Dark Theme or Light Theme?

The dark theme makes my images stand out more! And it hurts my eyes less.
Not to mention it looks more fandom-ish? It looks more like a place where different types of people are at.
Also I am tired of seeing that basic girl in the front page staring at me :sweat_smile:
Not to mention, the design of the categories looks better, and I like that we can see the categories and the latest active post in the same time!
Not to mention we can follow people, respond with lol, and mods don’t stalk our texts!
This just turned into me saying all the pros about the @ShanniiWrites forum :rofl:


I don’t like the dark theme… I LOVE IT


The dark theme still feels more welcoming to me, I always felt like the old light theme was hissing at me and telling me to leave :eyes::eyes:


Dark. :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:


There are still a few kinks I need to work out with the light theme for sure :stuck_out_tongue:


I never use dark theme, and I’ve kinda gotten used to it, so I prefer light theme

Your poor eyes :sob::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Oof- I used light mode at the beginning but then switched to dark mode because of my eyes. But I kinda use both. Dark mode is just a lot more convenient for your eyes. My whole phone is on dark mode even though light mode looks cuter. :eyes:

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I still use light theme :rose::two_hearts:

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Dark theme! I like the teal color and the light theme is super bright, which I am not a fan of.

Light theme

Episode is a WANNABE
They have dark mode now

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Dark mode is superior

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Added tags discussion, and opinion!

Episode forums added dark mode.

I’ve had it ever since, for a few weeks.

All I gotta say is…

How the HECK did I survive so long on light mode there hoLY MOLY-

no offense to light mode lovers, my eyes are just extremely dead-


How are your eyes still alive?! :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Dark mode looks so…

Depressing. Light mode looks better.


Light mode looks too bright :eyes::eyes:


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