Girlcon is all about bringing woman into tech using organizations such as ISACA, Girlsecuruty, Woman who Code, BlockChain etc. People strive to bring woman into technological fields and coding. Let’s discuss the following topics.
Have you been to Girlcon?
How diverse the technological field to you
How do you think we can improve diversity
Do you think STEM is a needed skill in life
Think about every career field. Where do you see tech?
Branching off that, this amazing speaker who is apart of the CIA made some good points.
Girls in this words are constantly in possible danger to sexual predators, molestation, and inequality. Do you agree and why.
What are some struggles woman go through in the male dominated field.
How do you think this affects our society?
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Even if your male tell me from your standpoint!
Women can do everything men can do and more, technically.
Stupid sexism. It’s proven that women tend to actually do better in technological, medical or scientific fields when they’re given the chance. Maybe we should give it to them eh?
To all the girls out there who write stories on Episode and think they won’t be able to do anything techy, as much as I might dislike the app right now, anyone on the Writer’s Portal is already halfway to being able to code properly. It’s like coding lite!
I’ve always been kinda techy. It’s just pushed me to get more determined and see how real it is. I went to the Robotics and Surgery and Tech sessions ttech.
Our speeches help me understand how woman push for diversity in tech and make advancements. and it makes me happy to be apart of that diversity lol.
I know I want to be someone who is apart of the tech in the medical life.
I know a girl who had the same ambition in the martial arts field. She went on to have a streak in tournaments that no-one could break, she was real cool :3
I think she’s an instructor now, it’s very impressive. I sparred with her a lot, she’s one of the best martial artists I’ve ever known. Definitely the best muay thai fighter I’ve ever met.
So yeah, women denying male-dominated fields and breaking all of the stereotypes? I’m into that
Have you been to Girlcon?
No, and I’m a teabiscut. But it seems like a really great idea. How diverse the technological field to you
It’s becoming much more diverse recently! How do you think we can improve diversity
Maybe let women who are passionate in these areas, and give them a chance.
Girls in this words are constantly in possible danger to sexual predators, molestation, and inequality. Do you agree and why.
I guess so. They are more likely to be exposed to these types of situations, which isn’t really fair and equal.
I don’t know anything about girlcon. I’m currently studying for application development ( coding and stuff like that). I personally don’t really see the struggles other girls have? Best then again I still haven’t really started a job at it. So I can’t really speak for that even though I feel like I’m being threated just as equal as the rest of the boys.