It felt like it had only been a few minutes into her conversation with Xavier before Ru was interrupting, sidling up beside her. Dai hadn’t heard him approach, had only felt his hand on her shoulder before turning and seeing him standing at her side. Even with the interruption though, she was smiling because it was Rueben and she was always happy to be in his presence. “Ru, hi!” she replied. “I missed you more!” She wrapped an arm around his waist, giving him a side hug. “You know Xavier, right? Xay, this is Reuben.”
Reuben apparently had something that he wanted to specifically discuss with her, as he asked to steal her from Xavier. Daiane looked to him, a regretful expression on her face. “We’ll chat later?” She asked, pulling him into a brief, parting hug (yes again—the girls a hugger what can I say). “Call if you need me Xay, I mean it.” Dai added with a meaningful glance. She wasn’t totally fond of the idea of just ditching him like this, but he had come to the party of his own volition, so he’d probably be fine and she would catch up with him again later anyways. “See you~!”
And then Reuben grabbed onto her hand and pulled her away, whisking her away kidnapper-style to a room removed from the main area of the party. It was quieter in this room, and luckily enough for them, they didn’t appear to be interrupting any lovers’ passion or hookup or whatnot. Destination reached, her kidnapper released her from his clutches, flopping onto the floor. She laughed at his excessive dramatics, but rolled her eyes at his recommendation—he was trying to play the hero, subjecting himself to the horrid floor conditions while she chilled on the couch, well, no can do no sir. She sat down next to him on the floor, knocking her shoulder with his. “Like I’d take the couch with you on the floor. If you’re gonna be on the floor, I’ll be next to you, you know that. Floor friendos, we are.”
The actual reason behind her kidnapping was quite underwhelming compared to the amount of drama that had been involved in it: “Thank you for the excuse to leave that conversation, small talk will be the death of me.” Daiane snorted, any concern she felt for her amigo dissipating. “So that’s why you kidnapped me—and here I was thinking it was something important,” she teased, rolling her eyes. “Is that all I am to you, an escape from small talk?” She let out a dramatic sigh of her own, falling back onto his lap, a hand sprawled across her face. “And I thought we were best friends, but alas you only like to use me like this—woeeeee is mee.” Dai paused, adjusting her position on his lap with a pensive expression. “Side note: your thighs are really comfortable Ru, like damn I should lie on your lap more often. Is this a soccer thing or some freak genetics?”
Daiane looked up at him, taking in his getup for the first time. How was it only now that she had noticed he was wearing a whole clown costume? “Hey Ruby?” An amused smile pulled at her lips. “Why are you dressed like a clown? Is today Halloween and you never told me??” She gasped, appalled at the gravity of the potential offence. “And,” she hopped to her feet, arms outstretched to pull him up from the ground too, “follow up question—c’mon, get up, lemme see the whole outfit in all it’s glory—whyy do you pull it off so well?”
@raviola well well ello there
@Caticorn mentioned <3