How does it make you feel? (Game)


Someone fell off stairs.

I feel worried unless I don’t like them

Some kid just fell off a slide, how do you feel?

I’ll feel sympathy but I’ll also feel like laughing. :purple_heart: :butterfly:

Someone purposely pushes you, how do you feel?


Somebody pulls you, how do you feel?

I’ll feel irritated unless I know them

Someone gives you crisps, how do you feel?

I feel happy depending on the flavour

Somebody gives you a live chicken, how do you feel?

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Disappointed because it isn’t a duck… :crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles:

Someone steals your seat in the train, how do you feel? :eyes::sparkles:

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Maybe a bit annoyed but it happens so often that I don’t really care anymore…

You find out you failed a test at school, how do you feel?

Disappointed in myself because that never happened before :eyes::sparkles:

You find out that someone has been stalking you, how do you feel? :eyes::eyes::eyes:


You find out there is a goblin in your attic, how do you feel?

Happy, because I have a new friend and roommate now :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Your emoji keyboard stops working, how do you feel?

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Neutral…I just type in the emojis anyway :joy::rose::two_hearts:

You see someone texting while driving, how do you feel?

Scared and scarred
Your life is ruined, HDYF?

Sad :eyes::sparkles:

You find out how to highlight text, how do you feel? :eyes::sparkles:

Happy :smiley::rose::two_hearts:

Your friend forgot to invite you to a party, how do you feel?

Happy and sad at the same time. I like my friend, but I don’t like parties :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

Your friend didn’t invite you to their party, how do you feel? :eyes::sparkles:


You eat a cake that was meant for somebody else, how do you feel?

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Hungry :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

You realise that you forgot your homework and your teacher will collect it in a minute, how do you feel? :eyes::sparkles:

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You just watched a spider be killed by somebody, how do you feel?

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A lil mad >:T

You just saw someone take the last dish of your favourite dessert! :scream:
How do you feel? :sweat:

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