Do you get sunburnt a lot?

Can I steal your genes please? :pleading_face:


yes unfairly lucky

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No I don’t get sunburnt :eyes:


lol nope

i mean, if im out in hot weather for a long period of time, i turn bright pink but i dont get “burnt”

I get sunburnt almost every year on my shoulders or my back. I really try to avoid it but just one minute too long in the sun and the damage is done :sweat_smile:

@Health What about you?

I guess so yeah, I don’t really burn quickly, but as a result I end up not protecting myself enough and end up getting sunburnt either way :upside_down_face:

I have, when I didn’t put on any sunscreen, and was in the sun for a long time.
But now I stay out of the sun as much as possible because I get migraines from being in the sun. :disappointed: