Cali & Wolfie's Tales Stories Recommendations

Recommendation Three

Mirror Mirror

Adventure, Fantasy | 14 Chapters Completed | Game story

When you stumble into a fairy tale world, you soon discover you bear a striking resemblance to the missing queen. Can you escape suspicion, locate the missing ruler and get your own happily ever after?!

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Not yet, but I plan to start reading this month. I’ve been getting ready start reading from multiple apps. Tales is one of them.

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Cool. Well, when you do, PM me and we can come up with a plan for sharing this then. (wink)

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Okay, sounds good to me! I’m pm you in the morning.

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Recommendation Four

Lights in the Mist

Adventure, Fantasy | 20 Chapters Completed | Game story

On the eve of your wedding, you’re transported into a magical realm full of beings ready to fulfill your every desire. Do you take advantage of your captivity?

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Recommendation Five


Historical, Thriller | 18 Chapters ongoing | Game story

You wake up in London, covered in scars and with no memory of who you are. A man approaches, relieved to have found you. He tells you you’re his governess and takes you home to look after his children. Only the house has no mirrors, you’re not allowed into the basement, and there’s something…off…about these children. Can you solve the mystery of who you are and what is happening around you? Or Will your memory be taken from you again?

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Recommendation Six


Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal | 10 Chapters Completed | Game story

With new powers, a dark past, and an unyielding thirst for revenge, you’re given a rare opportunity to make your mark in a surprising new career. Are you ready to attend magic school…for reapers

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Recommendation Seven


Adventure, Contemporary, Thriller, Horror | 10 Chapters Completed | Game story

You’ve been taken by a serial killer hunting unsuspecting hikers for sport. Can you team up with a handsome ranger and escape down the mountain?!

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Cali’s review of


3 1/2 chapters read ||| Overall Score: 85.3

First Impression (before reading): 9.5/10
I’m intrigued to read this story and find out what has happened. The cover-art is beautiful; the soft glow around the main character to separate her from the background is incredible. You can definitely tell that she’s the focus. For me, a thriller makes me want to read it more, however, I’m unsure about it being historical as well. Even if the cover tells me the approximate time it’s set.

Impression (after chapter one): 17/20
Immediately I was captured. The effects and sounds were used beautifully, making me want to find out what was happening. The first character the MC interacted with was the man of the house/their employer (supposedly), and he left me in a position of wanting to trust him but being hesitant. Love being torn like that. The only thing I didn’t much like was the two premium choices in this chapter; both only gave two options each. It would have been nice to just have another option in each for if you don’t always want to spend gems.

Characters: 18/20
From the beginning the character immediately show depth and that their is a story behind their eyes. I was a little confused as to way we saw an image of a little blonde child and then the two children looked different, since I know Tales has great options for character creation. As for the rest of the characters she starts meeting, they were interesting, all seeming to have both good and bad sides.

The developing plot & story: 15/20
It starts at a good pace, not moving the plot along at a too fast, nor too slow a pace. This continues throughout the next few chapters. One small thing is that you get given coins in the second chapter, which is represented with an icon up the top. The problem I see is that the icon is the same one used as the one for health, which is very confusing. I also don’t like that a key decision was a gem choice. That’s bad etiquette for those not willing to spend their gems. This also happened a couple of times too; readers don’t want to be forced to spend gems in order to get a good key decision outcome.

Music & Backgrounds: 16/20
The music and sound effects really set the scene for both the opening location and the thriller genre. There are some sounds in later chapters that go on a little too long, and you have to click to stop. I would have preferred them in the background as you read a sentence. As for the background, they fit well with the setting, although some got a little repetitive. Particularly those when you get to look around the house.

Grammar: 9.8/10
There were a couple is minor grammatical error here and there, but over all it was very well written. Nothing that made me any less willing to read.