Marry the Flash (Sweet bean), kiss Green Arrow, kill silly spandex girl who shouts loud
kill both in a cruel way hate those pricks
Dammmmnnnnnnnnn, Hell no! Gimme Oliver!
Marry Green Arrow, Kiss The Flash, Kill Black Canary (either one, they both irritate me in one way or another)
Marry Harry, Kiss Artemis, Kill Percy.
Kiss @Artey, Kill @WritingWithStars, Marry @PensiveShadow
KKM, Robert Downy JR, The Charmin toilet paper bear, The thing (or person) to your left
Kiss my puppy Mickey, Kill the Charmin Bear (so damn annoying), Merry Robert Downy Jr
KKM Ruby Rose (RWBY), Weiss Snchee (RWBY), Mercury Black (RWBY)
Welp. They’re all underage but I’m the only other person in the world who’s seen RWBY so I guess I’m goin ta jail.
Kiss Mercury marry Ruby kill Weiss.
Yeah I said it. I’d kill the racist
Ice queen is too dramatic for me sometimes. So good choice!
Thanks for giving me the next KKM.
Kiss, Marry, Kill, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt.
Kiss Chris Hemsworth, Marry Chris Evans and kill Chris Pratt.
Those were hard choices though. I like all three of them.
KKM Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston or Sarah Michelle Gellar
Kiss Sarah, Marry Sandra, Kill Jen
KKM Prince Eric, Aladdin, Li Shang
Kiss Aladdin, Marry Li Shang, and kill Prince Eric
(That was brutal.)
KKM Belle, Pochontas, Tiana
Marry Chris Evans
Kiss Hemsworth, cause abs
Kill Chris Pratt, sorry dude, just no chemistry
Kiss Belle, Kill Pocohantas, Marry Tiana.
I’ve watched it lol. And mad respect
OmG this is easy.
Marry Aladdin, Kiss Li Shang, and Kill Prince Eric.
KKM: Tom Holland, Cole Sprouse, Chris Hemsworth
Kill Cole Sprouse, Kiss, Tom Holland, Marry Chris Hemsworth
KKM - Spongebob, Larry the Lobster, Plankton
Kiss Larry the lobster, Marry Plankton, Kill Spongebob.
That show drives me nuts.