her mind was running, trying to realize what he was trying to talk about and she was almost going to call him a liar… before a memory popped into her mind with Phoebe saying she kissed Fin in the hallway on Instagram. At the time, Amie was kind of dealing with her own things so she didn’t really think about it… it did sound like a Phoebe thing to do… she was going to say something to her about it but it slipped her mind. Fck… oh my god… OH MY GOD THAT WAS HER? Thinking back to it now… it made sense with what she took that day… honestly she couldn’t remember that day at all. She knew about the nudes which garnered too much-unwanted attention… oh god… was it too late to bleach her mouth… oh…god.

Her emotions were likely clearly displayed don her features as she realized what happened… though her heart also dropped learning that her sister took the fall for her. Why would she… part of her missed her sister… the other part was so stubborn and mad about what she did that Amie couldn’t even look at her anymore. Fin didn’t give her much time to contemplate his words as he continued, telling her how she didn’t remember which was true… “Wai…no.” Amie whispered with his tell everyone notion and her heart dropped even further. She really had to do this… oh my god…

Running her hands through her hair, Amie met his eyes before walking away for a second before walking back. She couldn’t… believe she was doing this. “I need to change. I’m not wearing… this to a party your… the dean is at.” . There was nothing wrong with her outfit, it just screamed comfortable and was something she could easily sleep in. Taking a seat in his car, her eyes closed as she rubbed her eyes. She didn’t have anything at JPs home that would work for a party… great. "I need you to drive me home… so I can change. "

Please let Phoebe and Mom… not be there. Please.



niko tanaka

Niko watched as their brother nodded, confirming what he had said moments before. “Yeah. I think it would be cool to work for an international airline.” He told her, elaborting on his answer. Niko nodded in agreement when Cleo said that time goes out in a flash. “Maybe.” They answered as she asked if Yua would take their place. “If she does, I want it to be her choice. I’m not going to force her or pressure her into it.” They added, elaborating on their answer. “I haven’t thought too much about it, though. It’s so far in the future that it’s not worth worrying about right now.”

@Kristi - Cleo

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