Does Anybody Have Any Tips For When You're Sick

Currently sick oof. Does anybody have any tips for that and how to deal with it?


Chill out doing something you enjoy and rest

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Yeah, even though it’s only the first day of being sick (I hope one of the only days) I decided to not go to school because 1. I don’t want to spread it and 2. being at school would make it feel way worse than it already is.

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Yeah good idea no point in spreading the illness. I hate when teachers are all like “I’ve never had a sick day” I hate to think of all the germs they acted as a vessel for and all the people they infected :joy:

Just chill

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Yeah, since I first got it (if this really is a cold bc I don’t really know but I think it is) I’m probably more likely to spread it in this stage.

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Drink some tea :eyes::sparkles:


Depends on what kind of sickness you’re having.

If you’re having a fever, then try to avoid heat as much as possible. Like eat more ice cream or something.

If you’re having a dry throat then eat some chocolate.

If you’re having a cough, then drink some honey, lemon water, or drink some garlic water. You can garfle some salt water if you want. Don’t be lazy to spit it out. Chinese believe that you shouldn’t eat chicken when you’re having a cough

If you’re having a flu, then don’t be lazy to blow it out. Drink plently of water and avoid cold stuff.

Just like @anon68003072 has mentioned, just be a couch potato, lol. I hope you get well soon!


Thanks for the tips! Currently I have a bit of a sore throat (not much though) in general just feel icky, and have a stuffed/runny nose. So basically a head cold.


Oh I have that too :joy:
But my mom made me go to school anyway


I’ve been sick for the past few days too.

Here’s something not to do. Don’t work out :'D Trust me, it doesn’t help, lol


Lol I’m sick as well.:sneezing_face:
Just relax and try to take a few naps, that helps me a lot.


I’m curious… Who is sick too? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Me :cry:
  • Not me :eyes::sparkles:

0 voters


Rest all day and watch youtube videos, it’s more toleratable :+1:

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Eat slightly melted chocolate.

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Drink lots of fluids and rest.


My advice- it’s a little weird, but oranges! They are good and help a lot!


Drinking water (consistently throughout the day) and resting are the best!

And for a sore throat, gargle some warm salt water and drink tea with honey. Also a nice steamy shower or bath can help clear things up. And saline nasal spray (since a lot of sore throats are just post-nasal drip).

Feel better soon all you sickies!


I’m sick.

  • Drink soup, not alcohol.
  • Don’t dance.
  • Don’t pull all-nighters like Tea.

• don’t play tennis

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For when your nose is like hurting from the blowing and rubbing and stuff, chapstick can help if you just put it on the areas that hurt. Sounds strange but helps a lot.

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