Discussion: Mulan 2020 controversy

Note, this thread is for those who want to talk about the controversy behind the making of the new Mulan movie. You must understand that you cannot force people to accept your opinion on the matter. They are allowed to do what they want. You can hash everything here on this thread but please stick to the rules of the forums. If I see anyone breaking the rules you will get a warning if you keep doing after the initial warning I will handle the situation as a leader.

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I actually know nothing about this but I’ll be interested to here opinions lol


ohh yes
i am chinese so :eyes:
when i first watched it, i found it enjoyable
but when i found out who the actress was and where it was filmed, as well as some of the things they did wrong
idk if i can ever watch it in the same way


@Debaters ^^^ There you go, Wolfie!

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I haven’t really looked into it much. It’s just a movie to me. I know that might p!ss people off but that’s how I feel about it.

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i understand
but the making of the movie hurt people, so it’s more than that to some people as well!

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I understand that which is why I don’t say much on the subject so that others don’t get mad. I get where they are coming from.

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ohhh yeah
don’t worry i’m not mad at you, i understand
like i watched it for what it was, a movie
and like it’s still not a horrible story but it’s hard to enjoy if you know the reality


oh god

i think given the backstory it should be enough to boycott. regardless of how much you know about it, it’s something that is highly sensitive and showing support for it by watching and promoting can be really damaging for the people being effected by what is going on in the same location it was filmed. it was outrageously disrespectful from disney to film it here (and to cast the main actress) and i think by watching and promoting it is essentially saying you are okay knowing the behind the scenes.


Yep, very true! Thanks, the movie is good. Like you said it has it’s moments that they could of worked on.

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like is it really worth it too ?? the movie (from what i’ve heard + i cannot personally confirm) isn’t accurately representative and absolutely nothing like the original

i just don’t think it’s worth watching and promoting considering the disgusting things it’s involved in


yes i do not think it’s “worth it” the OG is better and just
i hate disney :smiley:
i mean it’s not terrible if you can ignore what was going on
i wish i had known before watching it

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Alright, have fun debating.

i don’t think you can though really

if you know what was going on you just shouldn’t watch it

fair enough if you don’t know in the first place, because we shouldn’t have to google for controversies before watching every movie


yeah exactly
i was not saying that at all :grimacing: no one should ignore what’s going on imo, sorry if it came off that way

yeah i didn’t know
and now we own it :sob:
but yeah, we really shouldn’t


I’m not chinese or like asian (well I kinda am, like I’m part filipino although no almost about it so I don’t count lol) but I’ve heard that the movie is just very disrespectful to the people in that culture and also was shot in an area where there was high human trafficking and Disney supported these people that like ran the human trafficking… That was after I watched the film. Yeah I’m not watching it again.
Feel free to fact check me, I only did brief research.
I think it’s important to try to not support stuff that gives a lot of misinformation about a vulnerable culture. Which is why I won’t and will never watch Sia’s movie that hurt so many in the autistic community and spread so much misinformation.
But with other things sometimes I can look back on it and think about how yes, some things behind it were so messed up but if the movie is fine/not actually spreading misinformation and other stuff like that and you’re not like actively supporting it (ex - Lovecraft was messed up and I still enjoy his work but again that’s different depending on the thing.)
I think of it as separating the art from the artist in the sense that consuming the art doesn’t mean that just because the artist was racist/messed up- by reading their work doesn’t mean you are, you’re just getting a broader perspective on what their views are and a more shapen view of the world - this is what I think for works of classical literature anyway.

But again with stuff like Sia’s movie that is actively hurting a community, I’m never going to watch something like that.


umm what exactly happening?

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Now, I haven’t watched the movie but my mother did, and all I can say is that it was really disrespectful where it was filmed, and regarding Muslims in concentration camps , and how they were treating them and other drama going on. So I didn’t really watch it. Now the animation that Disney created yeah, I watch but never the live-action. I’m not Chinese, nor Asian. That’s all I know, I guess. Feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes, I’m still trying to remember.

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I’m with you on that one. @novella what is so bad about the actress? Just curious.

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