Ice cream: Cone or bowl?

Bowl. :partying_face:

I eat icecream both in a bowl and in a cone. Why choose one over the other?

Everyone has their own preference.
Others don’t.

Of course, but I think both could just be enjoyed at different moments in someone’s life.

Fair. :star_struck:

:sparkles: waffle bowl :sparkles:

I haven’t had ice cream in one of those for so long lmao.

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OMGGG go get some :pleading_face:

Waffle cone bowl? :eyes:

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Bowl always.

Just moving this here where it fits better.

You’ve never had just a regular ice cream cone? Because most ice cream is a cake cone. It’s even the cone for the emoji :icecream:

This is a cake cone.



:man_facepalming: :flushed: oop yeah I’ve had that

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I like it both with bowl and cone but bowl more :pleading_face:

… ice cream cone bowl? :eyes:


YES. The ultimate. You have ascended.


I’ve had one before and it was sooooo good! I think I made a little sundae with it. I gotta buy more sometime cuz those are ELITE.

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I prefer ice cream in a cone because I like the crunchy texture of the waffle cones. Yumyum!

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