Hi, my dear fellas!

Hi everyone!
I guess that’s how it should start…
It’s Sneha.
Preferably and most likely you guys have never seen me around here (and if you are here from the episode forums and been a part of it for a long while then, kudos to you we may have known each other😝). I am a new one and not really sure how to start a discussion on anything at the moment. But I guess I just wanted to know the people that are here? Does that make sense?
So, let’s get to know each other, shall we?
Go ahead and introduce yourself because that’s just how the beginning of a discussion starts. I will just ask some questions.

  1. What are your hobbies? (Don’t ask me I have none except studying nowadays)
  2. Are you a writer? If yes, on which platform? And what story?
  3. familiar with Wattpad?
  4. Do you have that sense of disbelief that you go under when you feel as if the story you write isn’t good enough?
  5. How many of you have more than 2 or 3 stories in draft?(I would know I’ve like 5)

And go ahead with all your details, I am sure how to hold a conversation longer, so don’t mind me if I take a while to reply cause I think too much!:smile:

And sorry, it said the title must be more than 15 characters.💁



I hope you remember me

Bass guitar/singing, being here and some other things

I’m a writer but I have nothing published yet

Oh boy do I :joy:

Oh yeah I have about 34


Hi! Welcome to the forums!

Drawing, video games and poetry!

I don’t know if poet counts. My stuff’s on wattpad and the link is in my profile.

Yup. I’ve been on there for a while.

I have times where I think the poem I write isn’t good enough and sometimes I think “why did I think this is good?” but I use that to improve the next poems I write.

I had about 4 scrapped stories and 2 currently in limbo :joy:


Welcome to the forums!!

I am Mary, nice to meet you

I learn latin dance, listening to music and studying

I write on episode (barely nowadays) currently working on ‘Powerful Crisis’

Kinda, i am not really interested

Yes, because the story doesn’t contain romance and people prefer romance more but i write it because i like my story and im doing it for myself.

I do, i have 2 stories in draft, im too lazy to work lol

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Oh hi!!! Welcome here!

Drawing, using my tablet.


Not really.




Welcome :wave::eyes::sparkles:
I’m Hanna :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

Reading, drawing, playing tennis :eyes::sparkles:

I’m working on a few stories, but I don’t think that I’ll publish them anywhere :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile:

I have it on my phone, but I only opened it once :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile:

Sometimes :eyes::sparkles:

Too many to count them :eyes::sparkles::joy::sweat_smile:


Ofc I remember you, El!
That other day I was in the episode forum and looking at chats from wayyyy long ago and apparently making new chats is your job.:joy:
And omg 34?! That’s a LOT!


Hi Jenn! (I’ll call you that if that’s fine?)
And definitely poem does count. I have about 5 poems sitting in my drafts but I am too much of a coward to even tap ‘publish’. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
And drawing? As in digitally or on paper? Episode characters or real ones?


Hi Mary!
Are you Latino? I have some pretty crazy theories as well as rumors that I have heard about Latinos.
And writing on episode is kinda difficult now considering their stupid new guidelines.
So, are you interested in reading books? As in real ones, not on Wattpad?
Eh, I like romance. But sometimes the storylines that I read are wayy too overused that I don’t even wanna continue reading anymore lol. What type of story genre do you like then?

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Eating and drinking tea.


A little bit.

When I used to write, yep.

I don’t write anymore. :rofl:

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And welcome!

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Hey secz! :wave:
Been a while, how have you been?

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Hi, mystery?
Your hobbies are a great passtime, I do them like every other hour of the day.(what can I say Imma foodie):joy:

What genre do you like to read in then?
And thank you!

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Hey Hanna!
Why don’t you publish them anywhere?
So, not I big fan of wattpad, I presume?
And I suppose you like these three emojis(:sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:) as you use them in almost all the sentences.:joy:

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Hi :eyes::sparkles::wave:
I don’t publish them because they’re in German and because they aren’t good :eyes::sparkles:
My friend uses my account, so that’s why I never open it :eyes::sparkles: I hate it when other people can see what I read, it’s just very personal to me, so I don’t like to share it with others :eyes::sparkles:
I love the :eyes::sparkles: emojis and I combine them with almost every other emoji if needed :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile:

Well it was when I was still on the episode forums but I’m currently in the process of getting my account removed from there :joy:

Hey. :v:t4:

Hiii… Sneha… I am sorry but I shall answer your questions later cause I am a very lazy person, desperate to watch Chinese dramas…but you seem like a cool person, so hey!

Hi! Call me Jen, Jenn or Jenna I don’t really mind :joy:
I think poetry is definitely the most underrated genre on wattpad. There’s so much stuff that gets overlooked there.
In terms of drawing I do it on paper and sometimes I finish them completely with colouring pencils. I use online references and then redraw them in my own style or sometimes I just draw random characters from memory.

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Drawing , binging shows on Netflix and I want to get back into creative writing again :memo:

Eh , I don’t really write anymore that much.

Yes, I am familiar with it and I used to be active there.

Of course, who doesn’t?

Honestly , I lost count by now :woman_shrugging:

Also welcome to the forums!

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