Discussion: Animal Experiments - For It or Against It?

I am 100% against animal testing (my laptop tried to autocorrect to anime). I am a meat eater but I cannot condone any animal suffering. At all. It’s the 21st century. Shouldn’t we have other ways to test stuff? Can’t we find a way to use stem cells or something?


There are plenty of ways to test stuff without animals suffering in the process, idk why we still do it


Laziness at this point




Here we differ. You do need protein to survive. And for those who are allergic to nuts and other variants of protein have to rely on eating meat. And eating meat is a staple in so many countries and traditions it’s hard to just dismiss. Like eating a simple hamburger XD that’s cow.

If you saw the part where I said we respect the animals and use animal testing for crucial or important reasons then you’d see what I think on this topic.

Drugs for kids who are just born, have something wrong, need to go to immediate surgery or a certain medicine. This comes from animal testing oftenly. If we can’t test them on animals and take the idea where we have to try them on humans… And you can never say that for sure. There are some insane people.

Hmm. Must’ve been an accident. Thanks for catching.

…i wasn’t meaning to attack you.

Yes. Sadly I would. I am not sorry for mine either.

I’m not trying to tear anything apart, I’m just sharing my opinion on how I see it. I apologize if I’ve offended you in any way, or seemed aggressive.

I’m not trying to get you to say that. Im just showing you my perspective on the things you pointed out tbh.


It’s a real lack of empathy in my eyes. So what if we think we rule the world? In my eyes, humans are the most terrible animals there are. We’re destroying the planet and taking all these lovely animals down with us. Why should we get any special treatment?


I let my thoughts crystallise I think.

I agree with @Cheyara_M. Let those tests be done on humans, it’ll be more accurate and not hurt animals, who I prefer the company of compared to humans anyways. Sorry. Aminals


I couldn’t agree more with this.
They did say that humans were the only evil on this world… it’s true.


You know protein doesn’t come from meat and nuts only, right? There are plenty of other sources of protein (for example spinach, peas, avocado, kale, sprouts, mushrooms, sweet potato, etc.). Also, you can be allergic to meat as well soooo :woman_shrugging:

If something is so crucial and important, you really shouldn’t rely on animal testing to make sure it works

Nope. If you test something on animals and then give it to newborn babies, those babies are at huge risk of suffering a bunch of awful things and all because the medicine they were given was tested on animals. If you want something to work on a human, test it on a human


Oh please there are humans everywhere who would risk their lives to be a test subject if they get money or if they’re just sympathetic people who want to help other people

Testing on humans is better anyway. Because it’s medicine made for humans. You get the best results.

And I know this is gonna start a whole conversation, but I’m not against using in-for-life prisoners like serial killers, serial rapists, serial kidnappers as the test subjects. A lot of serials there lol :joy: but if they’ve done that many crimes and it’s obvious they aren’t going to change and they’re just going to be leeches who will probably kill, rape, or kidnap the guards over the next 60 years in prison then why not use them for something useful?

And if that just morally upsets you, some of them would probably be happy to be tested on anyway because they’re crazy.


I don’t get it. Elon Musk is currently working on setting up a colony on Mars, but we can’t seem to find an alternative to animal testing yet :thinking:


I hope they will, because there is always a way.

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I’m against it. It’s a completely unessacary process and is unbelievably cruel. I make sure all my cosmetics aren’t tested on animals.


bump bump bump


Good bump, animals are better than people.

'Nuff said



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For some reason the title got mixed up or something- I fixed it though! Just a heads up about that haha. :smile:

Thanks, @WritingWithStars

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I agree.


I agree with this also. They’re in prison for life for a reason.

But I really don’t support animal testing depending the circumstances. Like many people said before, we should test it on humans because it’s meant for humans. But if there’s pet vaccines or something, then I’m for animal testing because it’s for animals.