Do you like to listen to music in other languages?

I adore listening to French music!! Even if I don’t understand anything it sounds so calming and I could spend hours listening to it. Pomme is simply amazing!

  • Do you like to listen to music in other languages?

Yeah :ok_hand:t3::dizzy:


Yesss, it’s a lot of fun

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Yeah! I occasionally listen to K-pop, but I love listening to music in French! It’s fun to see what musicians in other parts of the world sound like!


Yes especially Swedish songs are amazing.

My first language is German, but I prefer music in English because German music can be a bit weird sometimes :smile: I also like French music, but not all of it. I’ve had French in school so I understand most of it but it’s difficult and takes me some time, that’s why I don’t want to listen to it all the time. I also don’t think that French is a nice language :sweat_smile:
I love listening to Italian music!

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I don’t like listening to music in my language, so I usually listen to English or Korean music :eyes:


Dreamcatcher!!! Oh boy, I’m turning into @Mouschi.

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@Music does anyone else like to listen to music in other languages? :eyes:
How do you feel about them?

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I listen to music in other languages. Japanese and Spanish. They’re nice.

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I listen to English songs growing up but I start to listen to Spanish songs lately. Any recommendations? :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
Sometimes Chinese songs too but only if someone sends some to me cough my crush cough or heard it off from douyin :kissing: (the Chinese Tik Tok)

I’ve recently started listening to music in Japanese! Right now, my favourite Japanese song is Emerald by back number.

I listen to music in Spanish and English most of the time, but sometimes I listen to Greek music, especially with my mom because Greek is her first language.

If I like the song, then yeah! Idc about the language.

Yes, I listen to kpop and Bollywood music :eyes:

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