Discussion: What Makes Someone Smart?

It’s not my most serious discussion I’ve made, but it was one of the questions that was running through my mind at night and I was wondering what exactly does being smart mean? What makes someone smart? Is being smart even a good thing?

I was curious if any of you have any views on this!


Well throughout my travels I have learned there are many types of smarts, but for this example I will be using streets smarts.

Streets smarts basically means you know have to survive using your brain and your instincts. You know when it’s time to run when that white van pulls up three times around your block. Streets smarts is simply knowing your way around. Being smart could also mean your the top, that you learn fast and you can use that information for personal gain.

I would like to think I’m street smart… :thinking::upside_down_face:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I guess when they learn something???
Or if they’re willing to try something new and won’t give up :eyes:
I also think being open minded is smart. Like it shows you’re accepting the fact there other views and opinions in the world? It’s a hard thing to be sometimes! (Especially when there are people who dare think pancakes are better than waffles :roll_eyes: :joy:)

I like the idea of street smarts, I think I’m smart in terms of survival? (Basing that off all the questions I got right in survival whilst everyone else didn’t have a clue :eyes: :eyes:)

I also like the kinda smart you gotta use when interacting with others, like if you want them to confess to something. Or how people can tell you’re lying :scream: It’s like a superpower!

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But it’s true :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Those are easy for me, you just have to look innocent and trustworthy so others will confess everything to you :innocent: And most people are very bad at lying when you look closely at their behaviour :green_heart::eyes::sparkles::joy:



True :eyes:
There are some very obvious signs in lying =D


I’ll take that as a yes :innocent::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Oui, especially when you look at people’s eyes and hands :eyes::sparkles:

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Thinking logically.

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It mean’s no in jibberish =))

And they always slip up in the end :sunglasses:

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Nope, just admit your love for pancakes :innocent::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

The better ones don’t slip up in the end but there’s always something that indicates that a person is lying, you just have to look closely enough :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I’ve been thinking about my question and think there are 3 types of smart

Socially smart
Having lot of knowledge smart
The kinda street smart Telly talked about

Do we agree with these types of smart or do we see it differently?


I would say that’s more of a intuition, but I do agree it’s kinda like a superpower. When I was young my mom use to always tell when I was hiding something, but most parents only know your tactics because they did it themselves, or they figured you out from raising you.


I think then I would be dumb if these were the only three… and socially smart and street smarts I think are the same thing… :new_moon_with_face::cherry_blossom:


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