Location: Giggly Juice (lmao)
“I had to come for a rehearsal, but I still managed to be a few minutes late.”
“Heh, not surprised.” he scoffed. It wasn’t unusual of him coming late, but forgetting about meeting up was too much, “Yeah, yeah, save your excuses. At least, I got to drink something good. Even though Giggly Juice–” he stifled a laugh, trying not to smile at the ridiculous name of the bar and continued, “–is a bit… run-down, the drinks are amazing.”
“Also, what are you singing?” he grabbed the scrambled paper Bill was holding and skimmed through the lyrics. “Have a Cheeky Christmas-” he already knew the song was going to be crappy. “Did… you write… these?” he asked. If he had actually written these, Mikhael was going to judge him really badly.
“Anythin’ interestin’ happened in 'dis godforsaken hole?”
“Nothing too interesting… I called up my other friend after an hour of waiting. You know James, right? So… he came, we drank, behaved like idiots, and now I don’t know where he is!”
@sunflower.flow ~ Bill Gilbert Jangles
@Lady_Cannella ~ BAR BUDDY
Gothel came back, holding a tray of sweet-smelling pastries. Thei tried really hard to not get tempted by those. She knew what was really in them. “Ah, Of course, I remember you, darling. How could I forget you?” Thei was glad she hadn’t forgotten her. It would’ve been a lot more awkward if she had.
She complimented her coat and lightly brushed the smooth sleeves. Of course, the old young goddess didn’t mind. Compliments and praises were always welcome. Everyone in Olympus adored her because of her beauty. But… there were times where they were annoying.
“It’s too bad I can’t afford anything close to this. Anyhow, what brings you here today?”
“You know you can always ask, right Gothel? I have far too many clothes… and I wouldn’t mind giving some away ~” she smiled and paused for a second before answering her question, “I have a lot of time on my hands and decided to explore the city a bit more. What about you? How’s business?”
@Kbail ~ Mother Gothel