He laughed as he heard Genosta and make a little joke. “No need to wait so long Ill be better in a little bit just have to get myself warmed back up.” Archer could tell Genosta was seeming to loosening up around him. “Oh gosh no the lady downstairs is not the company I was talking about but I think your right you cant get much worse than that.”
“Glad we can at least agree on that,” I said. “But is your hacking really a company, like people can hire you?” I asked curiously. “or do you only hack for your own interest?” I added. I was curious about what drove this guy, so I knew how to use him when the time was right.
“Whiskey, the 1930s,” Bill replied succinctly. Often he did not feel like answering with a full sentence and hoped his interlocutor would be intelligent enough to guess what Bill meant. This time, the characteristics of this response were also of strategic importance. He didn’t want to go into too much detail. Probably, Mikhael knew that Bill didn’t use a computer, so it would seem a little suspicious if he started talking about the whole story of giggly juice. Bill shrugged.
Bill laughed at Mikhael. “Maybe their drinks are good, but their products…” he shook his head. Bill hoped his colleague would not get any stomach disease from so much cheap (perhaps expired) alcohol. He probably drank a lot yesterday. “I guess only rats and ghosts come here,” laughed Bill.
“Judging?” Bill raised an eyebrow at Mikhael’s puzzled face. Eventually, his expression changed as if he realized something. The little “oh” that escaped his mouth only confirmed it. "You thought I was being serious? These songs are… a disaster, ”he sighed. He hoped his performance would impress all… clients, so maybe thanks to it, this scary woman would stop imposing the chosen by her “masterpieces”, he would have to sing.
Bill smiled, leaning closer towards Mikhael. He turned his gaze to the list. “Of course. I’ve never heard you sing,” he confessed. “Which song would you like to perform?” he asked, directing his face towards the man.
@elixr ~ Mikhael Braun
I hope it’s not awful
“I didn’t mean company like that. I meant like talking friendly maybe companionship kind of company,” I say as I giggle a little. But I dont know Ive never been asked to hack for anyone before so I can’t really say for sure." He was mumbling that last part a bit as he thought about it all.
I tilted my head. “So if someone asked you to hack into a specific company to get information that could destroy them, would you do it, and for what money?” I asked. “Or let me rephrase it, if they offered you a million, would you do it?” I asked.
Gothel nodded her head and decided not to pressure her about her husbands whereabouts anymore. She slid the tray of color dyed pastries she was holding into the display area and dusted off her hands. “Well, I was cooking my world famous cupcakes earlier in the back room, but that can not be what you are smelling because they smell horrible. You are probably smelling the scent of my day old pastries, haha.” She took one of the cinnamon rolls from the tray. “I’ll give you one for free since you are a friend. Oh, Also can spread good word about my food?”
@elixr - Aphrodite
𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖆 𝕰𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓
As she flew through the city, she looked down at the people. Some were going about their business, while others were protesting, which was becoming more and more common these days. Cordelia simply stared at the citizens, watching them protest for their missing loved ones.
At least they have family, she thought to herself, I was rejected by everyone and became a loner by force.
The more she thought about Oz’s betrayal, the angrier she got, gripping her broomstick tightly. Phyllis had sent her spiraling down this path of darkness that was now beautiful rather than horrifying. She lost the Silver Shoes, her influence, and the power she held in the Coven. Leaving the darkness and returning to the light would only hurt her. So she turned and headed to a certain place, a familiar place: Mother Gothel’s shop.
Location: The Streets
“Haha, do you always do that?” she joked. “We can go,” the woman said and they continued walking.
“I don’t think I introduced myself… did I?” she thought for a while before saying, “Anyway… I’m Rapunzel. You are? Those powers of yours are amazing, by the way.”
@Meekepeek ~ Nimue Vivianne
Location: Giggly Juice (hehe)
“Whiskey, the 1930s,”
“Ah, so I’m guessing you memorise the 1930s slangs every day…” he said in a mocking tone and looked away from him. It was very odd that he knew what it meant. But, he did give off very vintage-y vibes, so he brushed it off.
“Are you calling us rats?” he asked, looking uninterested. This place was very boring. There were broken furniture, no music, water and drinks which came from god-knows-where and very very shxtty lyrics. “I mean, I would call myself a rat. Who would come, no, even consider coming to this run-down place with his friends?”
“You could say that I’m not very good with jokes. Or at least, I think so… Anyway, without wasting time, let’s practice. I don’t mind any song, but let’s start from the beginning of the list,”
@sunflower.flow ~ A Person Who’s Very Shippable With Mikhael
“I’m going to pass for now. You know how models have to stick to their diet and all… But I will recommend your pastry shop!” she smiled, slightly pushing the cinnamon rolls away.
Thei looked behind at the sound of footsteps. Ever since she had started working with the LLPD, she had become more attentive and aware of her surroundings. She had to stay secretive and all…
She saw a beautiful woman with plum-coloured hair and dark eyes. “Oh, do you know her?” she asked Gothel.
@Kbail ~ Mother Gothel
@liyahsdiamond ~ Corderlia Gaston Easton
“No, but I prefer if they buy my weapons instead of stealing them,” I said before we walked away. I eyed at the young girl and raised an eyebrow. “Nimue,” I said shortly. I wasn’t here for small talk. “they come in handy when someone tries to steal from me. No one can escape my water lock” I said with a sinister grin to add effect.
“Modeling? Oh darling, you’re going to miss out on so many delicious foods.” She put the cinammon rolls back in the display area while shaking her head in a disappointed manner. “Well it’s good that y-” The front door abruptly opened which distracted her from what she was going to say. She saw the familiar dark red hair and dark eyes. It was Cordelia surprisingly. She heard Aphrodite ask a question but she didn’t pay attention. "Wha- What are you doing here? " She never thought she would see Cordelia in her store again and she was quite irritated.
𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖆 𝕰𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓
She smiled softly at the witch. “Hello, old friend,” she said with fake joy as she slowly crossed over to a chair and sat down in it, crossing her legs. “How’ve you been?”
For extra emphasis, she adjusted her black gloves while staring at Gothel with nothing but hate. She removed her hat and shook it. “It’s nice to see you again,” she said, fixing her red hair, “you know, things have gotten bad here. Children are going missing, being kidnapped…” I really don’t give a damn about those kids, Cordelia mused. She didn’t even care about where they were.
Marcel Lefou
“Thank you mon ange.” The woman said to her son having helped her. “No need to thank me. I’m always glad to help.” Lefou smiled in response to his mother once again calling him her angel. One thing you could never say about Lefou, was that he didn’t love his mother. Everything he had going in his life had one of two people to thank. His mother, who devoted her life to her son, and Gaston, the man he had long considered his best friend. It was true that Lefou seemed almost subservient to Gaston, but Lefou was loyal to his friend and stood by him with anything. The friend who had helped him that day as young children so long ago. Lefou had helped his mother that morning before meeting up with Gaston himself as they always did for Gaston to talk about whatever it was that he wanted. Their conversation may be just about Gaston, but Lefou would never complain about it. As Gaston told Lefou about his struggle in determining a Christmas gift for Belle. “I’m really not sure Gaston. You could find a first edition copy of her favorite book, a meeting with her favorite author, or maybe a performance acting out her favorite book?”
@sunflower.flow - Gaston
“I dont know I have never been asked.” Archer shrugs as he thinks. “I mean I would want to look at what kind of system I was dealing with first. Some systems are really rough to get into and I dont know what I would consider worth it to get into them. I also would want who ever I was hacking for to be completely transparent with me and what they planed to do with whatever I got for them.” He says thinking out loud.
I nodded. “Okay, then let’s go one step further. If I offered you a million to hack into the computer of the mayor of the city, as well as the local council and all their archives, would you do it?” I asked. I was curious, curious as to whenever or not he would bite to this. he didn’t have to say yes…he just didn’t have to say ‘no’.
While waiting however, I noticed the sun was already going down. “actually, hold that thought and you can think about that offer for a little bit, I have to head somewhere” I said and opened the window. “Spot you later!” I said before flying off.
@bpalmer - I edited for the time skip, we can always meet up later again.
“It’s okay, Mrs. LeGume,” Arthur smirked slightly at the irony of the name. While it matched the tiny brain that the young lady’s husband could boast about, in Belle’s case… it was an oxymoron. It was a pretty mismatched marriage anyway.
He stood up, propping himself on his healthy hand. “I’m not in a hurry, I was just going back to the police station. We’re working on the case of the disappearances. To take a break from it, I wanted to grab some…,” he looked at the black stain on the ground and the paper cup, “…coffee. But that’s okay, caffeine isn’t that healthy after all, is it?". He smiled so as not to make the girl feel guilty. “Why are you in such a hurry? Work, I guess,” he asked, also looking at his phone. An old flap model that matches today’s times like gold fits a barn. He glanced at the time. He was going to be on a break soon… why not stretch his legs a little? By the way, he could look around a bit. Check if everything is alright in the neighborhood.
“Can I accompany you? If you don’t mind, of course.” He offered timidly. “I’ll make sure you don’t run into anyone else. I was supposed to go to your bookstore, anyway. I wanted to buy some books. For gifts.”
@angelic ~ Belle LeGume
“Not necessarily. I only know a few from my great-grandfather.” He replied or, to be more accurate, lied. In fact, he knew the slang of the 30s by heart. And not from his great-grandfather, but his own experience. He often had to bite his tongue not to make such a linguistic blunder, which was not easy at all. How was he to know what became slang and what was still being said daily? He shook his head.
He laughed. “I used to be a street rat, so I wasn’t too far off. But no, I didn’t mean us." Just like Mikhael, Bill looked around this… bar if it could even be called a bar. “I have no idea,” he replied with a shrug. “Probably people who have a very, very sad life.” He looked sidelong at Mikhael with a mischievous smile. “So…, you, for example.” He joked.
“Let it snow, let it be,” he pulled out the sheet music for the song and lazily walked over to the pianist. The musician only looked at Bill with indulgence. And his eyes were remarkably… frightening. Empty, dark, and sleepy. The man must have seen many unpleasant things in his life. Probably this bar was one of them. “You will accompany us,” Bill gave him the notes hesitantly. And then with more energy (after all, they were going to perform soon, right? It always made him more optimistic.) he turned to Mikhael. “Ready, darling?”
@elixr ~ Mikhael Braun ~ the guy who is shipped with Bill because the sexual tension between them is impeccable
chef’s kiss
Gaston had to stop to digest it. He couldn’t believe LeFou had offered him something like that. He waved his hands vigorously. “I guess I would have to be a fool to do that.” He snorted. “Doesn’t my dear LeFou know that Belle is addicted to these books? And such addictions must be healed.” He nodded. “We only have problems because of her fairy tales, novels, for God’s sake. Reading… she can read, I try to tolerate it." He sighed heavily. “But I WILL NOT support her hobby. Over my dead body!” and he raised his voice so much that his baritone hit the nearby shop windows and echoed back to him. Of course, Gaston wasn’t going to mention that he didn’t know anything about Belle’s favorite things. Why would he humiliate himself like that? Even in front of his dear friend.
They turned into an alley that led to the café. Gaston heard soft murmurs of delight that rose with every step he took. He looked around, noticing small groups of women who started to gather around. They stood far enough for Gaston not to hear the contents of their sighs but close enough for them to examine him. A proud grin lit his face. This is how Belle should be treating him. Sadly, they don’t see each other that often… she must miss him so badly.
Gaston stopped unexpectedly. Eyebrows raised high indicated that he had come up with a brilliant plan. The man thought for a moment, squeezing his perfect, shaven jaw tightly before clapping his hands. With incredible joy, he grabbed LeFou by the shoulders and turned him towards him. He bent his knees to match his friend’s height and looked him straight in the eyes. “Now, I know! I know what I have to do,” he said proudly, shaking LeFou briskly. “Belle must miss me terribly, which is why she reads so many books. To kill time, when we’re apart. We see each other so infrequently.” He lamented, shaking his head. “But!” He raised his big forefinger high up. His irises flashed with an eerie glow of excitement. He paused for a moment, building up the tension to dramatize his spark of genius. “My portrait! Yes, that is the best solution. That gift will be passionate and practical at the same time.” He nodded, assuring himself of the amazingness of this intention. “We’ll hang it in her bookshop, so I’ll always be around… kind of. Then she will never have to drown her sorrows in books. That should solve all my problems. Don’t you think LeFou?” he looked questioningly at the short man, tilting his head slightly to the side. He knew his friend would undeniably agree with him. It was, after all, a very meticulously thought-out plan. Perfect in its simplicity. Gaston smiled even wider waiting, for the subjective opinion of his dear friend.
@Littlefeets ~ Marcel LeFou
@angelic ~ Belle LeGume ~ mentioned
It was a cold morning, a chilly breeze accompanying the flakes of snow falling to the ground. Underneath her warm jacket, she wore a skin tight red dress which left her legs vulnerable to the bite of the brisk temperature. So she walked quickly, her black stilettos clacking against the pavement.
It was a lot warmer yesterday than it was this morning, and she’d been taken aback when she’d first stepped out of that guy’s apartment. Calling her sister to come and pick her up was a lot more trouble than it was worth, however, and so Anastasia caught a bus and was now walking the block from the bus stop to a coffee shop.
Last night had been very fun, and even though she was now freezing, she didn’t regret it one bit. She’d gone to a bar, buying a few drinks before a guy sidled up next to her and started buying the rest. Her tolerance level was high, and she didn’t get wasted, just the amount of drunk that she had wanted to be. The guy—whose name she had forgotten—offered to take her home with him and she obliged, spending the night with the stranger.
And that led us here, where she pushed open the door of a cafe, ordering a warm tea that they were quick to provide her. She was feeling a little hungry too, she ordered a cheese panini, which they told her they’d bring to her at her table. So she took her tea and walked to a nearby table, putting her purse down beside the chair. It was warm and cozy in the cafe, and she took off her coat, hanging it on the back of her chair, revealing the red dress she wore beneath it. On her table was a newspaper a previous customer must’ve left behind, and she glanced at it as she sat down and sipped her tea. So some girls had gone missing… and from the look of the article, the police weren’t being much of a help either. Interesting.
She read as she sipped, and then when the waitress came with her panini, she took bites of it as she read. Seemed like the tension that had been accumulating in this little city would finally be boiling over. Was it bad if she was excited to see that happen?
yeah this was very half-assed lmao but here it is
Location: Giggly Juice (hihihi)
“I was a street rat too… Wait, no, I was a wanderer. There’s a difference, isn’t there? Anyway, who cares? It was all in the past and I don’t want to remember it.” he looked away. Memories of his hitman days flashed in his head. It was not the smartest decision to the mafia, but he doesn’t regret it. What happened, happened and all he can do is move on.
“Yeah, yeah, I have a sad life,” he rolled his eyes at Bill. “All these newbie singers stole my spotlight. And their music wasn’t even that good! Who the fxck likes to listen to ‘ooh ooh ah ah’. How is that even considered as music?! Good Lord, the kids these days. This generation is really messed up,” he ranted to his lover friend.
“Ready, darling?”
Mikhael cringed when he said that. “Uh… sure. Please Don’t call me ‘darling’ again.” He cleared his throat and waited for the pianist to start. “~Oh, the weather outside is frightful…~” he started singing. His voice, like an angel’s. He felt good singing. It had been a while.
@sunflower.flow ~ smexy boii who belongs to Mikhael
“Hello, old friend, how’ve you been?”
Gothel tilted her head upwards and looked down at her. Her saying “old friend” sounded almost as if she were mocking her. “I’m doing very splendid actually, well until you showed up here.” She moved in front of the counter now standing in front of Aphrodite. Then, Cordelia started talking about the missing children which Gothel didnt care much about. She wanted to roll her eyes. “I always told you how I don’t like negative energy in my store so cut the nonsense. Why are you here?” Gothel said with a frown on her face.
@liyahsdiamond Cordelia
@elixr Aphrodite