How to make characters that are actually different!

AHHH, Thank you so much! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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I was going to have her wake up the next day being like “Weeeee!” Now she’s being super antisocial.

Is that too fast?

Yes! It also isn’t realistic, Have her be in a hyperactive mood but still somewhat functioning normally. Same as the depressive side.

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Ok, got it. Like, excited, but not bouncing off the walls.

That’s what I thought…

ur just an aries lol

i do it for background tho, so im not sure which is worse

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mentuw iwness innet

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I don’t associate horoscopes with myself anymore but I do it often-

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fire sign type beat

Lmao girl - calm down. I know Daniel’s “too much” he was created with the intent of being too much. However, you taking a moment to call me out is slightly, don’t take this the wrong way, rude. If you want to give me constructive criticism - please feel free. But please don’t randomly tag me in posts with the intent of “hinting” at something you’ve made clear multiple times.

Thank you!


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: i was kidding

this wasn’t even about daniel :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
i just remembered when you made your selection character a spy-pf-

In any case; I hope you see now that jokes come across differently on the web. Please keep this in mind in the future when posting and take into consideration other people and how they may be affected. Thanks again.

Again - I’m not trying to tell you this to be rude in any way. Rather, just bring to light a different implication of your actions that you may have not initially realized.

That selection character was a government detective - which worked under her chosen caste. In addition - her “spy”-ness as you call it had nothing to do with the fact of why she was on the selection. However, again, if you had a problem with her - you could have told me while the Selection was in progress (6ish months ago) instead of bringing it up now.



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i have no problem with your characters. again i didnt say it seriously

ik sometimes text can come across differently but like if you know that then why did you forget when you chose to take it the wrong way?

I appreciate that - I’m just trying to make sure we are both cognizant in the future.

@raviola people don’t choose how they initially react to a certain message, but someone can choose how they word it in the first place to reduce how someone takes it. Perhaps that’s the Psych major in me, but that’s what I’ve learned over the last few years. Hence, not to be redundant - I wasn’t trying to be rude in any of the above messages. Only bring to light that your words could and were taken the wrong way and to be aware of how you post things in the future.

Guys relax

Which is why I either use multiple laughing emojis or just say I’m kidding. Usually the latter.