Do you like music in your own language?

Yeah I love music in my language just as much as I listen to other music in different languages like Hebrew and Kpop songs. Top tier for me.

Although what’s popular in my country right now is reggaeton and banda, which I don’t like, there are other great songs in Spanish that I enjoy listening to.

I like some German songs but definitely not all of them. But I don’t really care about the language of a song.

@Music What about you? Do you like music in your own language?

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My first language is English… so yes?

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I personally don’t mind what language is it as long as the melody and lyrics are good.
I hear English (the most), Spanish (I need some songs recommendations please :pleading_face:) and sometimes Chinese (it’s my first language).

I do like music in my language. English is a pretty language to listen in, but I also listen to songs in Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, etc. I think they are all good, none are better than the other. They all hit different and I’m fine.

But yes, English songs are not that bad except for the… bad ones… lol.

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