Las Levendas REBOOT - Offical Thread

Marcel Lefou

December 1st

Lefou knew that something related to her favorite books would probably be the best gift, but it was clear how Gaston did not agree. Lefou looked down for a moment as he listened to Gaston, pausing to think, but before he could say anything further, Gaston led him further, and suddenly stopped. He grabbed Lefou’s shoulders, and leaned down where they could look each other in the eyes. Discomforted slightly by the shake, Lefou listened to his friend’s plan. “Well that’s an idea.” He paused slightly. “But Gaston, its just an idea, but if her gift is related to her books like I said… then every time she reads them, she’ll think of you. How you put her wants first. How even though you don’t like how much she reads, you were thinking about her, so every time, she’ll think of you. A fairytale romance, with you as the Prince Charming just for her. She wouldn’t be able to not think of you when she reads.” Lefou paused once again. “Or I could find out just what her perfect gift would be, so you could get her exactly what she wants most.”

@sunflower.flow - Gaston