✨ Camp Half-Blood Fanfic Thread 🌥

Q&A with Jake Fairchild

Full Name ~ Jake Fairchild
Pronunciation ~ Jake Fair-child
Nickname/Alias ~ I don’t have any set nicknames that most people use, but any girl can feel free to call me whatever she likes.
Meaning ~ I have no idea.
Origin of Name ~ Fairchild is my dad’s last name.
Title ~ Aphrodite Cabin Leader
Signature ~ I have a nice signature and handwriting.
Gender ~ Male
Age ~ I am 17
Deathday ~ No time soon. I don’t plan on dying young.
Birthplace Either Olympus or California is my best guess. You’ll have to ask the goddess of love herself.
Immediate Family Aphrodite, my father even though I haven’t seen him in over 10 years, and the other members of the Aphrodite cabin.
Ethnicity ~ I have no idea what my father is, I just know the Greek side.
Preferred Hand ~ I’m right handed.
Phobias ~ I‘m only telling people I’m close to.
Addictions ~ I have been told I have a minor addiction to my hair dryer…
Mental Disorders~ Dyslexia like most Greek demigods.
Income ~ I don’t have an actual income, but I can use charmspeak to get anything I want
Education ~ I’ve been at camp since I was 7, so I’m not sure what level of education I actually have.
Social Stereotype
Religion ~ That is self explanatory, isn’t it?
Culture ~ Also self explanatory
Favourite color? ~ Red
Favourite food? ~ It’s hard to pick just one. Strawberries or chocolate chip pancakes are probably the best two.
Biggest fear? ~ I already said I won’t say this to someone I’m not close to.
Worst memory? ~ The entirety of the trip to camp when I was 7.
Sexuality? ~ Hey there ladies, don’t worry, I’m straight.
Parents’ names? ~ Aphrodite and Harlan Fairchild.
Favourite person? ~ How am I expected to say my favorite.

Next up - Andrea


OMG I love Jake :joy:


Haha! I’m glad to hear that! I had to do my best to make it as him as possible.

Now we just have to have him and Kara talk finally.


His confidence and charm are OP :ok_hand: I want to have a convo with him but it has to be one of my few characters that won’t slap the sense out of him :joy:

Agreed hehe :nerd_face: I’m writing her post now actually…very…slowly


I have to have him have the ultimate confidence, well… unless it comes down to his fears. I have such a hard time showing the charm and flirtatious qualities of my characters, but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it with Jake at least. Definitely. And even if it was one of those it would be great.

Can’t wait!


He’s just like “Don’t worry ladies I’m straight” ahh I’m kinda fangirling over Jake now that I know more about him haha, but yeah you’re definitely getting it down with him. Don’t say that, he’d have to suffer with someone like Quinee :joy: I can only imagine the mean, sarcastic things she’d say.

:blush: Yayy~


There were quite a few of the questions where I knew what his answer would be, but I struggled to think of how he would give the answer. Then as soon as I thought of that i was like “Oh, that is definitely something Jake would say!” Even coming up with that response made me like him that much more, when he was the first CHB character I made even in the original, and start to actually feel like I was playing him well. Once I can fully succeed with one flirtatious character, the rest will soon follow, which means ultimate success.

:smirk: :smiling_imp: :woman_shrugging:t2: I can imagine. Hopefully, the first of your characters he interacts with won’t be someone like her, for his and my sake with trying to write his reactions.


You are becoming the master meanwhile I’m still a grasshopper haha :cricket: I specialize in sarcastic, cold characters so when it comes to playing someone like Ariadne I like digitally scream because I don’t feel like I’m playing her right. But like when I first started with Kara and I’m still working her out, this helped me kinda figure out how she was supposed to sound like and it matched up with my vision for her so I definitely understand what you’re saying.

Haha, I think Quinn slightly kills me inside with her attitude but I lowkey love it :’) But definitely, if I interact with him soon it’ll be one of my tamer characters.


I’m still nowhere near mastery, but you’re at least the same level I am or higher. The best I do with is characters like Andrea or Ajax. That calm mostly confident front, even if past that front is a lot of worry or lack of confidence. Characters like Jake are my most difficult. Confidence in a social setting, being extroverted, or especially being charming or flirty in any way and I feel like I suck at playing them. But I keep trying and hoping I play them half decently enough to somewhat near how I imagined.

I can understand that actually. :+1:t2:


Q&A with Andrea Abelle

Full Name ~ Andrea Abelle
Pronunciation ~ Ahn-dray-ah uh-belle, but you can also pronounce my first name as Ann-dree-uh
Nickname/Alias ~ You can call me Andrea, or just call me Andy.
Meaning ~ Strong
Origin of Name ~ Andrea is the feminine variant of the Greek Andrew.
Title ~ Leader of the Athena Cabin
Signature ~ My hand writing is not the best, but better than Ajax. My signature is fairly simple, but it looks nicer than standard printing of my name.
Gender ~ Female
Gender Role ~ Really? You’re asking that sort of a question?
Age ~ I am 17 years old.
Deathday ~ If I’m lucky, not any time soon.
Birthplace ~ You’ll have to ask my mother that one.
Immediate Family ~ Athena, my grandparents, and the other members of the Athena cabin.
Ethnicity ~ Greek from my mother, but I can’t recall my father’s ethnic mix.
Preferred Hand ~ I’m a righty, but I’m working on improving the abilities of my left.
Phobias ~ Snakes… I can’t stand them… or losing someone I care about.
Addictions ~ No way.
Mental Disorders ~ Dyslexia, since my brain is wired for Greek instead of modern day English.
Income* ~ I’m at camp all year round. I don’t have an income.
Education ~ Officially, middle school, but I’ve learned a significant amount beyond that level of schooling.
Social Stereotype ~ Really? Is that question a necessity? Fine, I guess I would be considered a nerd?
Religion ~ My mother is Athena. Do I have to say more?
Culture ~ Again, do I have to say more than I already have?
Superstitions ~ I’m not much of a superstitious person. Sometimes there are superstitions that you just have to follow on the off chance of something going wrong if you don’t. As a demigod, things are bound to go wrong.
Favourite colour? ~ Hard to say, but either a teal or dark red.
Biggest fear? Umm… Daughter of Athena here. What do you think?
Fondest memory? ~ My fondest memory… Practically any time I spent with my dad. Specifically, the times where my dad had his arms around me as he explained various historical battles and their tactics.
Worst memory? ~ (she takes a deep breath as she fights back tears) Watching my father die protecting me.Sexuality? ~ I am heterosexual.
Parents’ names? ~ The goddess Athena and Atticus Abelle
What makes you cry? ~ Memories of my father.
What makes you really angry? ~ I stay level headed most of the time, but someone hurting someone I care about can do the trick.
Favourite person? ~ My dad. I miss him severely, and always will.

Next up… Jessa


Q&A With Arden Marino

Full Name- Arden Mae Marino
Pronunciation- Are-den May (like the month) Muh-reen-o
Nickname/Alias- … I don’t like nicknames.
Meaning- I believe that ‘Arden’ means ‘a place of solitude and great beauty’ while Mae means ‘bitter or pearl.’ I suppose that’s a bit fitting, huh? Anyway, Marino means ‘of the sea.’ Ironic, given my fears.
Origin of Name- I could be wrong, but Arden is Hebrew, I’m unsure of Mae, and Marino is Italian with Latin origin.
Title- Leader of Tyr Cabin, I guess?
Signature- To make up for my poor grades, I made sure that my penmanship was nice. I think I succeeded, personally.
Gender- Female
Gender Role- I don’t really see the point of this question.
Age- Eighteen, I suppose. I mean, I’m dead, aren’t I?
Birthday- June 29th
Zodiac- Cancer, not that it matters. I definitely do not fit the Cancer stereotype.
Deathday- I’m assuming you mean the day I first died. If we consider all the times I ‘died’ in Hotel Valhalla, the list would go on for ages. And it’s not like I can die again… right? Anway, February 17th.
Birthplace- Chicago, Illinois
Immediate Family- My mother, Gemma Marino, and father… Tyr, the Norse god of war and all that jazz.
Ethnicity- Italian and some other stuff, I guess?
Preferred Hand- When handling weapons, I’m ambidextrous but this doesn’t carry into my handwriting and other things, sadly.
Phobias- I’ll throw you a bone. One of my phobias surrounds large bodies of water. No one could ever get me into any body of water aside from a bathtub, at most. I refuse…
Addictions- Does an addiction to training and such count?
Mental Disorders- The typical demigod stuff. How about you guess?
Income- Before I died, I had a job at a local thrift store.
Education- I died just a few months before I could graduate… Don’t you think it’s a bit insensitive to ask me that?
Social Stereotype- Uh… I suppose I’m somewhat of a jock…? Before I died (wow, I’m getting tired of having to clarify things from before and after I died), I guess a mixture of a jock/intimidating popular girl?
Religion- Before I died, I was somewhat Christian… kind of.
Culture- Take a big guess, bud.
Superstitions- In Italy, there’s a superstition that if you say a word at the same time as your friend, the two of you will never get married (depending on the version you believe). I don’t actually believe it, but if I dislike someone enough, I have been known to try and say the same word as them just to make sure it’s never a possibility. Or, I just hope it happens. To undo this, you would supposedly have to touch your nose afterwards.
Favourite colour? Either maroon or emerald green.
Favourite food? I like a classic cheeseburger. Curly fries are nice, too. I like any sort of meat or potato, really but who doesn’t?
Biggest fear? Definitely the phobia I mentioned above.
Fondest memory? My eighteenth birthday. My friends and mom surprised me with a small party of the people I was closest to at the time.
Worst memory? Oh, I don’t know. The day I died, maybe? And yes, the sarcasm was intended.
What do you like most about yourself? My athletic abilities, for sure.
What do they like least about themselves? Well, that’s a tough question… I’m not a big fan of my face, specifically my eyes and nose.
Sexuality? I’m… actually not too sure. I’ve never had much experience with romance and I had never been too concerned with it. I always assumed that I would have time to ‘crush’ one someone later in life.
Parents’ names? Gemma Marino and… Tyr.
What makes you cry? I’m not sure, really. I know after I’ve hit the boiling point for my anger and once I’ve become over-stressed… I tend to bottle up my sadness, so it’s pretty messy whenever I do cry.
What makes you really angry? Aha, what doesn’t make me angry? Probably among the top, though, are childish idiots. Flirts. Marcus Attensia. Etc. It would take too long for me to list everything, really.
Favourite person? I’m starting to think that there isn’t even a person I like at Camp Half-Blood… so let’s just say either my best friend from before I died or my mom.

I’ll be doing Akio next, followed by Cress when she’s in the faceclaims! I hope that this was somewhat entertaining (:


Q&A with Jessa

Full Name Jessa
Pronunciation It’s pronounced just how it looks.
Nickname/Alias ~ Jess, or just J, works.
Meaning ~ No idea what it means.
Origin of Name ~ Jessa comes from the Jessamine plant, which is toxic. Then I don’t have a last name since I don’t know who my father was and I’ve grown up in camp.
Signature ~ Does that matter?
Gender ~ Female
Age ~ I’m 16
Deathday ~ I’m not the dead twin here.
Birthplace ~ I would guess the island Aeaea.
Immediate Family ~ Only Circe now.
Ethnicity ~ Greek is all I know.
Preferred Hand ~ My left.
Phobias ~ Fine, I have a fear of pigs, but that’s all you’re gonna get.
Addictions ~ Seriously?
Mental Disorders ~ Dyslexia. I’m a Greek demigod.
Income ~ Now you’re just wasting my time.
Education ~ I’ve lived in camp since I was an infant.
Social Stereotype ~ Don’t care.
Religion ~ Really? Did you forget everything about me?
Culture ~ Why are these questions wasting more and more of my time?
Favourite colour? ~ Purple, dark purple.
Biggest fear? ~ I told you one of my fears. I’m not telling you if it’s my biggest fear or if another fear is bigger.
Worst memory? ~ Hearing the news that my brother died on that quest. There was no reason for him to die.
Sexuality? ~ I’m bisexual.
Parents’ names? ~ My mother is Circe, but I’ve got no idea who my father is.
What makes you cry? ~ Why would I volunteer that information to you?
What makes you really angry? ~ My brother’s death. And these stupid questions that I’m done with.

Up Next, an Egyptian. Kamiliah


I rlly need to do this with my chars.

Which one should I do?


Your favourite one


Yes, but which one?



Rain if she is in this RP


She’s not…

Altho we can do chars from last season


Q & A with Connor

Full Name uh- Connor Ethan Beckett
Pronunciation Con-ner E-than Beck-it
Nickname/Alias I guess I don’t really have one?
Meaning ~ I looked it up and apparently it means strong willed or wise. Not sure how true it is on the wise part heh.
Origin of Name ~ Uh… irish, at least that’s what sheknows.com says?
Title ~ Wh- what does that mean? Oh, oh okay son of Hephaestus.
Signature I have… quite a scrawny hand writing. It’s kinda unreadable, very all over the place. I remember that one time in kindergarten when a girl named Elizabeth wouldn’t kiss me because of my handwriting. Yeah, she was kinda mean. What are we doing again? Interview- oh okay.
Gender Male.
Gender Role What does that mean? I- I don’t get these questions.
Age 16.
Birthday Sometime in November I think… like… maybe the 19th? No no, the 22nd, November 22nd.
Zodiac ~ What is that word? Zodiac. What’s that?
Deathday Um… well not today! checks pulse I don’t even know how to check my pulse- hah!
Birthplace Phoenix Arizona.
Immediate Family What does immediate mean? Oh, okay my mom, my sister… and I guess my dad?
Ethnicity Greek… american?
Preferred Hand Left.
Phobias That fear where you feel like the walls are closing in on you… in small areas. Yeah that one.
Addictions Uh… heh, vaping.
Mental Disorders Dyslexia and ADHD.
Income I remember stealing a chocolate bar so a bully wouldn’t take my lunch money. Is that the same thing? No, oh.
Education Elementary and middle school I guess? I never really payed attention though.
Social Stereotype Social stereotype? Um… thinks uh…-
Religion That’s kinda a silly question.
Culture Greek I guess?
Superstitions Like… superpowers?
Favourite colour? I like blue.
Favourite food? Pizza
Biggest fear? Being forgotten after I die. That would kinda suck
Fondest memory? One year during capture the flag, it was real muddy. I had the flag and I was running and I knew one area was super muddy, like really muddy so I ran around it but everyone else- hahaha - slipped on the mud- haha- sorry I’m sorry it was just really funny. My team ended up winning.
Worst memory? When my mom abandoned me and my sister. Reading that note… haunts me.
What do you like most about yourself? Umm pfft… I guess I’m like… really friendly. I make a lot of friends.
What do they like least about yourself? My [redacted] is kinda small. Oh I can’t say that? Oops- heh! My bad, sorry! I’m so sorry…
Sexuality? I like guys and girls.
Parents’ names? Amy and Hephaestus.
What makes you cry? Memories… of me and my sister. When things were… much simpler. Also puppies!
What makes you really angry? When people think they’re better than everyone else.
Favourite person? Well, gee I don’t really like to play favorites!


Q & A with Scott

Full Name ~ Scott MacCallan

Pronunciation ~ Scott Mac-Ka-Lan

Nickname/Alias ~ My wee sister calls me Scottie, other then 'at… Aha! Ginger (sighs deeply). A love my hair but come on… 'At nickname is too much.

Meaning ~ Scott means “from Scotland” (Shockin’, right?) or “wanderer”. Not sure about the surname, though.

Origin of Name ~ Partly English and partly Scottish…?

Title ~ Leader of Zelus Cabin.

Signature ~ Trust me, ye don’t wanna see it. A can’t even read after myself…

Gender ~ Male.

Gender Role ~ Eh…

Age ~ Turned 18 this year.

Birthday ~ 1st of August.

Zodiac ~ Apparently Leo…?

Deathday ~ There’s no way A’m dyin’ before my sister marries a lad A’ll approve of.

Birthplace ~ Kelso, Scotland.

Immediate Family ~ My closest family is my wee sister Ainsley (Call her my half-sister and ye’ll die)… The others too? Then addin’ my mother Robyn, my step-father Jamie and Zelus.

Distant Family ~ Ye should ask Zelus this one.

Ethnicity ~ Mix of Greek, Scottish and British.

Preferred Hand ~ It doesn’ really matter to me since A’m ambidextrous. Usually eatin’ with right hand, writin’ with left hand and fightin’ with both.

Phobias ~ Clowns, drow- Wait! Why do ye need to know 'at?

Addictions ~ Does flyin’ count?

Mental Disorders ~ Dyslexia…

Income ~ A’ve worked some part-time jobs back in Scotland. None at the moment.

Religion ~ Are ye jokin’…?

Superstitions ~ A’m not really a superstitious person but my mother is. When A was goin’ to Camp Half-Blood for the first time, she gave me a ring shaped like a rowan tree. It’s supposed to protect me from evil spirits but seems like Greek monsters don’t count (shrugs)

Favourite colour? ~ Grey and dark green.

Favourite food? ~ Sweet popcorn. A would die and kill for it.

Biggest fear? ~ Ha! A won’t fall into yer trap again!

Fondest memory? ~ Horse ridin’ in the Highlands with Ainsley. It was awfully cold 'at day plus A managed to fall from my horse but the trip was worth it.

Worst memory? ~ … A won’t talk about it.

What do you like most about yourself? ~ My wings. They often come in handy, especially when A’m tryin’ to escape from someone… Or somethin’.

What do you like least about yourself? ~ A’m a terrible liar who gets jealous easily. 'At sums it up.

Sexuality? ~ Heterosexual. A’m into lassies, not into lads.

Parents’ names? ~ Robyn MacCallan and Zelus.

What makes you cry? ~ Cuttin’ onions.

What makes you really angry? ~ Where should A start…

Favourite person? ~ Ainsley.


Q/A with Kaylen Vancille

Full Name ~ Kaylen Marie Vancille
Pronunciation ~ Kay-lin May-ree Van-seel
Nickname/Alias ~ Kale
Meaning ~ Keeper of the keys; pure; slender
Origin of Name ~ My mom wanted to give me a unique name, so she went with a Gaelic name even though she’s French. Marie was her mother’s name.
Title ~ Head of the Hephaestus cabin.
Signature ~ My name in cursive. The loops on the ‘y’ and the 'l’s are pretty big.
Gender ~ Female
Gender Role ~ Gender roles are dumb.
Age ~ 18
Birthday ~ August 4th
Zodiac ~ Leo
Deathday ~ Realistically speaking, in a few years.
Birthplace ~ Jericho, New York
Immediate Family ~ My mother and Hephaestus. I don’t count my stepfather as family.
Ethnicity ~ Greek and French
Preferred Hand ~ I’m right-handed
Phobias ~ Claustrophobia
Addictions ~ None.
Mental Disorders ~ Dyslexia, like many other demigods.
Income ~ I’ve been at the camp since I was 12. I don’t have a job.
Education ~ Never finished elementary school.
Social Stereotype ~ Tomboy??
Religion ~ I’m a demigod. I think it’s self-explanatory.
Culture ~ Not sure about this one.
Superstitions ~ I never walk underneath ladders (cliche, I know. Don’t judge me.)
Favourite colour? ~ Dark orange
Favourite food? ~ Cookies
Biggest fear? ~ Watching, helpless, as the people I love die.
Fondest memory? ~ When I started tinkering in our garage
Worst memory? ~ (Coincidentally, also in our garage) The accident that damaged my hearing
What do you like most about yourself? ~ My hair
What do you like least about yourself? ~ My nose.
Sexuality? ~ Homoromantic Asexual (I like girls, but not in a sexual way)
Parents’ names? ~ Celine Vancille and Hephaestus
What makes you cry? ~ Being restrained
What makes you really angry? ~ Seeing people pick on someone for no reason
Favourite person? ~ The people in my cabin (I can’t pick one)

I’ll do the others as I get to them.