Discussion: Should Parents Allow (or Force) Their Children to Get Part-Time Jobs

I wasn’t sure whether this would fit better as a debate or a discussion so I put discussion. We can just say its a bit of both so feel free to debate either my opinion or someone else if you happen to disagree, but do remember to stay respectful and not just shoot down opinions!

I’ve seen a lot of mixed feelings about this topic online recently. Some people feel like children (12-18) should not be allowed or forced to get jobs. Whereas like in all things others disagree with that statement. Now I can see why some people might feel like children and teens should not get jobs because they can be stressful and might end up putting a higher workload on students.

Im on the side that’s all for kids getting jobs if they want to that is, I do not agree with a parent forcing that upon their kid – I feel like a parent could and should sit down and discuss why the part-time job would be beneficial to the child. But forcing is a no-no. A parent should also support their child if they wish to try and get a part-time job.

When I was ten I wanted a job, badly, but alas I was ten and legally not able to get one. And I kept wanting said job up until age twelve, I did some research and realized that where I live most places you have to be fourteen to work there but in some cases, places will hire younger than that. I informed my mother of this and she was hesitant knowing that the chances of me actually getting hired were slim, but she did end up agreeing. So we ended up searching for jobs during the summer to see if I could apply – in most cases, it was rejected. But then a small bakery near my house (which I still go to, to this day) actually hired me. And my little twelve-year-old self was overjoyed!
Im glad that my mother let me try to get a job and im thankful that the bakery hired me, during that summer I learned a lot about the importance of work ethic and money saving. Having that job even helped me attend school more often (I had terrible attendance). I just feel like part-time jobs in the long run help kids much more than people could think. And I don’t think any child should miss out on that opportunity by parents not allowing them to at least try.




I agree. I think teenagers should be able to get part-time jobs. For one, lots of teens want responsibility and this is a great way to give it to them. They can feel in control of their spending money and they can learn one of the most important lessons in life: you have to work hard to get what you want. They can be a great part of a teen’s routine and give them a real sense of accomplishment.

That and I have a more practical reason. You see, I was a child actor and it was already, legally speaking, hard enough to get me on set and working! The rules and regulations they put in place? Ridiculous. If we stopped teens from being allowed to work in a legal sense and not just the parents’ choice, it could make it even harder for kids to be involved in opportunities like that.

Do I think parents should force it? It’s tricky. For one, parents need to be aware and understanding of the stress their child is going through. But some kids would really benefit from being encouraged or told they need to find a job


I think they should be allowed but never forced. If children want to do it, they should be allowed but if they don’t, no child should be forced to do it.

If the children think they can manage it along with their studies, then it would be a valuable experience for sure.


I’m not sure how to answer this one tbh. But I definitely don’t agree with parents forcing their children to get a job as this can trigger anxiety and I can relate to that since I was 16 and finished my GCSEs, I was forced to look for a job even though I wanted time to myself since I have been very stressed out from the revision and exams. I tried to apply for a part-time job in Tesco’s since I needed my own pocket money and the worst thing that the job adviser I had was a dick because he didn’t let me get the job just because I didn’t wear the hijab which was pure discrimination. I think in the UK, 16 is the appropriate age to get a part-time job as it would be useful for their future.

Job hunting is a huge piece of work, I tell you. Especially when you have relatives interrogating you about jobs (which did happen in the past) and the worst thing is that they asked how much money you earn which is a very personal question.

Sorry for the ranting & raving here but that’s how I felt.

I really wanted a job before I turned 16 because I wanted my own pocket money instead of relying on my parents but I always get told to “be a kid” even though I wanted my own money. But it’s not just money that’s beneficial for them, it’s all about the experience as it would help them later if they want to work somewhere else.


I got my first job at 16 and that was part time, it led immediately to getting a full time job at 17 in a call centre making 16k a year. That kinda money at 17 when you live with your parents is a rush.

It also teaches you a decent amount of responsibility, I find. my most recent full time job was making cookies and coffee, icea cream etc. Way less money but way more fun. Yes, I think older teens should be encouraged to get part time jobs.

And younger teens should get a paper round or something similar. You can’t do that anymore


Jobs are really fun, so yeah, definitely! Teens should get jobs if they want. Parents should allow their child to have a job, but they shouldn’t force it. If the job would benefit the child, they could encourage it, but never force a job. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. :orange_heart:


Who wouldn’t wanna make their own cash?

I have a part- time job as a teen, and I don’t have to ask my parents for Jack :joy:


I don’t think parents should force their child to get a job. They should allow them to get a job if they want, but forcing them would just make them perform the job poorly.


I wish I could’ve gotten job when I was younger >.< Geez their laws (my city) were so strict lol, I got money on my birthday but I am a money-hungry little angel so I often got mad over the fact I couldn’t get anymore when I could’ve done a job better than some people.

Obviously my creativity gives me extra points :wink::wink:

Anyways I’m glad my dad is an accountant otherwise I would’ve not known how to work with money.

I think the biggest thing was I wanted the right to get my own money and buy my own things without relying on my parents. Especially since I work it off. (Broken glasses are not cheap) And alot of teens do. I think parents should allow their kids to work.


I think this should be a choice, i mean if teens want to they should be allowed to but they shouldn’t be forced to work but don’t want to. It just shouldn’t be illegal they could at least work on easy jobs like a cafeteria or something because i actually wouldn’t mind working a part time job since i want to help my family lead a good life. (wait didn’t mean to reply directly to u sryy :sweat_smile:)


The thing is that I know a lot of spoilt kids who would learn a lot if they got a job. The only problem is that they’re spoilt and they don’t want to get a job!



I really want to start working now, my mom will let me work at a summer camp but it’s for 3 whole months, plus i don’t like summer camps


I agree completely.

Side note: words like spoilt and learnt sound soooooooo wrong/weird to me!!! We say spoiled here. I’m just feeling. :exploding_head:


Whenever I see “learned”, I think of the adjective where it’s two syllables instead of one! “He was a learn-ed man”


Yeah, that’s why I don’t 100% agree with not forcing kids to get a job because jeez there are some majorly spoiled kids out there but, yeah generally I agree with ppl here that kids should have the option.


As someone who was team leader in a cookie shop to a bunch of spoilt kids…

Parents of spoilt children. Don’t make them get jobs. They may learn something in the end but all they did was make my life harder >.>

“Oh, it was only 20 minutes, it’s not like this shop’s ever that busy”
“My break actually needs to be extended to 40 minutes”
“I can’t wear this, are you mental?”
“I’ll just be over here on my phone, I don’t like working with food.”
“The coffee machine is too confusing, it’s clearly not a very good one!”

I have feelings about spoilt kids getting jobs. They’re the worst


Oh yeah, didn’t think of the havoc the wreak on the workplace…


Hehe that’s us Brits for you. We always have a t in these words like dreamt, slept, spelt, dealt.

We actually do say slept haha

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