I’ll just steal them then
I’ll sue you in court for that
actually, I’ll just steal @Nessie’s
Alright then, if you have some spares can you give me some?
I used them all
I have a lot of dead characters.
When you character has Multiple Personality Disorder, it’s hard to do the form…
Wow, this is sooooo long
Omg me and @Ali were just talking about how we could plan out our characters more and then i just joined and saw this thread .
Bump! Definitely bookmarking this for later!
Added help and characters tags!
Ahh this is actually a really good list! Just let’s our authors get to know their characters a lot more! Thanks girlie
Tried to answer the question but I don't have time lol
Katheryn Elizabeth Birch
Kat, Kath, Kathie
Katheryn means pure
Elizabeth mean My god is an oath
Birch comes from the tree birch
Katheryn was the given name by the parents. As the first born daughter it is costumed to take the father’s mother’s name.
Elizabeth is a common royal name, not coming from one particular person in the family.
Birch comes from a time where an ancestor settles in a small birch wood forest in the outskirts of Westeria (might change name in the future, got too inspires by Wisteria and Westeros).
Highness, lady
Dreamy (idk yet)
Pretty, neat, cursive, medium small
16-20 (idk)
Young adult
10th of May
In the castle in her parents’ bedroom
Father, mother, younger sister
So many questions lol xD
Woah… I’ll bookmark this and come back to it later when I have the time.
@Writers Do any of you have characters you think would benefit from this?
Bookmarked they really help to think about and develop your characters
@Oofalumpa Long sheets like that intimidate me a lot. I feel like I’m being interrogated about my character in tiniest, most insignificant details, as though I committed a crime by writing them At the same time, I find it somewhat draining to fill in. The barrage of questions gives an impression like the sheet is more important than the character themself. Rather than exploring them, I’m working to push them into all these rubrics >___<;;
As far as developing the characters goes, I love the character profiles on hiveword. They’re far less detailed but they actually cover a lot of bases, while giving you big spaces to fill in as you see fit.
This is interesting
This is super helpful for developing your characters, so bump
Woah, that’s a long list
@Writers Check it out, maybe it’s helpful for you!