Going to the Gym

Going to the Gym and working out is something I’m really passionate about and I love talking about it, but I couldn’t find anything related to it so here it is!

Do you think going to the Gym is a good way to get in shape?
Do you like to workout? Do you even go to the Gym?
If you do, what do you do? Do you have a workout split?


No thank you where’s my pizza



I was seriously considering going to the gym… and then lockdown happened and I could not haha. But I really liked using the small gym our school has, does that count??

When I used the gym at school I used the tredmill all the time!

Also, this.


Big mood


Aww :pleading_face:

There is this huge gym right next to my apartment building so I couldn’t miss the chance to sign up… :joy: It opened 5 years ago and that’s how it started for me but I’m really sad that I couldn’t focus on it as much as I wanted before because of my school and this job I had

Yeah, I think it’s a great way to get in shape , but only if you know what your doing and eating the right way on top of that. A lot of people tend to just use the treadmill for 30 min and that’s it.

…I don’t like the actual working out part ,but I rather like the feeling of knowing I’m actively working on my health. And No, I don’t go to the gym anymore unfortunately. I just didn’t have the time to go anymore since I usually wasn’t able to work out until 8:30 PM because I don’t live very close to the studio I’m currently interning at. Which on top of having to do homework just was too much for me to handle at the time.


Ahh luckyy! There’s one right next to my school (it’s literally at the top of our school field which is crazy) , but I’ve always been worried I’m going to see people I know. Too self-conscious for that.

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Oof I have such a love-hate relationship with the treadmill…
I use it every day for 15 minutes as my warmup but on days when I’m doing only cardio I would try to run for at least 45 minutes and I hate it :joy:
Or I do this thing when I would sprint for 30 seconds and rest for 10 and do that for about 10 minutes


You have just summoned your fellow gym panther here haha. I go to the gym 3-4 days a week, especially in the mornings because I prefer to be busy after my gym sessions.

My gym routines are like this:

Mondays & Fridays- Back, chest and shoulders (10-15 min on treadmill)
Wednesdays & Saturdays- Arms, legs and abs

I usually do a lot of weight training when I’m at the gym so yeah ahaha.

But I have thought about taking boxing lessons on Wednesdays even though I prefer to go to the gym in the mornings. Maybe I might do my usual gym sessions in the mornings and then go boxing in the evening, I tend to get pretty grumpy if anyone makes me miss out my gym sessions on the days I plan to go to the gym.

I usually take a week off gym once a month to physically and mentally recover. Since this stupid lockdown, I have been going on longer walks and doing workouts at home with this ab roller thing (but I can do more workouts with that) and the pilate pole.

When it comes to weight training, I usually do cables and dumbells, but when it comes to weight machines I usually use leg press, lat pulldown, seated cable row, assisted dip machine.

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I really get that… I had problems like that too. And when I would get home I would just be too tired to do anything

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How long are you usually at the gym for ? I used to go for an hour 2-3 times a week , but I have heard some people stay there for like 2 hours while going more often than me :thinking::skull:

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I’m still worried about that too, trust me… Whenever I’d see someone I personally know I’d just run to the other side of the gym oops

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That’s what I did! I liked how the tredmill automatically sped up, because it stopped me from wimping out and not speeding it up myself haha!

Ahh yeah, I would probably actually leave out of embarrassment.

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I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and stay for 2 hours… sometimes more :sweat_smile:


Omg you are real fanatic then atleast by my standards :joy: How do you find the time?


Yay!! I love that!

I also considered taking some kickboxing lessons but I don’t think I could handle it well. We do have a punching bag in my gym but I’ve always been scared to use it and embarrass myself ahaha

I try to do it like this
Mondays: intense cardio and abs
Tuesday: legs and glutes
Thursday: back and biceps
Friday: cardio, abs and shoulders
Saturday: legs and glutes
Sunday: triceps and chest

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But the best advice I can give to those that want to stay in shape is to:

  • Have a balanced diet, you don’t have to eat salads everyday. Make sure you portion your food (protein, carbs and fat). You can still eat the things you like but don’t overdo it (I know you can get carried away when you binge eat)
  • Depending on your age, get enough sleep
  • Exercise 30-60 minutes (depending on your energy)
  • Limit the liquid calrories, they can be very sneaky
  • Stay active
  • Be consistent and patient

Interesting. What weights do you use?

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Just a bit :innocent:
Honestly, it’s hard to find the time. I had to take long breaks, especially when I started my Academy because I would be there from 8 am to 8 pm… But now when I have online classes it’s perfect!
And when I get there I just lose track of time :joy:

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Hell yes!

Depends! It feels good though. :eyes:

No, the gyms we have here are 16/18+ :pensive:

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Yes, yes!!
I don’t drink anything but water and tea. Literally nothing else, even if I’m out celebrating something

I’m actually not that strong!
And it depends; for arms (biceps, triceps, shoulders) I use 15 lb dumbbells.
For lat pulldowns and other back exercises - 55 lb
I love hip thrusts - I think the bar is 55 lb? and I add 66; same with the squats
But just 66 for leg press

What about you?