“I like the sound of that.” Persie smiled mischievously, excited to spend more time with him. Awww. His retaliation was so dorky. Then he called a man presumably close to him in age as ‘cute’ for his incorrect pronunciations. Okay, so, a femboy. P didn’t know much about men’s feminine sides, because she usually surrounded herself with gangsters, but he seemed nice. “Like… Peguin?” She asked, trying to figure out how to pronounce penguin wrong. “That does sound cute!” She noticed. “Do you think I sound cute when I say mah-dem-wah-zelle?” Persie smiled, attempting to charm him, while also being self aware. “Or does it just make you think; ugh, this silly American.” She giggled.
“Well yeah but she’s not… inappropriate with you sometimes?” Persie asked with the most cautious tone she could. Since she still didn’t know what was going on fully, she tried not to be offensive, either. Personally, when someone would comment something negative about her ex, she would always remember the good things he did. For a long time, she had no one to turn to but him. And he was there! Until recently. It was like this weird competition between perspectives. He loved her like no one did. And he hurt her worse than everyone else. Both statements were true. So she had to learn to put them both on a scale, where the weight of the situation beat the bubby butterflies. If he was the same, he was looking at the lighter side of the scale, soaring higher because there was less of it to sink.