How Do You Feel About Putting Mayonnaise On French Fries?

I need to try this. Sounds great.

Iā€™m just saying, mix the mayo with mustard :ok_hand:

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Iā€™m not crazy about just plain mayo, but I like it when itā€™s a mayo-based sauce, like the one thatā€™s got mayo, ketchup, lemon juice, black pepper, and mustard in it. Or garlic-parmesan mayo.

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You donā€™t put it on them, you dip them in mayo.

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i mixed the mayo and ketchup together and tried itā€¦ works well tbhā€¦ but i wonā€™t eat mayo on fries just like that

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Nope thatā€™s sounds gross but I like to dip my fries in honey mustard.

I tried it, and itā€™s delicious.

Iā€™m not a mayo person, unless itā€™s on a chicken sandwich or mixed into something like tuna or potato salad, so I donā€™t think Iā€™d like it. Maybe Iā€™ll try it one day, though. Who knows :woman_shrugging:t4:

Iā€™m not really a fan of mayonnaise and I donā€™t like putting anything on my french fries, but I wouldnā€™t mind mayonnaise on them, just like I donā€™t mind ketchup on them :joy:

Eating french fries with mayo is the common way to eat fries in the Netherlands. I personally love it, and donā€™t really like fries without mayo :joy:

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while iā€™m not a fan myself, i know my sis likes it a lot so *shrug* who am i to judge


itā€™s more like dipping the fries in the ice cream (at least here) and tbh itā€™s a pretty popular food combination here soā€¦ a lot of people do (me included)

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Same here, except we also include ketchup

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