Discussion: Video Games

Like the title suggests, this thread is about video games. Which ones do you play? What’s your favorite? Least favorite?

I personally love Life is Strange and LOZ: BOTW. I never really got into No Man’s Sky, though. It was pretty, just wasn’t maybe type. I also like the Fallout franchise


Wait—I saw another thread about video games. It was titled differently than I searched and tricked me. Well. A mod can close this/merge this.

Whoops. Sorry @ShanniiWrites @ChaoticDeluge @PensiveShadow


Don’t worry, my gaming thread is actually about ongoing games that you’re currently playing. Slight difference, this is about games in general :smiley:

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Breath of the Wild <3

Early Fallout games are the best don’t even @ me

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Oh. I knew that.

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I always lose when I play video games :laughing: I still like them though! I like any kind of horror game with a back story to it that I need to find out. Like fnaf for example :laughing:


FNAF is so fun

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The newest one sucked

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3 and 4 are both horrible. New Vegas was good? But man. Fallout 2 <3

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I actually liked 4. The second one is definitely the best, though.

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Oooh. You meant '76.

Man, I forgot that existed for a blissful, wonderful moment.

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I’m sorry for ruining that. I had really high expectations for it. My brother’s friend had it at their house, so we played it. It was underwhelming

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I don’t really play video games. Im pretty sure the only time I’ve played is when my sibling wanted to, because its the only way she would hang out with me.


That’s like my older sister and I. My other siblings and I are pretty close

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Older sisters can stink sometimes. But that’s pretty nice.

On the topic of Video Games, what are some interesting ones

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Breath of the Wild, Detroit Become Human, Stardew Valley, Minecraft Life is Strange, Fallout, World of Worldcraft

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Ive heard of 3 out of the seven

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Changed this to tracking, another great thread to stalk :sunglasses::shushing_face::heart:


Stop stalking the threads. I’m calling the forum cops

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