Discuss the app: Snapchat

Well for the record only like 2% of my friends use Snapchat
People where I live barely use it anymore I use it mostly to keep in touch with friends abroad mostly Americans :thinking:

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You just added me!!!

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I did :joy:

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I was on a zoom class and got the notification and I was like :yum::yum::pleading_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Snap me anytime!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Too laggy and seals my personal information… uninstalled :eyes::sparkles:

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I barely use Snap anymore, it’s pretty boring and last time I went on there I’m pretty sure two guys tried asking me for nudes. :joy:

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! The filters are soooo good and I love taking photos using them aghhhh love it

My name is Elizabeth

7150 :eyes:

I got you beat. By a lot.

what’s your snapcode aha? uwu

You would like my snap? If so, I can PM you my username or code.

No I was just joking, I don’t have snapchat :sweat_smile:


Snapchat is buggy nowadays smh

The moment when you reached a 99 days streak with someone and your parents take your phone and then you lose the streak and have to start over again TWICE :smiley: :+1:

That happens to me so much LOL.

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