Discussion: The New Us (Episode)

So, a popular author had released a featured story today, and everybody is talking about it. I haven’t read it yet, but I do plan to check it out. Personally, I do think Cher is a great author :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to reading the story, but not paying for gems :woman_facepalming:t4:


Lol gems are extortionate. Hopefully there won’t be too many gem choices

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What story? Haven’t played episode in a month.

I haven’t used episode in forever! I need to get back on

There is a non-featured version of the story.

I saw this story, but it looked like a makeover story, so I kinda avoided it.


I really don’t like Makeover stories and the characters in the story all look the same. :grimacing:


Agreed. :orange_heart:

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Cher is a good writer! I enjoy her story, On The Run but I’m not really a fan of The New Us. I don’t do makeover stories!


I’m morally not a fan of makeover stories. Considering Episode is pitching itself to 13 year olds, I am very against the whole telling people they need to change the way they look to be attractive thing.

Sure, taking care of yourself helps, but they always take it a lot further than that


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