okii, I’m going to bed now.
Good night, evening or day!
OK good night
@sunflower.flow you never let me know would you like help getting the fc slides up to date while you are busy right now?
I would also like to help
Would anyone like to approach Rapunzel??
Cordelia is approachable, right?
@bpalmer and @elixr, it’s okay! Thank you! Brooke and Glitter are also taking care of the FCs when I can’t
Ok no problem you just seemed stressed and thought I would offer since the slides seemed a little behind. If you change your mind or anything changes just let me know.
@elixr ~ I’m almost done with my reply! I should post soon!
I’m not sure if there’s anything to be excited about
I get to RP lmao
Oh, right!
I just need to write a few more paragraphs and it’s good to go! I hope, lmao
Also, I’ll try to put my nice comments about your posts! Some things that surprised me, made me sad or laugh! And all that good stuff!
Would you be down for that?
Ahhh you’re an angel
Oh, I know
I encourage you guys to do the same! It’s fun and it makes you feel like you are a part of the story!
And you doesn’t like to read people’s nice reactions on their writing?
Wait, what? I thought this bar was really popular! What had Mikhael gotten himself into? smh
Ooops, poor Mikhael! Sorry! It didn’t want Bill to start at the already popular bar. But at the one that’s cheesy and doesn’t know what good marketing means