You know what guys.
Watch @Kristi come online during night phase, do her work a mafia and then go in sneak mode

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Kristi is no longer part I think,

Tho idk if that was by her own choice

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Oh ok

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Good morning!



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American Captain

Although the doctor and his assistants looked closely and surveyed the area, they have deemed that they need more information to find the actual culprit and bring him to justuce

Hence day 1 has ended without much hubbub

American Captain

American Captain

No more talking here till day 2

Timer till D2 start


American Captain

American Captain

The murderer who couldn’t control his blood lust after no deaths the previous day has murdered the innocent assistant who had gone out to buy bread and milk during night for a midnight snack

@sunflower.flow 's role


You a [Town] Vanilla

Skill- Passive: Voice and Votes
You got nothing other than your voice and your vote. You may look down upon this role, but heed my advice: Do not waste them, for it is also Town’s strongest weapons against Mafia.

You win when all threats to town have been completely eliminated.

American Captain

Timer till Day 2 end


Sorry for the late start guys.
My internet was gone for the past hour


Aww man, mafia is really good at their job

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I’m now suspicious of @NotAgentt

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I mean I’d suspect you since you wanted vote off Marta first. Marta later revealed she’s a Townie. Then she dies, and you wouldn’t make it that obvious to suspect you. And @NotAgentt wanted to vote you out. But they didn’t. And if they’re mafia and killed you. The suspicions would be on them. So they chose Marta.

Unless Meeke you did a pro gamer move and predicted this simple reasoning of people excluding you from suspicions due to given reason and took advantage of it.


I mean no, but I highly doubt you’ll believe me if I just say no :rofl:

Personality it could be both of you, knowing my own role, I could believe both of you would keep me alive and frame the other for suspecting me.

But at the same time, I also know you don’t usually go that deep into things unless you really want to.

@notagentt did say they have done this before. Not to mention (but again this can be used both ways) by keeping us three alive, the killer can also be like ‘oh the other person also thinks it’s meeke so either I convince make to vote the other out, or I convince the other to vote meeke out’.

Actually… Marta would’ve been my only hope of winnkng as mafia.

I kind of hate we’re not allowed to whisper to one player like in ToS xd. It would be easier to set a trap for the killer during the next night but yeah.

I can think of countless reasons for both of you to be it.

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Is it you uprooting the little part of my sus of you?

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I’m just lazy and and the topics my brain prefers to work on are random

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Idk, is it?

I’m just thinking out loud xd because sharing one’s reasoning can help show the way they either think as a mafia or a villager

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I know xd
Meanwhike I’m the opposite and my brain is overthinking the overthinkings results

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Well, do name a few.
This is the time of discussion right?

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Also you sound pretty confident for a villager. So I’m guessing either you’re the doctor, knowing you could just save yourself if mafia targets you or you’re the mafia who’s the one doing the killing

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You’re really thinking before answering, Butterfly.

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