Crazy/Funny things your pet has done

Ok so my cat is known for being a complete idiot. He’s always running into things, misjudging his jumps and the like.
There have been times where he tried to walk across to back of a chair and slipped and fell off. He’s fallen in the bath twice, and the toilets about five times. he’s tried to jump onto the windowsill and misjudged, scrabbling to get a grip on it before falling off again.
There’s many more things he’s done, and this is a thread to discuss those things, plus the crazy things your own animals do

What crazy/hilarious things have your pets done? Was it a lone situation or has it happened many times? Have you gotten them on camera? :eyes:


I don’t have a pet now, but when I was a kid, I had a B&W/tuxedo cat. One morning, my mom was making some sandwiches for my dad to take to work. After she finished making the first one, she put it aside and started making another one. Two minutes later, she noticed that the sandwich was gone!
She looked for it until finally noticing the two slices of bread IN THE TRASH. The cat had eaten the meat and somehow knocked the bread slices into the trash can. The cat was still in the kitchen when she realized what had happened.
Unfortunately, we don’t have it on camera because this was long before smartphones existed. :rofl: :rofl:

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ah XD
omg yes my cat has done something similar. My grandmother made some scones, and the cat leapt up onto the counter; knocked one off and played with it for a while, ate half of it, got bored, knocked another scone off the counter and played with that one too for a while.
No one was in the room however so he was very much undisturbed in his antics :joy:

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My dog dug a lot of holes in my yard so when rain falls there’s little ponds of water everywhere lmaoo…
Kinda got strict with her to stop digging holes and yeah she stopped

Added some tags.

did you know since you’re a leader you can add tags to your own threads ouii :eyes::brown_heart:

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but I don’t know what to add
I will try next time XD
also thank uu

:sparkles: genderfluid dog check :sparkles: /j

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lmfaoooo :exploding_head::skull:
lemme change that
when you have so much dogs you get confused

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we have two :]
they are old

One is terrified of my cat, and the other is in a constant state of not giving a f-ck


Awhh :joy:
I lowkey want a cat. they’re pretty rad to have :brown_heart:

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they’re awesome
My cat loves being in the bathroom with me when I’m bathing, but after two dunkings is terrified of the bath itself

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:joy::joy: I feel that…
Must be fun too
If I get a cat I’ll play everyday with them.

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they’re smart but also v v stupid

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HAHAHAH, hearing about your pet really made me laugh :sob::sob: we had a fish called Speedy (who died a few years ago) who always randomly started speeding into the side of the tank. He’d quickly swim and hit his head on one side, then do the same thing on the other side. Then one time; he jumped out of the tank and lay on the floor for a while. My dad came downstairs and found him there; and it turned out he was still alive :rofl: we all thought it wasn’t possible for him to die :smiling_face_with_tear::broken_heart:

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but hey you got a fast fish :rofl:

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LOLL yeah he was fast :rofl:

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Poor kitty, lol

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